We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Sonja van Kerkhoff please sign in and let everyone know.

noncompliant earthworks into neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022

Sonja van Kerkhoff made this Official Information request to Far North District Council

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Sonja van Kerkhoff to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Sonja van Kerkhoff

Dear Far North District Council / Tēnā koutou,

We request, under the Official Information Act, that the FNDC supply us with a copy of all documents, both paper and electronic (digital and including recordings), in possession of the Council relating to earthworks on 26 and 28 Derrick Road, Kawakawa, which commenced in September 2022, up to the date on which the Council responds to this request sent today. This includes Council’s communications with the Environment Protection Agency and any reports that Council or the EPA has produced.

We also have 5 specific questions, and ask the Council to bear in mind that the Ombudsman’s Office has determined that while Council is not required to produce new information to answer requests for information, it is required to record and provide information that is known to Council staff but has not been recorded as documents or communications. (see Ombudsman’s Office, “Information not held, a guide…”)

1) What is the most recent action that the District Council has taken to require Jeff May, owner of 26 Derrick Road, Kawakawa, to remediate the noncompliant earthworks he has performed on his property? These works affect our property see the Chesters geotech report and the Soil&Rock reports or see the FNDC 20 Dec 2022 letter instructing remediation as it affects the gully which crosses our boundary filled in up to about 3 metres in height, without any retainment by Mr May. Your own bylaw (Control-of-Earthworks-Bylaw 7.1 (a)) means that we have a right to an answer to this question.

2) Is there a holdup that prevents the District Council furthering the process of remediating the noncompliant earthworks on 26 and 28 Derrick Road? For example, is there anything that the Council requires from the owners of 22 or 28 Derrick Road, or from the Regional Council, or from Mr. May, before the District Council can take action?

3) Does the Council currently have a particular officer (or officers) responsible for furthering the process of remediating the noncompliant earthworks on 26 and 28 Derrick Road? I note that 13 Dec 2023 [RFS 4180786], in response an earlier LGOIMA request, Council declined to answer a question regarding the reasons for Council’s non-communication with us, on the grounds that it would require the creation of new information, and said that “The matter has therefore been referred on to the Monitoring Team to respond directly to you.” But the monitoring team has not responded since November 2023 when they cancelled a proposed site visit. We point out that the reason why the monitoring team does not communicate with us must be known to the monitoring team, even if that information is not in written form. We request that the monitoring team provide an explanation.

Our Official Information Act request for all forms of communication, including digital and recorded is an attempt to see why the monitoring team have repeatedly ignored our requests for remediation of the trespass and pollution on our land and why our November 2022 photographic evidence showing My May continually adding more rubble and fill was rewarded with giving him a retrospective earthworks permit within 5 working days instead of an abatement notice for continuing with unpermitted earthworks.

4) Has the issue of Mr. May’s earthworks been notified to the Mayor and Councillors? Are there relevant Council minutes or other documents or communications produced by the political arm of the District Council? If the Mayor or any individual Councilor has communicated in any way regarding these earthworks as well earthworks involving Mr May since September 2022, we would like copies of that communication and the name/s of the Councillor involved. For example if council staff of councillors have communicated with Mr May regarding earthworks on his property at 280 Hautapu Rd, that would be relevant to our situation because the rubble he dumped on our property came from somewhere.

5) The Environmental Protection Agency informed us in October 2023, that the District Council has begun action. What action was it that the District Council told the EPA it had initiated? What action has the District Council taken in regards to remediaton before it was contacted by the EPA October 2023 and afterwards?

Yours faithfully,

Sonja van Kerkhoff

Link to this

From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council. We have received
your message and a member of our customer service team will issue a
reference number for your enquiry within 5 working days.

Urgent enquiries: If you feel your enquiry requires urgent attention,
please contact us on our service number 0800 920 029 or 09 401 5200 –
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

You may also find what you are looking for by visiting our website

Kind regards
Ask Us Customer Services Team

This is an automated reply.



Visible links
1. http://www.fndc.govt.nz/

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From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

Kia ora Sonja van,

Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council.

Your request has been referred to our Legal Department to action and

Should you need to contact us regarding this particular issue, please use
reference number RFS-4202272.

Nga mihi,


Ask Us Team
District Services
Far North District Council  |  24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029
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From: Erica Cooney
Far North District Council

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By email only: [1][FOI #26544 email]


Tēnā koe Requester

Official information request: RFS 4202272


Thank you for your official information request to the Far North District
Council (‘Council’). Your request has been referred to the relevant
Council department for consideration in accordance with the provisions of
the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the

A response will be provided to you as soon as reasonably practicable, and
no later than 20 working days (as defined in the LGOIMA) after the day on
which the request is received.


Please quote our reference RFS 4202272 for any further enquiries in
relation to this request.


Thank you for your enquiry.


Nāku noa, nā

Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika  |  Far
North District Council

Pokapū Kōrero 24-hāora  |  24-hour
Contact Centre  0800 920 029
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6. FNDC LinkedIn
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8. FNDC YouTube channel
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From: Erica Cooney
Far North District Council

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By email only: [1][FOI #26544 email]


Tēnā koe Requester

Official information request: RFS 4202272


Thank you for your official information request to the Far North District
Council (‘Council’) received on 26 April 2024. Your request has been
considered in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the ‘LGOIMA’).


Council considers that your request as currently worded is broad and
appears to cover a sizeable amount of information. Unfortunately, as the
request stands, given its large scope, there are administrative concerns
as processing it would likely require significant time and resources.


Factors Council is considering include:

·                    the amount of documentation to be looked at;

·                    the work time involved;

·                    the nature of the resources and the personnel
available to process the request; and

·                    the effect on other operations of the diversion of
resources to meet the request.


Council is looking at whether imposing a charge (under Council’s fees and
charges schedule
“Official Information” at page 16) and or extending the statutory time
limit would enable the request to be granted – or, potentially whether the
request should be refused under section 17(f) of the LGOIMA as the
information sought cannot be made available without substantial collation
or research.


The LGOIMA requires agencies to consult with a requester in these
circumstances to give them the opportunity to reconsider / refine the
scope of the request. Accordingly, you are invited to amend your request
so that while it still meets your needs, it allows for a reasonably
manageable response. Please let us know if you require any assistance in


Please note, an amended request is treated as a new request for the
purpose of calculating the maximum statutory timeframe for response
(section 13(7) of the LGOIMA). 


We look forward to hearing from you on how you wish to proceed.


Thank you for your enquiry.


Nāku noa, nā

Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika  |  Far
North District Council

Pokapū Kōrero 24-hāora  |  24-hour
Contact Centre  0800 920 029
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9. FNDC YouTube channel
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11. https://campaigns.signature365.com/au-HF...

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From: Erica Cooney
Far North District Council

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By email only: [1][FOI #26544 email]


Tēnā koe Requester

Official information request: RFS 4202272


Thank you for your official information request to the Far North District
Council (‘Council’) received on 26 April 2024. Your request has been
considered in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the ‘LGOIMA’).


Council refers you to its email dated 7 May 2024. This noted that given
the large scope of the request, as it stood, processing it would likely
require significant Council time and resources. Therefore you were invited
to reconsider the scope of your request so as to enable Council to provide
a reasonably manageable response. We note that we have not heard from you
to date.


Rather than refusing your request under section 17(f) of the LGOIMA (that
is, that the information sought cannot be made available without
substantial collation or research) - Council has considered section 17A
and whether the request could be granted by imposing a charge and or
extending the time limit. Council has decided not to impose a charge,
however an extension of time will be required.


The LGOIMA requires that we advise the requester of our decision on the
request as soon as reasonably practicable, and no later than 20 working
days after the day we received it.

As noted above, in this case, it will not be possible to meet that time
limit, and we are therefore writing to notify you of an extension of the
time to make our decision, to Monday 24 June 2024 at the latest. 


The extension is required because your request necessitates a search
through a large quantity of information and meeting the original time
limit would unreasonably interfere with Council’s operations.


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[2]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.


Thank you for your enquiry, and  we will be in touch in due course.


Nāku noa, nā

Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika  |  Far
North District Council

Pokapū Kōrero 24-hāora  |  24-hour
Contact Centre  0800 920 029
[3][IMG] [4][IMG][5]  [6][IMG][7] 
[8][IMG][9]  [10][IMG]





Visible links
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5. FNDC Facebook
6. https://nz.linkedin.com/company/far-nort...
7. FNDC LinkedIn
8. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRbGkKa...
9. FNDC YouTube channel
10. https://www.instagram.com/farnorth_dc/

Link to this

From: Sonja van Kerkhoff

Dear / Tēnā koe Erica Cooney,

Re: RFS-4202272.

Thank you for your response of May 24, to the request for all documents in possession of the Council relating to earthworks on 26 and 28 Derrick Road, Kawakawa, which commenced in September 2022, including Council’s communications with the Environment Protection Agency and any reports that Council or the EPA has produced. I asked five specific questions, regarding (1) Council’s most recent action to require Jeff May, owner of 26 Derrick Road, Kawakawa, to remediate the noncompliant earthworks that also affect our property, (2) whether there is a holdup that prevents Council furthering the process of remediating the noncompliant earthworks on 26 and 28 Derrick Road, (3) whether Council has an officer responsible, and what explains the Monitoring Team’s non-communication; (4) whether the issue of Mr. May’s earthworks been notified to the Mayor and Councillors? And (5) What action the District Council told the EPA it had initiated?

All five specific questions are necessary, if we are to be informed and treated as an affected party in this matter. Some might require Council action, such as instructing a member of monitoring staff to communicate with us and visit the site with us. This is what Council should be doing so I would argue it cannot be considered an additional burden resulting from our LGOIMA request.

As for the broad request for all documents, we are not in a position to narrow the scope of this request, since we do not know what processes have been occurring within Council during the long delay in acting on the earthworks remediation. All we know is (1) that the EPA has said that the Council has taken unspecified action, and (2) that you have said there is a large amount of information. That may be the case, but we are not able to narrow our request to this or that, since from our observation absolutely nothing is happening to get this problem fixed, so we do not know what kinds of information you are referring to.
On 23 January 2023, Mr Ken Ward, team leader of compliance, wrote to us that “Mr. May has been directed to obtain your consent in respect of any such work / access on your property …” The fact that Mr. May has not done so, and does not reply to any of our communications, suggests to us that Council has taken no action for the past 15 months. If Council was pushing the remediation forward, Mr. May would be coming to us with work plans and a time line. From this perspective, it seems unlikely that there really is a large amount of information relating to 26 and 28 Derrick Road since November 2022.

I suggest an extension to answering this request for documents until July 1, 2024.

I also urge council to take action - again - because the materials brought in by Mr May continue to flow into the wetland. We do our best with trying to reduce the flow but the problem is that a gully has been filled and the springs push this into the wetland 24/7. I have already sent council numerous photos and the geotech report you have in your records show dramatically the problem of dumping such a large amount of clay-rubble with zero retainment, into a gully that has springs flowing through it.

I point out that we have been seeking action and communication from the District Council on this matter since November 2022, when Council head of Compliance Ken Ward inexplicably withdrew an abatement notice (abate 2023-56) that would have frozen the unpermitted earthworks Mr May continued to engage in after the 17 Nov site visit by the FNDC compliance officer, and then granted our neighbour, Mr May, a retrospective earthworks permit, based on an application that contained fictional elements and did not include the 100s of tonnes of earthworks dumped on our property. Council did nothing when work continued and I continued to send council photos, involving trucking in more material, into January 2023, on a site that was already far above the permitted volume. Mr. Ward’s statement that this is “in the public interest” (2 December 2022) is the only explanation we have had of Council’s action and inaction, and it does not merit the word “explanation.”

Yours sincerely / nāku noa, nā

Sonja van Kerkhoff

Link to this

From: Erica Cooney
Far North District Council

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By email only: [1][FOI #26544 email]


Tēnā koe Requester

Official information request: RFS 4202272


Thank you for your official information request to the Far North District
Council (‘Council’) received on 26 April 2024 and for your email dated 30
May 2024. Your request has been considered in accordance with the
provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
1987 (the ‘LGOIMA’).


In respect of the five questions you have asked – these are set out in
blue with Council’s responses below.

 1. Council’s most recent action to require the owner of your neighbouring
property to remediate the noncompliant earthworks that also affect
your property.

Council issued an abatement notice to your neighbour on the 11^th December
2023. Council’s latest contact was today, 24June 2024.


 2. whether there is a holdup that prevents Council furthering the process
of remediating the noncompliant earthworks.

Your neighbour has confirmed on the 24^th June 2024 that he has engaged
with his Engineers, Chester Consultants Limited, to lodge the required
retrospective Resource Consent application.


 3. whether Council has an officer responsible, and what explains the
Monitoring Team’s non-communication.

Yes, Ken Ward as the Team Leader of Monitoring. Council have communicated
with you regularly.

 4. whether the issue of your neighbour’s earthworks been notified to the
Mayor and Councillors?

No, not aware of any specific notification. However Council understands
that you raised concerns with elected officials and as you are aware
former CEO Blair King personally investigated your concerns.


 5. What action the District Council told the EPA it had initiated?

The Councils advice to the EPA included the following:

o That multiple site visits had been undertaken to inspect works.
o That Northland Regional Council (NRC)had received application for
retrospective consent for works nearby a Wetland. (NRC is the agency
responsible for Consenting works near Freshwater bodies/wetlands.)
o Letters of Direction issued to your neighbour including that he obtain
Engineers Assessment/Report.
o Abatement Notice issued to obtain Retrospective Resource Consent to
install erosion and sediment controls.


In relation to your official information request, Council has decided to
provide most of the requested information that it holds. It will take time
to prepare this information for release, and we are hoping to have this to
you by Tuesday 23 July 2024 at the latest. Some of the information sought
will not be made available however, and in this, Council relies upon the
following provisions of the LGOIMA:


“6 Conclusive reasons for withholding official information

Good reason for withholding official information exists, […] if the making
available of that information would be likely—

(c)                to prejudice the maintenance of the law, including the
prevention, investigation, and detection of offences […]”.


“7 Other reasons for withholding official information

Section 7(1) “Where this section applies, good reason for withholding
official information exists […]

7(2) […] if, and only if, the withholding of the information is necessary

·                    Section 7(2)(a) - protect the privacy of
natural persons”.

·                    Section 7(2)(c) - protect information which is
subject to an obligation of confidence […], where the making
available of the information—

                                   (ii) would be likely otherwise
to damage the public interest”. 

·                    Section 7(2)(f)(i) - maintain the effective
conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of
opinions by or between or to members or officers or employees of any
local authority in the course of their duty”.

The decision to withhold information under section 7 of the LGOIMA
is subject to a ‘public interest test’. In considering this point,
Council believes that in the circumstances, there is no public
interest in releasing this information that would outweigh the need
to withhold it.


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[2]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.


Thank you for your enquiry.


Nāku noa, nā

Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika  |  Far
North District Council

Pokapū Kōrero 24-hāora  |  24-hour
Contact Centre  0800 920 029
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Visible links
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4. https://www.facebook.com/FarNorthDistric...
5. FNDC Facebook
6. https://nz.linkedin.com/company/far-nort...
7. FNDC LinkedIn
8. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRbGkKa...
9. FNDC YouTube channel
10. https://www.instagram.com/farnorth_dc/

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From: Erica Cooney
Far North District Council

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By email only: [1][FOI #26544 email]


Tēnā koe Requester

Official information request: RFS 4202272


Further to Council’s emailed decision of 24 June 2024 in respect of this
request – Council will shortly send you the link to Council’s Objective
Connect website to access the information. Simply open the link and click
on the 'Accept Invitation' button and register using your email address.
You will need to create a password (at least 13 characters long) which you
can use for any future access. Once you are logged in, you will be taken
to the location where the documents have been uploaded. You can choose
what you wish to do with them - either print them directly from Connect or
download them onto your computer. Please note that the access to this
information will end in four weeks from when you are sent the link. Please
ensure you have accessed and downloaded your documents prior to that time
as the contents will no longer be accessible after this time-frame
expires. via Council’s Objective Connect website.


As stated in its email of 24 June 2024, Council has decided to withhold
some of the information sought in reliance upon the following provisions
of the LGOIMA:

“6 Conclusive reasons for withholding official information

Good reason for withholding official information exists, […] if the making
available of that information would be likely—

(c)                to prejudice the maintenance of the law, including the
prevention, investigation, and detection of offences […]”.


“7 Other reasons for withholding official information

Section 7(1) “Where this section applies, good reason for withholding
official information exists […]

7(2) […] if, and only if, the withholding of the information is necessary

·                    Section 7(2)(a) - protect the privacy of
natural persons”.

·                    Section 7(2)(c) - protect information which is
subject to an obligation of confidence […], where the making
available of the information—

                                   (ii) would be likely otherwise
to damage the public interest”. 

·                    Section 7(2)(f)(i) - maintain the effective
conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of
opinions by or between or to members or officers or employees of any
local authority in the course of their duty”.

The decision to withhold information under section 7 of the LGOIMA
is subject to a ‘public interest test’. In considering this point,
Council believes that in the circumstances, there is no public
interest in releasing this information that would outweigh the need
to withhold it.


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[2]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.


Thank you for your enquiry.


Nāku noa, nā

Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika  |  Far
North District Council

Pokapū Kōrero 24-hāora  |  24-hour
Contact Centre  0800 920 029
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[8][IMG][9]  [10][IMG]





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10. https://www.instagram.com/farnorth_dc/

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From: Erica Cooney

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Hello [FOI #26544 email],

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Official information Request RFS 4202272 - Re "noncompliant earthworks
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From: Erica Cooney

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Hello Steve,

The following Workspace is scheduled to close soon.
Official information Request RFS 4202272 - Re "noncompliant earthworks
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Owned by Erica Cooney
Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 5:00:00 pm NZST in approximately 7 days
At that point, you will no longer have access to its content. Erica Cooney
has scheduled the Workspace to close.
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From: Erica Cooney

[1]Workgroup avatar
Hello Steve,

The following Workspace is scheduled to close soon.
Official information Request RFS 4202272 - Re "noncompliant earthworks
into neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022"
Owned by Erica Cooney
Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 5:00:00 pm NZST in approximately 3 days
At that point, you will no longer have access to its content. Erica Cooney
has scheduled the Workspace to close.
Thank you
Far North District Council

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From: Sonja van Kerkhoff

Dear Far North District Council,

Greetings Erica Cooney,
I have been unable to log into the Object Connect and after repeated attempts have come to the conclusion that because Steve who is listed as following this FYI.org request logged in before I could do this. This has probably locked me out from having access. I tried various routes.

So I asked Steve to send me all the material there.
Erica I have emailed you a screenshot of the contents page showing only 11 documents.

Is this the total of what you have provided here for a period of 19 months of correspondence, documents and recording from or to the FNDC concerning the earthworks on 26-28 Derrick Road?

If yes, then there is no need to extend this Object Connect session as I have the 11 documents. What this means is that you have chosen to omit a large number of documents.

Please send me a list of correspondence, documents and recordings you have excluded with your reason for exclusion for each one.

What I mean is starting from 1 September 2022:
The date, who sent / received, the email or phone call and the subject matter. And why you chose to exclude this document.

I am trying to see if the problem of our ongoing situation is due to the FNDC not responding to requests or not. For example a large amount of correspondence we sent to the FNDC was unanswered.

I remind you that here, that I made this as a LOIGMA request in April 2024. I repeat this LOIGMA request here for a listing of material you have chosen not to send, with a reason. I notice for example your correspondence to us has not been included. Such as your refusal to share any information about a January 2023 abatement notice affecting our property. There must be internal documents relating to this refusal which you have also not shared.
And finally I remind you that Council is obliged to provide information which known to us even if this is not yet in written form. naku noa, na Sonja van Kerkhoff

Yours faithfully,

Sonja van Kerkhoff

Link to this

From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council. We have received
your message and a member of our customer service team will issue a
reference number for your enquiry within 5 working days.

Urgent enquiries: If you feel your enquiry requires urgent attention,
please contact us on our service number 0800 920 029 or 09 401 5200 –
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

You may also find what you are looking for by visiting our website

Kind regards
Ask Us Customer Services Team

This is an automated reply.



Visible links
1. http://www.fndc.govt.nz/

Link to this

From: Sonja van Kerkhoff

Apologies Erica,
I found a way in using the password Steve had created and I see I was wrong.
There are 9 documents because 2 of them are the same material.

Re EPA ENQ-45440-S1H6B5 2628 Derrick Road Kawakawa.msg
RE RFS 4202272 - Re EPA ENQ-45440-S1H6B5 2628 Derrick Road Kawakawa.msg
RE RFS 4202272 - Re EPA ENQ-45440-S1H6B5 2628 Derrick RoadKawakawa.pdf
Re EPA ENQ-45440-S1H6B5 2628 Derrick RoadKawakawa.pdf
are the emails

19, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30 Oct 2023
emails between Bethany Clapham, Senior Investigator RMA Taskforce with the FNDC compliance officer
concerning the Jan 2023 abatement notice and if there was any follow up post March 2023.

RFS 4202272 - Application - 3200262-LGAEW.pdf
is the Nov 2022 application for the earthworks permit

RFS 4202272 - Approved Earthworks Permit_Redacted.pdf
is the second part of the same earthworks permit

RE RFS 4202272 Approved Earthworks Plan.pdf
is the sketch that is part of the 30 Nov 2022 approved earthworks permit.

RFS 4202272 - NRC Consent.pdf
Is the 11 August 2023 8 page, NRC Resource Consent

RE RFS 4202272 - NRC Reasons for Decision.pdf
11 August 2023 letter from Paul Maxwell, NRC
addressed to Peter Jeffrey May listing the rationale for the granting of the consent.

RE RFS 4202272 - NRC letter to complainant - REQ.614030 - 2628 Derrick Road Earthworks_Redacted.pdf
is the
1 July 2024 letter addressed to me from Colin Dall saying why the NRC Resource Consent does not require any action for the pollution from the earthworks into our wetland.

I quote the relevent passage here: "You are correct that the consent does not require remediation works on your property because this requires your approval. The NRC could not do this as imposing a condition on the consent that required the approval of a third party would have been ultra vires."

RE RFS 4202272 - FNDC - Ltr Response to complainant_July 2024.pdf
5 July 2024 email to me from Kevin Johnson FNDC Group Manager – Delivery & Operation

As you must see yourself Erica the documents you have supplied are extremely few for the period of 19 months, (Sept 2022 onwards). I await your response here.

Yours faithfully,

Sonja van Kerkhoff

Link to this

From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council. We have received
your message and a member of our customer service team will issue a
reference number for your enquiry within 5 working days.

Urgent enquiries: If you feel your enquiry requires urgent attention,
please contact us on our service number 0800 920 029 or 09 401 5200 –
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

You may also find what you are looking for by visiting our website

Kind regards
Ask Us Customer Services Team

This is an automated reply.



Visible links
1. http://www.fndc.govt.nz/

Link to this

From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

Kia ora Sonja van,

Thank you for your Official Information request to the Far North District
Council ("Council").

Your request has been referred to the relevant council department for
consideration in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the 'LGOIMA').

A response will be provided to you as soon as reasonably practicable, and
no later than 20 working days (as defined in the LGOIMA) after the day on
which the request is received.

If you need to contact us regarding this request, you may do so by calling
0800 920 029 or email [Far North District Council request email] and quote reference number

Nga mihi,


Ask Us Team
District Services
Far North District Council  |  24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029
DDI 09 401 5200  |  [1][Far North District Council request email]
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From: [FOI #26544 email]

Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 7:33 AM

To: [Far North District Council request email]

Subject: Re: Official Information request - noncompliant earthworks into
neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022


CAUTION: This email originated from outside Far North District Council.
Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and
know the content is safe.

Dear Far North District Council,

Greetings Erica Cooney,
I have been unable to log into the Object Connect and after repeated
attempts have come to the conclusion that because Steve who is listed as
following this FYI.org request logged in before I could do this. This has
probably locked me out from having access. I tried various routes.

So I asked Steve to send me all the material there.
Erica I have emailed you a screenshot of the contents page showing only 11

Is this the total of what you have provided here for a period of 19 months
of correspondence, documents and recording from or to the FNDC concerning
the earthworks on 26-28 Derrick Road?

If yes, then there is no need to extend this Object Connect session as I
have the 11 documents. What this means is that you have chosen to omit a
large number of documents.

Please send me a list of correspondence, documents and recordings you have
excluded with your reason for exclusion for each one.

What I mean is starting from 1 September 2022:
The date, who sent / received, the email or phone call and the subject
matter. And why you chose to exclude this document.

I am trying to see if the problem of our ongoing situation is due to the
FNDC not responding to requests or not. For example a large amount of
correspondence we sent to the FNDC was unanswered.

I remind you that here, that I made this as a LOIGMA request in April
2024. I repeat this LOIGMA request here for a listing of material you have
chosen not to send, with a reason. I notice for example your
correspondence to us has not been included. Such as your refusal to share
any information about a January 2023 abatement notice affecting our
property. There must be internal documents relating to this refusal which
you have also not shared.
And finally I remind you that Council is obliged to provide information
which known to us even if this is not yet in written form. naku noa, na
Sonja van Kerkhoff

Yours faithfully,

Sonja van Kerkhoff

-----Original Message-----

[1]Workgroup avatar
Hello Steve,

The following Workspace is scheduled to close soon.
Official information Request RFS 4202272 - Re "noncompliant earthworks
into neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022"
Owned by Erica Cooney
Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 5:00:00 pm NZST in approximately 3 days
At that point, you will no longer have access to its content. Erica Cooney
has scheduled the Workspace to close.
Thank you
Far North District Council

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[7][FOI #26544 email].
Please do not reply to this email.
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7. mailto:[FOI #26544 email]

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #26544 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA



Visible links
1. mailto:[Far North District Council request email]
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4. https://www.linkedin.com/company/far-nor...
5. https://www.fndc.govt.nz/Your-Council/Ca...

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From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council





Kia Ora, 

Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council.

Your request has been referred to our Legal Department to action and

Should you need to contact us regarding this particular issue, please use
reference number RFS-(4215902).

Nga mihi,


Ask Us Team
District Services
Far North District Council  |  24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029
DDI 09 401 5200  |  [1][Far North District Council request email]
  [2]Website  |   [3]Facebook   |  [4]LinkedIn   |  [5]Careers


Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 9:26 AM

To: [Far North District Council request email]

Subject: Re: Official Information request - noncompliant earthworks into
neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022


CAUTION: This email originated from outside Far North District Council.
Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and
know the content is safe.

Apologies Erica,
I found a way in using the password Steve had created and I see I was
There are 9 documents because 2 of them are the same material.

Re EPA ENQ-45440-S1H6B5 2628 Derrick Road Kawakawa.msg
RE RFS 4202272 - Re EPA ENQ-45440-S1H6B5 2628 Derrick Road Kawakawa.msg
RE RFS 4202272 - Re EPA ENQ-45440-S1H6B5 2628 Derrick RoadKawakawa.pdf
Re EPA ENQ-45440-S1H6B5 2628 Derrick RoadKawakawa.pdf
are the emails

19, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30 Oct 2023
emails between Bethany Clapham, Senior Investigator RMA Taskforce with the
FNDC compliance officer
concerning the Jan 2023 abatement notice and if there was any follow up
post March 2023.

RFS 4202272 - Application - 3200262-LGAEW.pdf
is the Nov 2022 application for the earthworks permit

RFS 4202272 - Approved Earthworks Permit_Redacted.pdf
is the second part of the same earthworks permit

RE RFS 4202272 Approved Earthworks Plan.pdf
is the sketch that is part of the 30 Nov 2022 approved earthworks permit.

RFS 4202272 - NRC Consent.pdf
Is the 11 August 2023 8 page, NRC Resource Consent

RE RFS 4202272 - NRC Reasons for Decision.pdf
11 August 2023 letter from Paul Maxwell, NRC
addressed to Peter Jeffrey May listing the rationale for the granting of
the consent.

RE RFS 4202272 - NRC letter to complainant - REQ.614030 - 2628 Derrick
Road Earthworks_Redacted.pdf
is the
1 July 2024 letter addressed to me from Colin Dall saying why the NRC
Resource Consent does not require any action for the pollution from the
earthworks into our wetland.

I quote the relevent passage here: "You are correct that the consent does
not require remediation works on your property because this requires your
approval. The NRC could not do this as imposing a condition on the consent
that required the approval of a third party would have been ultra vires."

RE RFS 4202272 - FNDC - Ltr Response to complainant_July 2024.pdf
5 July 2024 email to me from Kevin Johnson FNDC Group Manager – Delivery &

As you must see yourself Erica the documents you have supplied are
extremely few for the period of 19 months, (Sept 2022 onwards). I await
your response here.

Yours faithfully,

Sonja van Kerkhoff

-----Original Message-----

[1]Workgroup avatar
Hello Steve,

The following Workspace is scheduled to close soon.
Official information Request RFS 4202272 - Re "noncompliant earthworks
into neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022"
Owned by Erica Cooney
Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 5:00:00 pm NZST in approximately 3 days
At that point, you will no longer have access to its content. Erica Cooney
has scheduled the Workspace to close.
Thank you
Far North District Council

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This email was intended for
[7][FOI #26544 email].
Please do not reply to this email.
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7. mailto:[FOI #26544 email]

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #26544 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA



Visible links
1. mailto:[Far North District Council request email]
2. https://www.fndc.govt.nz/Home
3. https://www.facebook.com/FarNorthDistric...
4. https://www.linkedin.com/company/far-nor...
5. https://www.fndc.govt.nz/Your-Council/Ca...

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Link to this

From: Erica Cooney

[1]Workgroup avatar
Hello Steve,

The following Workspace is scheduled to close soon.
Official information Request RFS 4202272 - Re "noncompliant earthworks
into neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022"
Owned by Erica Cooney
Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 5:00:00 pm NZST in approximately 1 day
At that point, you will no longer have access to its content. Erica Cooney
has scheduled the Workspace to close.
Thank you
Far North District Council

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[7][FOI #26544 email].
Please do not reply to this email.
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6. https://www.objective.com.au/about/conta...
7. mailto:[FOI #26544 email]

Link to this

From: Erica Cooney

[1]Workgroup avatar
Hello Steve,

Erica Cooney has closed the Workspace.
Official information Request RFS 4202272 - Re "noncompliant earthworks
into neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022"
You will no longer have access to its contents.
To contact Erica you can reply to this email.
Thank you
Far North District Council

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[3]Help | [4]Acceptable Use Policy | [5]Contact Us
This email was intended for
[6][FOI #26544 email].
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6. mailto:[FOI #26544 email]

Link to this

From: Erica Cooney
Far North District Council

Attachment image002.png
2K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
1K Download

Attachment image005.png
1K Download

Attachment image006.png
2K Download

By email only: [1][FOI #26544 email]


Tēnā koe Requester

Official information request: RFS 4215887


In relation to your information request of 14 August 2024, where you

“[…] Is this the total of what you have provided here for a period of 19
months of correspondence, documents and recording from or to the FNDC
concerning the earthworks on 26-28 Derrick Road? […]

Please send me a list of correspondence, documents and recordings you have
excluded with your reason for exclusion for each one.


What I mean is starting from 1 September 2022:

The date, who sent / received, the email or phone call and the subject
matter. And why you chose to exclude this document.”


Far North District Council (‘Council’) notes that:

·     You already have the information which you sent to Council, and the
information that Council has previously provided to you. Council does not
have the resource to  ‘double-up’ on all of the information that you
already hold.

·     On 24 July 2024, in response to RFS 4202272, Council provided you
with further information in relation to Northland Regional Council , the
Environmental Protection Authority and associated documents. It also
provided a copy of a letter dated 5 July 2024, emailed to you from
Council’s General Manager Delivery and Operations. This set out a summary
of actions taken.

·     As per Council’s responses to your respective information requests -
where information has been withheld, in each case, Council has specified
the relevant sections that it has relied upon under the LGOIMA. It has
also advised of your right to seek an investigation and review by the
Ombudsman of each decision and included that the information about how to
make a complaint is available at [2]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.

·     In respect of this latest RFS 4215887 - under the LGOIMA,
information must be held (that is, be in existence) when it is requested.
There is no obligation for an agency to create information to answer a
request. Therefore Council must refuse your request for administrative
reasons under section 17(e) of the LGOIMA – as the information sought
“does not exist”.


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[3]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.


Thank you for your enquiry.


Nāku noa, nā

Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika  |  Far
North District Council

Pokapū Kōrero 24-hāora  |  24-hour
Contact Centre  0800 920 029
[4][IMG] [5][IMG][6]  [7][IMG][8] 
[9][IMG][10]  [11][IMG]





Visible links
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5. https://www.facebook.com/FarNorthDistric...
6. FNDC Facebook
7. https://nz.linkedin.com/company/far-nort...
8. FNDC LinkedIn
9. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRbGkKa...
10. FNDC YouTube channel
11. https://www.instagram.com/farnorth_dc/

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Sonja van Kerkhoff please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Far North District Council only: