Resource consent for PwC Tower at 15 Customs Street West, Auckland CBD

Katie Zheng made this Official Information request to Auckland Council

The request was successful.

From: Katie Zheng

Dear Auckland Council,

I would like to request the resource consent application and council report/decision for the PwC Tower located at 15 Customs Street West, specifically documents related to the bonus floor area in the lobby space, as well as any planning reports or designs related to the project.

Yours faithfully,

Katie Zheng

Link to this

From: Official Information
Auckland Council

Kia ora Katie,


Thank you for your email below requesting information about 15 Customs
Street West. You will find the information you have requested on the
council’s property file, which you can purchase using the link below.


[1]Order a property file


The property file contains the most up to date and relevant information
about a property. On the file will be any building inspections, code of
compliance certificates, and building and resource consents, as well as
plans, consenting conditions, general correspondence and most other
information submitted to or held by the council concerning the property.


Please note, the property file will not contain information about
complaints concerning the property such as noise, animal, or nuisance


If, after you have purchased the file, you cannot find a specific document
or if you want us to provide information that is not on the file, you can
request that information from us under the Local Government Official
Information & Meetings Act (LGOIMA), and we will consider your request
under this act.


Ngâ mihi,


The Privacy & LGOIMA team

Auckland Council




From: Katie Zheng <[FOI #26125 email]>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2024 8:03 AM
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Resource consent for PwC Tower at
15 Customs Street West, Auckland CBD



Dear Auckland Council,

I would like to request the resource consent application and council
report/decision for the PwC Tower located at 15 Customs Street West,
specifically documents related to the bonus floor area in the lobby space,
as well as any planning reports or designs related to the project.

Yours faithfully,

Katie Zheng


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[2][FOI #26125 email]

Is [3][Auckland Council request email] the wrong address for
Official Information requests to Auckland Council? If so, please contact
us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA


[6]Find out more about Auckland Council's Long-term Plan 2024-2034.

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intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this message or
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message and attachments. We do not accept responsibility for any viruses
or similar carried with our email, or any effects our email may have on
the recipient computer system or network. Any views expressed in this
email may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily
reflect the views of Council.


Visible links
2. mailto:[FOI #26125 email]
3. mailto:[Auckland Council request email]
6. https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.go...

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Things to do with this request

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