Saunders Road Level Crossing Safety
Patrick Dunford made this Official Information request to KiwiRail
The request was successful.
From: Patrick Dunford
Dear KiwiRail,
TAIC has recently reported on a fatal LCA at the Saunders Road Level Crossing near Marton.
Given the following factors are apparent/relevant as listed in the report
* Limited visibility of approaching trains from the north due to track curvature which is difficult to remedy.
* No active crossing alarms and apparent low priority for upgrade to same
* Road apparently only serves one property and appears to be connected to another road providing possible alternative access.
Has Kiwirail formally requested to the Rangitkei District Council that the crossing should be closed on account of the dangers to all traffic (not just the specific case addressed in the accident report)?
Yours faithfully,
Patrick Dunford
From: Dave Allard
Good morning Patrick
I acknowledge your request, will see what I can find out.
Dave Allard | Senior Government Relations Advisor
DDI: 027 201 8182
Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
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From: Dave Allard
Good afternoon Patrick
Just going though your numerous requests, and not sure if we replied to
this one either.
Please note this request is declined under Section 18(e) – information not
Or in other words, KiwiRail is not considering this crossing for closure.
Discussions have not taken place with the local Council either about this.
Dave Allard | Senior Government Relations Advisor
DDI: 027 201 8182
Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO
Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
[1]Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01D46098.E77643D0
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From: Patrick Dunford
Dear Dave Allard,
Do you have any information on why this the case. As Kiwirail desire to close many crossings for safety this one should be on a list as so far I cannot find any reason why it is not a private crossing when there is only one property that needs access from the crossing.
Yours sincerely,
Patrick Dunford
From: Dave Allard
Good afternoon Patrick
I am advised that while this crossing is a public crossing it is not on the KiwiRail upgrade list for level crossing improvements.
It is ranked by the ALCAM model as being the 513th most at risk crossing in NZ.
Crossings within the Top 200 ALCAM risk rankings are considered for a more detailed risk analysis process and placement on the upgrade list.
Hope that helps.
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From: Patrick Dunford
Dear Dave Allard,
Can you provide me with the safety assessments for this crossing and any information on accident history.
Is the 513th rating unchanged over time or has it changed recently.
Yours sincerely,
Patrick Dunford
From: Dave Allard
Thanks Patrick, I'll see what I can find out.
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From: Dave Allard
Good morning Patrick
Latest ALCAM report for Saunders Rd attached.
This crossing was ALCAM surveyed in Nov 2021.
As mentioned, there have been no other safety assessments carried out here
(such as LCSIAs etc) It still has the same ranking as 513th.
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