We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Hana Svobodova please sign in and let everyone know.

An update on the network grid state and upgrade in East Auckland

Hana Svobodova made this Official Information request to Transpower New Zealand Limited

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Hana Svobodova to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Hana Svobodova

Dear Transpower New Zealand Limited,

I am a long-time resident of Maraetai, 2018, Auckland. To my knowledge, Transpower is the owner and the government agency responsible for maintaining the power grid network in New Zealand.

We experience many frequent and lengthy power outages in our area, which occur in the same location under the same circumstances. In particular, the transformer located at the GAS petrol station on Whitford-Maraetai Road and subsequent power line surges between nr. 4 and 12 on Maraetai School Road every time it rains.

Only in the last 12 days (1st - 12 February 2023) we have lost power for 8 - 12 hours three times due to a surge at the transformer and on the lines in the same location mentioned above.

It seems that this is not a coincidence, and a lack of a robust and logistically efficient power grid network for our rapidly growing area is to blame.

Please release the following information from January 2018 until the most recent month for which data is available:

1. How many power outages and subsequent failures of the transformer at GAS Maraetai and damage to the powerlines at Maraetai School Road caused by bad weather do you have on record?

2. What has been determined to be the root cause of the failures by Vector Ltd.?

3. How old is the equipment in the location in question?

4. When was the last time the infrastructure hardware, such as the transformer and the lines, was upgraded?

5. Is there a plan for the grid upgrade in the area of East Auckland, Beachlands and Maraetai in particular?

6. Is there a timeframe for a network hardware and line replacement in the area?

As per section 16(2) of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), please provide this information in a machine-searchable format, such as DOC or in a PDF format.

If not all of the information I have asked for in the points above is being held by Transpower, I will be looking forward to hearing about the details of the transfer to the relevant department within the required timeline as per section 14 of the OIA.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss how I could refine my request or should you need any clarification.

As a New Zealand citizen I am eligible to make official information requests under the OIA.

Yours faithfully,

Hana Svobodova
2018, Auckland

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From: Official Information Act
Transpower New Zealand Limited

Attachment image001.png
573K Download

Dear Hana Svobodova


Thank you for your Official Information Act request.

You are correct that Transpower has responsibility for maintaining the
national electricity grid, however we only own the transmission
infrastructure that connects generation sources to residential centres.
The smaller, lower voltage lines that connect directly to household are
owned by local lines companies, such as Vector Ltd.

The assets you have referred to (the transformer located at the GAS petrol
station on Whitford-Maraetai Road and between nr. 4 and 12 on Maraetai
School Road) are owned and operated by the local lines company, Vector
Ltd. Transpower has no visibility over their operation.

The attached map shows (in blue highlight) the area you have referred to –
and the coloured lines show the assets on the grid that Transpower is
responsible for.



[1]Map Description automatically generated


You will need to contact Vector Ltd directly with your queries.


Kind regards,


Official Information Act queries team

Transpower New Zealand Ltd
Waikoukou, 22 Boulcott Street, PO Box 1021, Wellington


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Visible links
2. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Hana Svobodova please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Transpower New Zealand Limited only: