Transpower New Zealand Limited

A public authority

12 requests
Kia ora Isabel,   You have requested:   1.            The total budget/spend for Christmas events for 2023, including a break down the cost by...
Kia ora Aidan,   On 8 March we received your OIA request regarding:   Other utilities internationally have implemented voltage upgrades to exi...
Seismic resilience of national grid
Response by Transpower New Zealand Limited to Frank on .
Hi Frank   We refer to your request, which we have outlined below:   Buildings and other structures (excl transmission towers) Could you pleas...
Hi Cody C You asked us "how do members of the public access Transpower's lightning strike data (without having to wait for MetService to - infrequentl...
Dear Eric I am writing in response to your latest Official Information Act (OIA) request dated 28 July 2022. We cannot provide this as the informati...
Dear Hana Svobodova   Thank you for your Official Information Act request. You are correct that Transpower has responsibility for maintaining the...
Thank you for your reply. I have passed this on to the part of the business that deals with this data.
Power outage 9th August
Response by Transpower New Zealand Limited to F.smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Thanks for your prompt response. I will establish an electronic portal to enable you to access the materials we will disclose. Please advise...
Annual energy transfer per grid entry/exit point
Clarification sent to Transpower New Zealand Limited by Aidan Thornton on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Thanks, however I think this data only goes back a month per file, not a year (though summing it could be done, surely this exists already?), and is...
Southland Grid Upgrade Project proposal
Follow up sent to Transpower New Zealand Limited by Aidan Thornton on .
Thanks, I think that answers my request. It appears I was somewhat off on the dates. Yours sincerely, Aidan Thornton
Nicky. Here is my earlier email as PDF.  This should ‘unscramble’ the chart I had included in my earl;ier mail.. I hope this is what you need.   B...
NZ's power network was disrupted around 3pm, 6’th November 2001. Effects can be less direct, perhaps affecting prices, as reported in Solar activity an...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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