Why deny the reality of LEGAL FICTIONS Internal Affairs?

Angela made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs

The request was partially successful.

From: Angela

Greetings to Department of Internal Affairs,

When did legal fictions start being used in New Zealand and who bought this foreign practice to New Zealand, and was it not for the settlers only?

Does all NZ legislation such as Births, DEaths and Marriages and Relationships registration Act, Adoption Act and other acts managed by the DIA apply to "persons", citizens, residents and occupants of new zealand?

Is the bdm107a the copyrighted property of the CROWN?

Are the legal fiction names on the bdm107a the copyrighted property of the crown?

The bdm107a has a warning on it, says not to be used as a means of identification, and yet misrepresents the living by attaching the SURNAME, is BDM claiming USUfruct of the living and all of the responsibilities that go with being the CREATOR?

Are the living people of New Zealand bound to a legal name that does not belong to them?

How many pre-adoptive certificates have been ordered since the inception of the birth registration process in New Zealand?

Are Royal Assent and Letters Patent essential to your governing authority in New Zealand?

Don’t the rules(legislation) apply to those who swore an oath to uphold them?

Can BDM please provide the wet ink signature documents for the BILL OF SALE for the land they claim to adminstrate upon?

Can BDM please provide documentation proving extinguishment of Native title and agreement to enslavement by any conscious, physical act by any tangata-o-te-whenua since they began creating records here on Moana Nui a Kiwa?

Can BDM provide the wet ink signature essential to liability c.f boe act 1908 from a single New Zealand man, woman and child whereby they agree to, by their actions, either express or implied to the inclusion and attachment of the JUDAIC surname please?

Does every rg27 document in New Zealand require the parent to record the given names capitalised, so it changes every child born into an organisation on paper?

Prior to 1972 a SURNAME was not required when registering living children, why did DIA begin attaching a SURNAME to living people, and why are living people registered at all?

The Ships registration Act is for registering Ships, and is coded legislation to conceal the fact that it actually registers living people and transfers ownership of living people to the government, who is responsible for the creation of the legislation that DIA manages?

Yours faithfully,


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From: OIA
Department of Internal Affairs

Kia ora Angela,

This request has been combined with your request of 10 May 2022, also on FYI, as both are on the same/similar topic and were made within a short period of one another. Notification of this is included with that response thread.

I am sending this email additionally, purely in order to have a reference in this OIA thread as to how this request is being addressed.


Michelle Reed (she/her)  
Kaitohutohu Ârahi, te Ture Pârongo Ôkawa | Lead Advisor Official Correspondence 
Te Urûngi | Organisational Strategy & Performance
Level 6, 45 Pipitea St | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand |  www.dia.govt.nz

-----Original Message-----
From: Angela <[FOI #19371 email]>
Sent: Monday, 16 May 2022 9:21 pm
To: OIA <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Why deny the reality of LEGAL FICTIONS Internal Affairs?

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Greetings to Department of Internal Affairs,

When did legal fictions start being used in New Zealand and who bought this foreign practice to New Zealand, and was it not for the settlers only?

Does all NZ legislation such as Births, DEaths and Marriages and Relationships registration Act, Adoption Act and other acts managed by the DIA apply to "persons", citizens, residents and occupants of new zealand?

Is the bdm107a the copyrighted property of the CROWN?

Are the legal fiction names on the bdm107a the copyrighted property of the crown?

The bdm107a has a warning on it, says not to be used as a means of identification, and yet misrepresents the living by attaching the SURNAME, is BDM claiming USUfruct of the living and all of the responsibilities that go with being the CREATOR?

Are the living people of New Zealand bound to a legal name that does not belong to them?

How many pre-adoptive certificates have been ordered since the inception of the birth registration process in New Zealand?

Are Royal Assent and Letters Patent essential to your governing authority in New Zealand?

Don’t the rules(legislation) apply to those who swore an oath to uphold them?

Can BDM please provide the wet ink signature documents for the BILL OF SALE for the land they claim to adminstrate upon?

Can BDM please provide documentation proving extinguishment of Native title and agreement to enslavement by any conscious, physical act by any tangata-o-te-whenua since they began creating records here on Moana Nui a Kiwa?

Can BDM provide the wet ink signature essential to liability c.f boe act 1908 from a single New Zealand man, woman and child whereby they agree to, by their actions, either express or implied to the inclusion and attachment of the JUDAIC surname please?

Does every rg27 document in New Zealand require the parent to record the given names capitalised, so it changes every child born into an organisation on paper?

Prior to 1972 a SURNAME was not required when registering living children, why did DIA begin attaching a SURNAME to living people, and why are living people registered at all?

The Ships registration Act is for registering Ships, and is coded legislation to conceal the fact that it actually registers living people and transfers ownership of living people to the government, who is responsible for the creation of the legislation that DIA manages?

Yours faithfully,



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Angela left an annotation ()

I am a child of earth and starry heaven,

but my origin is in heaven alone.

You yourselves know this.

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tina marie kahurangi left an annotation ()

Kim Chambers
Maria Robertson
Jeff Montgomery
Jan Tinetti - minister of internal affairs

:what is their job description
:what powers do they have to conceal evidence of misinformation held on their records.
:what lawful right do these agents have to refuse amending the record.
A court of law is common law jurisdiction, to hold those responsible accountable, in their private capacity in the future, the cost will be at their expense.
:what is knowledge? it is when an agent[s] has been made aware that a possible breach has taken place; or when an agent[s] does not investigate a matter, that a competent agent would normally do;

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