Briefing papers provided to John Key re: Dr Tucker meeting

Nigel Jones made this Official Information request to Prime Minister

The request was partially successful.

From: Nigel Jones

Dear Prime Minister,

Based on the quote published in the NZ Herald today:

"No, not at all. In the context of that video, I meant 'my office'. Frankly the demarcation wasn't significant back then." (

Could you please provide briefing papers provided to you by your office in regards to the Dr Tucker meeting regarding the Phil Goff OIA request, that led to your statement on August 8, 2011 in the post-cabinet press conference.

Additionally, if not included in any briefings given to you about the matter:
1) Who from your office met with Dr Tucker when it was briefed regarding the Phil Goff OIA request.
2) What capacity/role were the person(s) that met with Dr Tucker in?
3) If the information was still classified at the time of the meeting, and discussed, did all people meeting with Dr Tucker hold appropriate security clearances?

Given the upcoming election, I believe this request qualifies to be made under urgency per the Official Information Act, given the significant interest in statements made on the subject.

Yours faithfully,

Nigel Jones

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From: J Key (MIN)
Prime Minister

On behalf of the Prime Minister, Rt Hon John Key, thank you for your


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Yours sincerely

The Office of the Prime Minister



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From: Sarah Boyle

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From: Nigel Jones

Dear Sarah Boyle,

I'm a bit confused by your response to my request, your summary of my request is correct, but "you [the PM] and your office [Office of the Prime Minister]" from the bullet point has been addressed in the response as "the Office of the Prime Minister and the SIS". This is not the information I was asking for (especially since I'm pretty sure this was already answered in numerous OIAs/statements in the past).

So to reclarify, I am specifically after any briefing papers (or information regarding briefings) given to the PM by the Office of the Prime Minister, about the notification of the release of details by the SIS, that led to his statement on Aug 8, 2011.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Jones

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From: Sarah Boyle

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Things to do with this request

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