Plain statistics regarding Draft District Plan submissions, December 2021
Thorndon Residents' Association made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council
The request was successful.
From: Thorndon Residents' Association
Dear Wellington City Council,
Re submissions WCC received on the Draft District Plan in December 2021
1. How many submissions were received in December 2021?
2. How many submissions indicated a view on the suggestion in the DRAFT to rezone parts of Thorndon from inner-residential to central city area?
3. How many submissions were associated with a submitter from Thorndon (either individual, or entity)?
4. How many submissions were from anyone (individual, or entity) associated with Pipitea?
5. How many submissions used WCC's web interface to prepare their submission?
6. How many submissions were posted or emailed i.e. made a standalone submission independent of the online system (or, as well as)?
7. An independent planning expert was available to assist anyone submit on the draft DP. Please provide a copy of the report(s) and recommendations that Advisor made to WCC.
Yours faithfully,
Thorndon Residents' Association
From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council
Tēnā koe Thorndon Residents' Association,
Thank you for your email dated 10/02/2022 requesting information about the
Draft District Plan in December 2021.
Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 which requires us to provide a decision
as soon as possible, but no later than 10/03/2022, being 20 working days
of receipt.
The reference number for your request is IRC-2935.
Please contact us if you have any further questions.
The Assurance Team
Email: [1][email address]
Wellington City Council | W [2] | [3]Facebook|
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From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council
Kia ora,
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 received on 10 February 2022.
Below are the documents that fall in scope of your request and my decision
to release the document.
|Item |Document name/description |Decision |
|7 |Friends of Submitters Report to WCC |Release in full |
Please see the below responses to your questions:
1. 1019 submissions were received in December 2021.
2. 44 submissions indicated a view on the suggestion in the draft to
rezone parts of Thorndon
3. 66 submitters indicated their suburb was Thorndon
4. One submitter indicated their suburb was Pipitea
5. 250 submissions were lodged through the online tool
6. 784 submissions were posted or emailed
Right of review
If you are not satisfied with the Council’s response, you may request the
Office of the Ombudsman to investigate the Council’s decision. Further
information is available on the Ombudsman website,
Please note, we may proactively release our response to your request with
your personal information removed.
Thank you again for your request, if you have any questions please feel
free to contact me.
Claudia Holgate
Senior Official Information Advisor
Ara Whaimana | Strategy and Governance
Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council
M 021 515 352 | E [2][email address] | W
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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