Mystery Deaths
Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Ministry of Health should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)
Dear Ministry of Health,
There have been numerous reports of mystery deaths reported in New Zealand this year. They are getting harder to find on-line but they have been regular this year.
Please provide the number of
Mystery Deaths from 2015-2021 and the age groups they relate too
Please state if any of these “mystery deaths” this year 2021 have been recorded as a potential Covid vaccine death or alternatively have been recorded as a death with 21 days of administration of first or second vaccine related to “natural causes”
Yours faithfully,
Chuck Schooner
From: OIA Requests
Kia ora,
Thank you for your Official Information Act (the Act) request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.
Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. We
will endeavour to acknowledge your request as soon as possible. Further
information about COVID-19 can be found on our
website: [1]
In accordance with the Act, we'll let you know our decision within no more
than 20 working days. If you'd like to calculate the timeframe, you can
use the Ombudsman's online calculator
here: [2]
If you have any questions while we're processing your request, please let
us know via [3][email address]
Ngā mihi
[4]Ministry of Health information releases
[5]Unite against COVID-19
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From: OIA Requests
Tçnâ koe Chuck
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the
Act) to the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) on 20 November 2021 for:
“Please provide the number of Mystery Deaths from 2015-2021 and the age
groups they relate too
Please state if any of these “mystery deaths” this year 2021 have been
recorded as a potential Covid vaccine death or alternatively have been
recorded as a death with 21 days of administration of first or second
vaccine related to “natural causes”
The Ministry of Health has a Mortality web tool that provides data up to
2018, and historical mortality data. The webtool is
here: [1] Follow the
link in the right-hand corner of the page to open the web tool.
Other published mortality data is on this
page: [2]
For more recent data, there is approximately a 6-8 week lag between a
death occurring and the fact of this death appearing in Ministry of Health
data. The earliest fact of death information is available online from the
Stats NZ COVID 19 data portal
here: [3] This shows
trends in the numbers of deaths in New Zealand over time, but does not
give cause of death.
After the Ministry receives fact of death information, there is a 6-18
month process to assign a cause of death code for most deaths. The
Ministry’s clinical coding team reviews the death certificate and health
history of the deceased, to assign cause of death codes. Any death which
requires a coronial inquiry can take 2-3 or more years for cause of death
to be assigned. We do not make mortality data available publicly until the
majority of deaths have been assigned a cause of death, so that the data
we release is complete and accurate. The Ministry publishes preliminary
mortality statistics, which do not include
injury-related deaths information which are typically more influenced by
coronial cases, in December each year. The 2019 preliminary data will be
published in December 2021.
You may wish to contact the coronial services at the Ministry of Justice
for more information:
Please refer to the weekly overview of Vaccine Reports available on
Medsafe’s website here:
[5] As over 90
percent of the people in New Zealand over the age of 12 have now received
at least one dose of the Comirnaty vaccine, there is a high probability
that anyone who dies in New Zealand will have been vaccinated. This does
not mean that their death is caused by or related to the vaccine. All
deaths reported to CARM that have occurred after a person has received a
COVID-19 vaccination are reviewed to establish whether there is a link to
the vaccination. To date, the observed number of deaths reported after
vaccination is actually less than the expected number of natural deaths.
Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to
review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at: [6][email address] or by calling 0800
802 602.
Nga mihi,
Government Services
Office of the Director-General
Ministry of Health
E: [7][email address]
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4. http://www.coronialservices.justice.govt...
6. mailto:[email address]
7. mailto:[email address]
From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)
Dear OIA Requests,
So am I correct in saying if a death is reported due to the vaccine then in 3 years the coroner will know the answer. To date there are 117 deaths and over a 1,000 within 21 days of vaccine. So in three years we will likely see another 300 plus deaths at this rate and then the coroner might be able to make a judgement on one? So in that time 300 more people lose there lives?
Yours sincerely,
Chuck Schooner
From: OIA Requests
Kia ora,
Thank you for your Official Information Act (the Act) request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.
Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. We
will endeavour to acknowledge your request as soon as possible. Further
information about COVID-19 can be found on our
website: [1]
Please be advised that due dates for requests received from 29 November
2021 onwards take into account the following periods:
Christmas (25 December 2021)
Summer Holidays (25 December to 15 January)
New Year's Day (1 January 2022)
Day after News Year's Day (2 January 2022)
If you'd like to calculate the due date for your request, you can use the
Ombudsman's online calculator here: [2]
If you have any questions while we're processing your request, please let
us know via [3][email address]
Ngā mihi
[4]Ministry of Health information releases
[5]Unite against COVID-19
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3. mailto:[email address]
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
victor left an annotation ()
Summary of reported deaths
Up to and including 30 October 2021, a total of 97 deaths were reported to CARM after the administration of the Comirnaty vaccine. Following medical assessments by CARM and Medsafe it has been determined that:
43 of these deaths are unlikely related to the COVID-19 vaccine (what are these deaths labelled as on the death cert)
47 deaths could not be assessed due to insufficient information
(this is an injustice and potentially where 'likely classifications' are being stored without a word of commentary from medsafe on what is being done to regain trust)
6 cases are still under investigation.
1 death was likely due to vaccine induced myocarditis (awaiting Coroner’s determination)
(because the manufacturers and sponsors concede along with the FDA that myocarditis is a problem.
Interestingly this one solitary death 'likely' caused by the vaccine is in someone outside of the groups which the black label warning is targeted to.
Manipulation is as sloppy as it is obvious in the assessments of CARM reported deaths as it is in the observed within 21 days of D1 or D2.
Dying within 21days of D1 or D2 is a death related to the product injected into every single one of those human beings.
Bloomfield says MOH is 'inclusive'.
That is evidently false when it comes to the injury and deaths following mrna injections.
Gunshot deaths with post humous positive PCR labelled covid fit the fluid definitions of equitable equality and inclusion.
Link to this