Vaccine Related Compensation

Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health

The request was partially successful.

From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Ministry of Health, Ashley Bloomfield, Chris James, ACC, Ministry of Justice, Prime Minister, Other Agencies

Up to and including 18 September 2021 a total of 68 deaths were reported to CARM after the administration of the Comirnaty vaccine. Also up to 30 June within 21 days of the administration of either one or two vaccines a total of 749 people died. From this information can the relevant agencies please provide

- How many of these recorded deaths received compensation for the deaths and what amounts?
- With these compensation payouts can you provide copies of the non-disclosure agreements?
- A total payout to date for these deaths?
- Any and all correspondence from internal meetings and how these are to be communicated to with the media outlets.
- Can you please provide for the last ten years all other vaccine related deaths (can be combined in one) and charted next to the deaths against the Pfizer vaccine.
- Can Medsafe also confirm how there was justification to approve this vaccine when it did in July 2021 when there were statistics on government websites of the 1,000's of deaths recorded in overseas countries?
- What is the drop dead date for Pfizer to complete outstanding conditions?
- How many deaths are required before Medsafe will revoke vaccine?

This is fast becoming an issue pushing New Zealand towards medical apartheid - when is the elected officials going to start looking out for Kiwis and follow the science rather than being dictated to by corrupt pharmaceutical companies and global organisations such as UN and WHO who have been severely corrupted.

Yours faithfully,

Chuck Schooner

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From: OIA Requests

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Kia ora Chuck,


Thank you for your request for official information received on 11 October
2021 for:


"Up to and including 18 September 2021 a total of 68 deaths were reported
to CARM after the administration of the Comirnaty vaccine.  Also up to 30
June within 21 days of the administration of either one or two vaccines a
total of 749 people died.  From this information can the relevant agencies
please provide


- How many of these recorded deaths received compensation for the deaths
and what amounts?

- With these compensation payouts can you provide copies of the
non-disclosure agreements?

- A total payout to date for these deaths?

- Any and all correspondence from internal meetings and how these are to
be communicated to with the media outlets.

- Can you please provide for the last ten years all other vaccine related
deaths (can be combined in one) and charted next to the deaths against the
Pfizer vaccine.

- Can Medsafe also confirm how there was justification to approve this
vaccine when it did in July 2021 when there were statistics on government
websites of the 1,000's of deaths recorded in overseas countries?

- What is the drop dead date for Pfizer to complete outstanding

- How many deaths are required before Medsafe will revoke vaccine?”


The Ministry's reference number for your request is: H202113975.


As required under the Official Information Act 1982, the Ministry will
endeavour to respond to your request no later than 9 November 2021, being
20 working days after the day your request was received.


Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. If
we are unable to respond to your request within this time frame, we will
notify you of an extension of that time frame.


If you have any queries related to this request, please do not hesitate to
get in touch.


Ngâ mihi


OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [1][email address]


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Kia ora Chuck


Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.


Ngā mihi


OIA Services Team


[1]Ministry of Health information releases

[2]Unite against COVID-19





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From: Government Services

Kia ora Chuck,

Thank you for your email on 14 October 2021. 

Due to the nature of your request, ACC’s OIA Services team is responding
to it under the Official Information Act 1982 and we hope to respond your
request as soon as possible. 

If we are unable to respond to your request within 20 working days, we
will notify you of an extension. If you have any questions, we are happy
to work with you to resolve them. 

We can be contacted via email at [1][email address].

Ngâ mihi

  Sasha Wood, Manager OIA Services, ACC  
  ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this  
    unless it is really necessary. Thank you.    



Ngâ mihi,

Jessie Trustum, Government Engagement & Support Coordinator, ACC
  DDI: (04) 816 6138 / Ext: 46138
  ACC / Pae Ora Rôpû / Justice Centre - Level 7
PO Box 242 / Wellington 6140 / [2]  
ACC cares about the environment -    
  Please don’t print this email unless it is really necessary.
    Thank you.    



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Kia ora Chuck


Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.


Ngā mihi


OIA Services Team


[1]Ministry of Health information releases

[2]Unite against COVID-19



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From: Government Services

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Kia ora Chuck Schooner

Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 14 October 2021. If you have any questions about the response you
can contact us at this [1]address, for all other matters please use our
contact form at: [2] alternatively give us a
call on 0800 101 996.

If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here. 


Ngâ mihi

    Sasha Wood, Manager OIA Services, ACC  
  ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this  
    unless it is really necessary. Thank you.    




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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Ministry of Health,

I received two responses yet both of them dodged the question. So I would like to revise the scope to make it more clear. The request is directly to the Ministry of Health only. Please provide up to and including today’s date

Total Number of Deaths of persons following vaccine who have either

- The deceased next of kin/family have received compensation
- The deceased next of kin/family have an offer in front of them for compensation
- Date of the deceased
- Cause of death
- Day of death - ie day of vaccination or how many days after
- Age of deceased
- Amount of compensation offered to deceased - ie have these amounts changed as more people have died, or do these offers vary based on age
- Pro-forma non disclosure agreement and what terms the next of kin are required to accept to receive payment

Yours faithfully,

Chuck Schooner

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From: OIA Requests

Thank you for your Official Information Act request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.

In accordance with the Act, we'll let you know our decision within no more
than 20 working days. If you'd like to calculate the timeframe, you can
use the Ombudsman's online calculator
here: [1]

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. This
means we may take some time in responding to your request. The Ministry
regularly updates information about the COVID-19 situation and publishes
OIA responses considered to be of public interest:

Please also refer to the Unite Against Covid-19 website for copies of
papers, minutes, and key advice for the decisions the Government has made
relating to COVID-19.

Sometimes we may need to clarify aspects of a request. You can expect to
hear from us soon if that is the case here.

Ngā mihi,

OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [3][email address]





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From: OIA Requests

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Kia ora Chuck,

Thank you for your request for official information received on 28 January
2022 for:


Total Number of Deaths of persons following vaccine who have either


- The deceased next of kin/family have received compensation

- The deceased next of kin/family have an offer in front of them for

- Date of the deceased

- Cause of death

- Day of death - ie day of vaccination or how many days after

- Age of deceased

- Amount of compensation offered to deceased - ie have these amounts
changed as more people have died, or do these offers vary based on age

- Pro-forma non disclosure agreement and what terms the next of kin are
required to accept to receive payment


The Ministry of Health does not hold any information relating to the
highlighted parts of your request; however, I have been advised that this
information may be held by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).
For this reason, the Ministry of Health has decided to partially
transfer your request to ACC under section 14 of the Official Information
Act 1982 (the Act). You can expect a response from ACC in due course.


Under section 28(3) of the Act you have the right to ask the Ombudsman
to review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at: [1][email address] or by calling 0800
802 602.


Ngā mihi,


OIA Services Team


[2]Ministry of Health information releases

[3]Unite against COVID-19


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From: Government Services

Kia ora Chuck,

We received an email from the Ministry of Health on 23 February
2022 transferring the following parts of your information request:

* Amount of compensation offered to deceased - ie have these amounts
changed as more people have died, or do these offers vary based on age
* Pro-forma non disclosure agreement and what terms the next of kin are
required to accept to receive payment
* The deceased next of kin/family have received compensation
* The deceased next of kin/family have an offer in front of them for

Due to the nature of your request, ACC’s OIA Services team is responding
to it under the Official Information Act 1982 and we hope to respond your
request as soon as possible.

If we are unable to respond to your request within 20 working days, we
will notify you of an extension. If you have any questions, we are happy
to work with you to resolve them.

In cases where ACC’s response provides information that is identified to
be of general public interest, the response may also be published on the
ACC’s website. If ACC publishes the response to your OIA request, all
personal information, including your name and contact details, will be

We can be contacted via email at [1][email address].

Ngâ mihi
Sasha Wood, (She/Her)
Manager, OIA Services , ACC

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email unless it
is really necessary. Thank you.





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From: Government Services

Attachment GOV 016914 RESPONSE.pdf
240K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chuck 

Please find attached our response to your official information request of
28 January 2022 which was partially transferred to ACC on  23 February
2022. If you have any questions about the response you can contact us at
this [1]address, for all other matters please use our contact form
at: [2] alternatively give us a call on 0800
101 996.

If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here. 


Ngâ mihi

Sara Freitag (she/her)
Acting Manager | OIA Services

' 027 973 7330
* PO Box 242, Wellington 6011

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email unless it
is really necessary. Thank you.



"This message and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged
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advise us immediately by return email or telephone and then delete this
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recipient, you are not authorised to use or copy this message or any
attachments or disclose the contents to any other person."


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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Government Services,

Thanks for this response.

Your letter mentions the claim for deaths is "fewer the four"

Can you confirm the actual number - "one, two, three or four?"

Also ACC is in the business of claims where a claim is made. Can you please send this back to the Ministry of Health and get them to answer the question. Has the Ministry of Health and/or any other agency been involved whereby if persons have died following the vaccine then the deceased families have either

- The deceased next of kin/family have received compensation
- The deceased next of kin/family have an offer in front of them for compensation
- Date of the deceased
- Cause of death
- Day of death - ie day of vaccination or how many days after
- Age of deceased
- Amount of compensation offered to deceased - ie have these amounts changed as more people have died, or do these offers vary based on age
- Pro-forma non disclosure agreement and what terms the next of kin are required to accept to receive payment

ACC have provided details - I want to know if the Ministry of Health has been involved in compensation payments also.

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

Link to this

From: Government Services

Kia ora


Thank you for contacting ACC; this is an automatic reply to confirm we
have received your email.


Depending on the nature of your request you may not receive a response for
up to 20 working days. We will try to respond your query as quickly as
possible. You can check the [1]Ombudsman OIA response calculator to find
when it will be due.


In cases where ACC’s response provides information that is identified to
be of general public interest, the response may also be published on the
ACC’s website. If ACC publishes the response to your OIA request, all
personal information, including your name and contact details, will be


The information you have requested may involve documents which contains
the names of our staff. Please let us know whether you require these
names. We may need to consult our staff before deciding whether we can
release this information, and this may take a bit more time. If we do not
hear from you, we will assume that you do not require staff names.


Our [2]website provides up to date news and information about our work.
You can also follow us on [3]Facebook and [4]Twitter. Further information
about how to contact us is also available [5]here.


Ngâ mihi,

Government Engagement and Support Team



Government Engagement and Support, ACC

' 0800 101 996
* Box 242, Wellington 6011






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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Ministry of Health / ACC

Please provide the answers to my queries immediately.

Yours faithfully,

Chuck Schooner

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From: OIA Requests

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14K Download

Kia ora Chuck,
As previously advised, information regarding compensation will be held by
ACC. Please contact ACC directly for further information.

Ngā mihi


OIA Services Team


[1]Ministry of Health information releases

[2]Unite against COVID-19

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Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #17129 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA


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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear OIA Requests,

Can ACC please respond to my request - what was the actual number?

And yes or no - has MOH paid out any compensation or offered compensation or has this been done under another Ministry - yes or no will suffice

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

Link to this

From: OIA Requests

Attachment Outlook fghr5ri1.png
14K Download

Kia ora Chuck,
Please contact ACC directly for this
information: [1][email address].
All compensation is handled by ACC. 

Ngā mihi


OIA Services Team


[2]Ministry of Health information releases

[3]Unite against COVID-19


From: Chuck Schooner <[FOI #17129 email]>
Sent: Monday, 16 May 2022 15:38
To: OIA Requests <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Official Information request - Vaccine Related Compensation
Dear OIA Requests,

Can ACC please respond to my request - what was the actual number?

And yes or no - has MOH paid out any compensation or offered compensation
or has this been done under another Ministry - yes or no will suffice

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

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Erika Whittome left an annotation ()

The UK government has announced a 120k British Pound one off payment for a vaccine injury

Please add this to the government’s “podium of truth”.

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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear OIA Requests,

Are you able to provide this information immediately - I take it the compensation packages paid out exceed the number of recorded deaths by Medsafe hence your reluctance to provide this information - please can you respond immediately in full.

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

Link to this

From: OIA Requests

Attachment Outlook zpzap2ym.png
14K Download

Kia ora Chuck,
Thank you for your follow up email. As advised previously, the Ministry
does not pay out compensation regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. This is the
responsibility of ACC, as such the Ministry has nothing further to add. 

Ngā mihi 


OIA Services Team 


[1]Ministry of Health information releases 

[2]Unite against COVID-19 


From: Chuck Schooner <[FOI #17129 email]>
Sent: Friday, 3 June 2022 20:53
To: OIA Requests <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Response to your correspondence 16 May 2022
Dear OIA Requests,

Are you able to provide this information immediately - I take it the
compensation packages paid out exceed the number of recorded deaths by
Medsafe hence your reluctance to provide this information - please can you
respond immediately in full.

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Health only: