Unauthorised use of images for marketing TPP training
Tony Wells made this Official Information request to Tai Poutini Polytechnic
The request was partially successful.
From: Tony Wells
Dear Tai Poutini Polytechnic,
My enquiry is related to images utilized in the marketing of Tai Poutini Polytechnic training.
Given that I have emailed and requested the removal of a number of images from Tai Poutini Polytechnic's website and marketing materials without any acknowledgement, followup and/or action by TPP it appears that OIA requests are the only mechanism for correspondence. I will seek to address them one by one so as to limit any confusion.
This request relates specifically to the image on the TPP website at the following link: http://tpp.ac.nz/study-options/emergency...
The request is:
1: Who is the photographer that took the original image?
2: Who provided the image for use by TPP?
3: What are the terms and conditions of its use?
4: Who from TPP signed off on the legal use of this image for public dissemination?
5: What checks and balances does Tai Poutini Polytechnic have in place to ensure legal and authorized use of images in its marketing materials?
6: On the assumption that the image being utilized by TPP is unauthorized, what mechanisms do TPP have in place to address such misuse of others property?
Yours faithfully,
Tony Wells
From: Karen Kennedy
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Good morning
Thank you for your email which is currently being consulted on. We will
respond in due course.
Kind regards
Karen Kennedy
Executive Assistant / Secretary to Council
Tai Poutini Polytechnic | 73-87 Tainui Street | Private Bag 607, Greymouth
7840 |
Telephone 03 7699 400 | DDI 03 7699 402 | [mobile number]
73-87 Tainui St, Greymouth 7805, New Zealand | Private Bag 607, Greymouth
7840, New Zealand
free phone 0800 800 411 | phone +64 3 769 9400 | fax +64 3 768 4503 |
website www.tpp.ac.nz
show quoted sections
From: Karen Kennedy
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to the above OIA request.
Karen Kennedy
Executive Assistant / Secretary to Council
Tai Poutini Polytechnic | 73-87 Tainui Street | Private Bag 607, Greymouth
7840 |
Telephone 03 7699 400 | DDI 03 7699 402 | [mobile number]
73-87 Tainui St, Greymouth 7805, New Zealand | Private Bag 607, Greymouth
7840, New Zealand
free phone 0800 800 411 | phone +64 3 769 9400 | fax +64 3 768 4503 |
website www.tpp.ac.nz
show quoted sections
From: Tony Wells
Dear Karen Kennedy,
Many thanks for your response and the removal of this image and the 14 other images from TPP promotional materials.
It is disappointing that some of these images were the subject of a previous removal request, so to see them reappear in marketing materials and be publicly disseminated potentially many thousands of times via the TPP website, email distribution and hard copy materials over an 18 month period.
The response from Allan Sargison, TPP Chief Executive is amusing as neither point 4, nor point 5, refer to the stated image, but to TPP policy and practices in general. To restate Point 4 & 5:
4: Who from TPP signed off on the legal use of this image for public dissemination?
5: What checks and balances does Tai Poutini Polytechnic have in place to ensure legal and authorized use of images in its marketing
If it is Tai Poutini Polytechnic's position that it does not not have a policy concerning the use of other organizations or individuals property and that no-one from TPP signs off or approves the use of materials thus allowing each TPP employee to do as they please, then no further action would be required, however I do not believe this to be the case.
The information as originally requested would be appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Wells
From: Karen Kennedy
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Dear Tony
Thank you for your email. Your queries are being followed up and we will respond in due course.
Karen Kennedy
Executive Assistant
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From: Sabrina Swensson
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Please find attached response to this OIA request.
73-87 Tainui St, Greymouth 7805, New Zealand | Private Bag 607, Greymouth
7840, New Zealand
free phone 0800 800 411 | phone +64 3 769 9400 | fax +64 3 768 4503 |
website www.tpp.ac.nz
show quoted sections
Tony Wells left an annotation ()
It was one of quite a number of our organisations images used. See other OIA requests in regards to other images.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Cody C left an annotation ()
Ouch, that is rather embarrassing. I am assuming that this was one of your images used?
Link to this