What other corrupt organisations does MFAT support with taxpayer funding?

David Cumin made this Official Information request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The request was successful.

From: David Cumin

Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

The Israel Institute of New Zealand has shown that at least $1m of taxpayer money has been paid to UNRWA and there have long been reports of links to terror and corruption within the organisation (http://bit.ly/3cHkVSY).

The Israel Institute of New Zealand has, via social media, also provided video evidence of UNRWA food aid being illegally sold in Gaza supermarkets (https://bit.ly/2Tkz0gU).

In response to a query in February this year, MFAT stated "MFAT does not hold information to suggest that UNRWA aid items are sold in Gaza supermarkets..."

In response to an OIA request in March this year MFAT changed the tone of response slightly, stating "[we] cannot rule out instances where food aid has been on-sold by recipients. But current reporting... and regular engagement with other donors on the ground, has not identified instances of the diversion of food aid".

As per the above links, IINZ has provided information regarding instances of the diversion of food aid and of general corruption within UNRWA. Please could you provide any documentation you hold that suggests New Zealand tax money might have funded any other organisations that have been shown to be corrupt or have aid diverted from those in need over the past 5 years.

Yours sincerely,
David Cumin

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David Cumin left an annotation ()

MFAT responded to a similar OIA on 18 July 2022, in which they wrote "New Zealand is committed to addressing all forms of violence and extremism, including hate speech. The New Zealand Government does not fund any [other] organisations that incite
hatred, or promote antisemitism or any other form of racism, glorify terror, promote violence, or reject peace."

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