Fare Evasion Costs
A Hart made this Official Information request to Auckland Transport
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for A Hart to read recent responses and update the status.
From: A Hart
Dear Auckland Transport,
I am interesting in the costs and benefits on the program to reduce fare evasion.
Increased fines for fare evasion were instigated in June 2018, and at the time there was a claimed 2-3 million dollars a year in lost revenue from fare evasion on the transport system (The New Zealand Herald, June 11 2018).
Please provide the working for that figure, and any updated figures on the current estimate of lost revenue from fare evasion for the years since June 2018.
Could you also provide a summary of the number of people who have been issued infringement notices since June 2018, and how many paid the $150 fine and how many paid a $500 fine.
Lastly I would like to know the cost of this program. I understand it is meant as a deterrant rather than revenue gathering. Please provide the cost of marketing against fare evasion (including the production and placement of the “No more lame excuses” advertising), transport officers and equipment (including the installation of gates at stations), and the cost of prosecution for infringement notices.
Yours faithfully,
Alex Hart
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Kia ora Alex,
Auckland Transport (AT) acknowledges receipt of your request for official
information dated 13 July about fare evasion.
We hope to respond to your request as soon as possible, but not later than
10 August, which is 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we aren’t able to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
Your case is being managed by Varsha who is one of our LGOIMA (Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act) Business Partners. If
you have any further queries, you can contact the team on (09) 355 3553
during business hours, quoting Local Government Official Information
request number CAS-176645-M4Z8B4.
Ngâ mihi,
Emma | Case Coordinator
Customer Care
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010|
show quoted sections
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Kia ora Alex
My name is Varsha and I’m a LGOIMA Business Partner at Auckland Transport.
I’m responsible for looking into your request about fare evasion.
I would like to clarify some points in your request. Could you please
provide me with the best phone number I can reach you on. Please send your
contact number through to [1]at[Auckland Transport request email]
The quickest way to get this to us, is to reply to this email leaving the
subject line as it is. We’ll make sure this information is added to your
Ngā mihi
LGOIMA Business Partner
Auckland Transport
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
We all have an important part to play in helping to reduce the spread of
COVID-19 in our communities. For the latest information and advice from
Auckland Transport go to
For Ministry of Health updates go to
Important notice: The contents of this email and any attachments may be
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you have received this
email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies
of the message and attachments; any use, disclosure or copying of this
message or attachments is prohibited. Any views expressed in this email
may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Auckland Transport.
Visible links
1. mailto:at[Auckland Transport request email]
2. http://www.at.govt.nz/
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Kia ora A
Thank you for your request for information asking about fare evasions.
We are granting your request which means we hold the information you have
requested and we will provide it. We are in the process of gathering and
preparing the information and it will take us a little bit longer to
prepare the information for release. We estimate the information will be
ready by 4 September 2020.
Please let us know if you would like to discuss the decision.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you need to provide us with more information relevant to your request
or you have any questions, simply reply to this email leaving the subject
line as it is. We’ll make sure this information is added to your case.
Ngā mihi
LGOIMA Business Partner
[3]cid:image002.jpg@01D2927A.134A0850[4]cid:image003.jpg@01D2927A.134A0850 [5]cid:image004.jpg@01D2927A.134A0850 [6]cid:image005.jpg@01D2927A.134A0850[7]cid:image006.jpg@01D2927A.134A0850
We all have an important part to play in helping to reduce the spread of
COVID-19 in our communities. For the latest information and advice from
Auckland Transport go to
For Ministry of Health updates go to
Important notice: The contents of this email and any attachments may be
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you have received this
email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies
of the message and attachments; any use, disclosure or copying of this
message or attachments is prohibited. Any views expressed in this email
may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Auckland Transport.
Visible links
1. https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url...
2. https://at.govt.nz/
3. https://www.facebook.com/akltransport
4. https://twitter.com/akltransport
5. https://www.instagram.com/akltransport/
6. https://www.linkedin.com/company/aucklan...
7. https://www.youtube.com/user/aucklandtra...
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Kia ora Alex
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 13/07/2020 you asked for information about fare evasions.
I’ve attached a response from Phil Wratt, who is our Engagement Manager
for Customer Care.
Should you believe that we have not dealt with your request appropriately,
you are able to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman in
accordance with section 27(3) of the LGOIMA Act and seek an investigation
and review in regard to this matter.
You can contact the Ombudsman at [1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi
LGOIMA Business Partner
Auckland Transport
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
show quoted sections
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence