PR spend since 600-700 animal carcasses discovered on Westport beach

Sarahdotc made this Official Information request to Department of Conservation

The request was refused by Department of Conservation.

From: Sarahdotc

Dear Department of Conservation,

In regards to the recent discovery of 600 - 700 animal carcasses on a Westport beach, please supply the following information:

1. Total PR/marketing spend to date on this incident.
Please break this down into the following:
i. Spend prior to the discovery of the carcasses
ii. Spend between the taking of samples from the beach to the release of the media release by DOC that either there was no 1080 found or the results were inconclusive
iii. Spend after the media release to the date of providing this information

2. Within the above information please also breakdown payments made to Awaroa Partners and or any other PR/marketing and or similar companies and please include the names of the companies.

Many thanks

S Carter

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From: Sarah Godwin
Department of Conservation

Attachment 19 E 0822 Departmental OIA Carter decision letter DOC 6137843.pdf
168K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Sarah,


Please see attached for our official response to request 19-E-0822-DOC OIA
- Request – Carter


Kind regards,


Sarah Godwin

Personal Assistant to Heather Peacocke and Team Administrator to CEU|

Customer Engagement Unit |Wahanga Apataki

Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai

M: +64272804602


Conservation House Wellington | Whare Kaupapa Atawhai
18 - 32 Manners St | PO Box 10 420, Wellington 6143
T: +64 4 471 0726


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