Visitor Tax 2019
David Brown made this Official Information request to Queenstown-Lakes District Council
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for David Brown to read recent responses and update the status.
From: David Brown
Dear Queenstown-Lakes District Council,
I would like information on or how to locate the information that demonstrates QLDC has met the responsibilities of thw LGA 2002 in particular Section 77 and 78 as listed below.
I am in Wanaka and have not been consulted with on this matter as per Section 78 in the LGA 20002 which puts QLDC in breach. I also do not believe, from the documents provided publicly that the options have not been explored more broadly in the tourism sector due to conflict of interest issues within council.
There is strong evidence this process has not met the legal responsibilities in relation to the LGA 2002 in particular these points.
77 Requirements in relation to decisions
A local authority must, in the course of the decision-making process,—
seek to identify all reasonably practicable options for the achievement of the objective of a decision; and
assess the options in terms of their advantages and disadvantages;
Community views in relation to decisions
A local authority must, in the course of its decision-making process in relation to a matter, give consideration to the views and preferences of persons likely to be affected by, or to have an interest in, the matter.
Action Point and information release.
1 - What consultation process was used for persons effected by this proposed tax as per Section 78?
2 - Who or what entity was used to represent each sub sector in the consultation process
3 - Revealing of the confidential conversations, content, intent and identification of the supposed industry representatives who had no ojection.
4 - Has there been any conflict of interests recorded in particular with the Mayor Jim Boult in relation to his Chairmanship of the largest tourist activity provider in Queenstown very specifically not being included or considered in this proposed tax.
This information has been used to influence the result with no ability to verify the robustness of the process or actual identification of who is supporting the proposal.
Yours faithfully,
David Brown
From: QLDC Services
Queenstown-Lakes District Council
Thank you for your email.
Should your enquiry be urgent, please phone Queenstown 03 441-0499 or
Wanaka 03 443-0024.
The QLDC Customer Services Team
From: Information Request
Queenstown-Lakes District Council
Hi David,
I’ve just been summarising your information request – see attached
I wasn’t quite sure what you were asking us for in point three
(highlighted)… are you able to clarify this for me?
Madeline Patterson |
Governance and Official
Information Advisor | Chief
Executive’s Office
Queenstown Lakes District [2]cid:image001.png@01D45970.ED0676A0
P: +64 3 450 1738
[1][email address]
Please note: I don’t work Wednesdays.
show quoted sections
From: Information Request
Queenstown-Lakes District Council
Good afternoon David,
Please see our attached response to your information request.
Madeline Patterson |
Governance and Official
Information Advisor | Chief
Executive’s Office
Queenstown Lakes District [2]cid:image001.png@01D45970.ED0676A0
P: +64 3 450 1738
[1][email address]
Please note: I don’t work Wednesdays.
From: Information Request
Sent: Thursday, 6 June 2019 4:01 PM
To: [FOI #10443 email]
Subject: FW: Official Information request - Visitor Tax 2019
Hi David,
I’ve just been summarising your information request – see attached
I wasn’t quite sure what you were asking us for in point three
(highlighted)… are you able to clarify this for me?
Madeline Patterson |
Governance and Official
Information Advisor | Chief
Executive’s Office
Queenstown Lakes District [4]cid:image001.png@01D45970.ED0676A0
P: +64 3 450 1738
[3][email address]
Please note: I don’t work Wednesdays.
show quoted sections
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence