Right side on car accident
Barney Wheoki made this Official Information request to Auckland Transport
Auckland Transport did not have the information requested.
From: Barney Wheoki
Dear Auckland Transport,
Can I please have access too a CCTV footage on Thursday 17 01 19 or 24 01 19 not sure of these dates but accident occurred in January 2019 definitely. Location 82 chartwell ave right by the lights as I was turning left behind another vehicle . Cars involved was black station wagon 2011 honda Accord rego, LMF 724 and a Roxi 18 tdi Q7 audi.i therefore require this footage for insurance purposes.
Yours faithfully,
Barney Wheoki
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Dear Barney
We acknowledge receipt of your request for official information dated 30
April 2019 regarding CCTV footage.
We are processing your request according to the provisions of the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. You will receive a
decision within 20 working days after the receipt of your request by
Auckland Transport, as required by the Act. The expected due date for a
decision is 28 May 2019. Please note this is the maximum response time and
we will endeavour to respond to you sooner.
If you have any further queries, please contact us on (09) 355 3553 during
business hours, quoting Local Government Official Information request
number CAS-1042752-V9Z0Q2.
Kind regards
Pablo | Customer Liaison Specialist
Auckland Transport
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142
P 09 355 3553 | E [1][email address] or
[2][email address]
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-----Original Message-----
From: Barney Wheoki <[FOI #10226 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 30 April 2019 1:20 p.m.
To: AT Official Information (AT) <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Right side on car accident
Dear Auckland Transport,
Can I please have access too a CCTV footage on Thursday 17 01 19 or 24 01
19 not sure of these dates but accident occurred in January 2019
definitely. Location 82 chartwell ave right by the lights as I was turning
left behind another vehicle . Cars involved was black station wagon 2011
honda Accord rego, LMF 724 and a Roxi 18 tdi Q7 audi.i therefore require
this footage for insurance purposes.
Yours faithfully,
Barney Wheoki
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From: Barney Wheoki
Dear AT Official Information (AT),
Thank you I will wait for request
Yours sincerely,
Barney Wheoki
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Dear Barney,
We refer to your request for official information dated 30 April 2019
regarding CCTV footage.
The Auckland Transport Operations Centre (ATOC) has reviewed our cameras
and advised we do not hold any footage.
The system is only able to hold footage for 7days, if it is not saved, it
is then automatically overwritten.
Therefore we will be closing the request under section 17(e) of the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA),as the
footage does not exist.
Should you believe that we have not dealt with your request appropriately,
you have the right in accordance with section 27(3) of the LGOIMA to make
a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman and seek an investigation and
review in regard to this matter.
If you have any further queries, please contact Auckland Transport on 09
355 3553 quoting Official Information request number.
Kind regards
Cameron Kirchoff | LGOIMA – Business Partner
Auckland Transport
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142
P 09 355 3553 | E [1][email address] or
[2][email address]
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confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you have received this
email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies
of the message and attachments; any use, disclosure or copying of this
message or attachments is prohibited. Any views expressed in this email
may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Auckland Transport.
Visible links
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7. https://www.linkedin.com/company/aucklan...
8. https://www.youtube.com/user/aucklandtra...
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence