University of Otago
A public authority
843 requests
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New Zealand Rural Origins sub-category
Response by University of Otago to Abby Tasker on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Tasker,
Please find attached information requested in response to your Official
Information Act request of 14 February 2019 regarding th...
Graduate category Statistics for MBChB
Response by University of Otago to Demian Rosenthal on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Rosenthal
Please find attached the information you have requested.
Kind regards
Chris Stoddart
University of Otago
Information on...
2018 Grade distribution for 200 level Law papers
Response by University of Otago to Michael Kelly on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Kelly
Please find attached a response to your Official Information request.
Chris Stoddart
Count o...
Statistics for post-graduate entry for University of Otago medical program
Response by University of Otago to Harry on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Harry
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request as outlined below.
While your request states that you are eligible under Se...
Request for suicide prevention and postvention policy.
Response by University of Otago to Corinda Taylor on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Taylor,
As indicated in my response to your official information request, the University’s practices, processes and guidance material relevant...
New Zealand Rural Origins (HSFY students)
Response by University of Otago to L Chandler on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear L Chandler
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request as outlined below.
The Ombudsman has noted that agencies are entitled...
Students and Depression Ration of Counselling 1998-2018
Response by University of Otago to K Gillies on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Gillies
We invited you to clarify your request of 24 April 2018 but have not received a response.
As far as we can ascertain the information...
Further information on Fitness to Practice Committee for Medical Laboratory Science
Response by University of Otago to Katey Mitchell on .
Awaiting classification.
A response has been provided directly to Ms Mitchell.
Jan Flood
Minutes of University Council Meeting on Student Fee Increases
Response by University of Otago to Lillian Ward on .
Handled by post.
This is one of three requests relating to University of Otago Student Fees received from Lillian Ward. A response to all three has been sent directly t...
Financial reporting on Compulsory Student Services Fee 2009 to present
Response by University of Otago to Lillian Ward on .
Handled by post.
This is one of three requests relating to University of Otago Student Fees received from Lillian Ward. A response to all three has been sent directly t...
Dear FYI,
Can you please confirm that "Anonymous" meets the criteria under section 12 of the Official Information Act.
Jan Flood
All communications between Vice Chancellor Harlene Hayne and OUSA President Laura Harris
Response by University of Otago to Joseph Weinstein on .
Awaiting classification.
A response has been provided directly to Mr Higham at the Critic Office,
Jan Flood
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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