University of Otago

A public authority

680 requests

(page 12)

Students and Depression Ration of Counselling 1998-2018
Response by University of Otago to K Gillies on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Gillies We invited you to clarify your request of 24 April 2018 but have not received a response. As far as we can ascertain the information...
A response has been provided directly to Ms Mitchell. Sincerely, Jan Flood Registrar
This is one of three requests relating to University of Otago Student Fees received from Lillian Ward. A response to all three has been sent directly t...
This is one of three requests relating to University of Otago Student Fees received from Lillian Ward. A response to all three has been sent directly t...
Coke machines on campus
Response by University of Otago to Phillip Coke on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear FYI, Can you please confirm that "Anonymous" meets the criteria under section 12 of the Official Information Act. Sincerely, Jan Flood Registra...
A response has been provided directly to Mr Higham at the Critic Office, OUSA.   Sincerely,   Jan Flood Registrar   --------------------...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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