Radio New Zealand Limited
A public authority, also called RNZ
91 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Covid-19 data visualisations: NZ in numbers
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to John on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora John
We have been able to finish this investigation more quickly than
anticipated. In response to your requests below, unfortunately w...
Good morning
“RNZ acknowledges receipt of your OIA request. Under the Official Information Act 1982 we have 20 working days to respond and will contac...
Payment's Received by ANZ
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Tim Rowlands on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Tim
RNZ confirms that it has not received any funding from ANZ.
As we are required to do, this message is to also advise you that our...
Dear Randy
In response to your recent 5 OIA requests and this one in particular, RNZ
refuses your request on the following grounds:
18 Ref...
Distribution Lists - Group Chats
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Randy on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Randy
In response to your recent 5 OIA requests and this one in particular, RNZ
refuses your request on the following grounds:
18 Ref...
Dear Randy
In response to your recent 5 OIA requests and this one in particular, RNZ
refuses your request on the following grounds:
18 Ref...
I request all communications (including emails, texts, WhatsApp, signal, instagram, linkedin, teams, slack and a summary of any phone calls) sent or...
Kia ora Jimmy
In short we have not denied your request as we have sent you the information we hold.
Kind regards
George Bignell
RNZ, PO Box 123, Wel...
All messages please.
Yours sincerely,
Details of consultation with Mr Guyon Espiner on requests relating to his conflicts of interest
Request sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by Tipene Matiu on .
Long overdue.
Please provide copies of any emails, text messages, encrypted messaging service message or equivalents between RNZ and Mr Guyon Espiner relating to...
Internal communications on Ukraine War Article
Request sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by Liam Silverwood on .
Long overdue.
An article titled "Increasing talk of 'war' in Russia worrying sign of escalation" was published on June 9th with significant revisions from the ori...
Request sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by George Bignell on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Yours faithfully
test test
Policy around the 'Indo-Pacific' propaganda term
Follow up sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by Ali Anwar on .
Long overdue.
How's that going? You're rather overdue.
Yours sincerely,
Ali Anwar
Phil Pennington's articles about Hospital Fire Safety
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Christian on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Christian
Please find RNZ’s responses (in italics) to your requests below. As we
are required to do, this message is to also advise you...
Provide information as to why you censor reasonable opinion on some of your facebook posts
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to greg rzesniowiecki on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr Rzesniowiecki
In response to your OIA request below, a copy of our policy in respect to
our social media / internet pages can be foun...
New Zealand content broadcast on RNZ Concert, and the role RNZ Concert plays in supporting NZ composers and musicians
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to N Gyles on .
Long overdue.
Good afternoon
Further to your request for information I have copied the link here for all information regarding RNZ Concert which you have indicated....
Statistics on redundancy numbers.
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to C. A. Fowler on .
Awaiting classification.
Hello, that's very strange as I've no notification that it was not
delivered. However here is the link to the documents released yesterday.
Statistics on Staff numbers and budgets
Follow up sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by C. A. Fowler on .
Long overdue.
Good morning. This is now more than two months overdue, without explanation. I note that deadline had expired prior to lockdown. I anticipate your u...
Request information on the proposed changes to RNZ Concert.
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Megan Hurnard on .
Long overdue.
Dear Sir/Madam
This email is to advise you that RNZ has released a number of documents on
our website this afternoon.
They can be found in...
Request for financial information and data on listener demographics
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Peter Wright on .
Long overdue.
Good morning Peter
Your formal OIA request has been received by Radio New Zealand. Under the Broadcasting Act 1989, we have 20 working days in which t...
Request for qualitative customer research
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to MaryRose Painter on .
Long overdue.
Good morning MaryRose
Your formal OIA request has been received by Radio New Zealand. Under the Broadcasting Act 1989, we have 20 working days in whic...
Listening habits and mediums of 18-35 year olds.
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Edit Simpson on .
Long overdue.
Good morning
Your formal OIA request has been received by Radio New Zealand. Under the Broadcasting Act 1989, we have 20 working days in which to res...
I would like copies of all material relating to Ollie wards and the proposed RNZ youth station. Emails, minutes, reports, documents - any material in...
Clare Curran Voicemail
Follow up sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by Matthew Hooton on .
Long overdue.
The information is held by your chairman in his capacity as chairman, and, I understand, is also known by your chief executive in his role as chief...
Morning Report Greetings, Mihis etc used by On Air RNZ Staff - OIA Request
Follow up sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by Ken Martin on .
Long overdue.
Good afternoon
Just a friendly reminder I have not received a reply or acknowledgment to my 1 November 2017 OIA request for -
"under the OIA act...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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