Canterbury Regional Council

A public authority, also called ECAN

Also known as Environment Canterbury.

85 requests
Kia ora Allan   Please see the attached document in response to your LGOIMA request.   Have a great weekend.   Ngā mihi nui, Environment...
Wilding Conifer funding and RPMP rules
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to J.K on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora JK,   Please see the attached document in response to your LGOIMA request.   Reference number 3015C.     Ngâ mihi nui, Environm...
ECAN weather events data
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Tracy Clark on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Tracy, Thank you for your query about the effects of climate change on flooding. Recent research into the effects of climate change on severe...
ECC/EOC Seismic Resilience
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Frank on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Frank,   Please find attached our response to your LGOIMA request.     Kind regards       For and on behalf of Will...
Development of the public transport network in Greater Christchurch
Follow up sent to Canterbury Regional Council by Patrick Dunford on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Kindly respond as this matter is now overdue. Yours faithfully, Patrick Dunford
Kindly respond as this matter is now overdue. Yours faithfully, Patrick Dunford
Kia ora Patrick We will be answering this request in combination with your subsequent question, for bus passengers in Rangiora and Kaiapoi. The refere...
Abstraction Records for Rakaia River
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora David   Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA): Request for information   I refer to your information re...
Abstraction Records for Rakaia River
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora David   Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA): Request for information   I refer to your information re...
CRC172958 - monitoring
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora David   Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA): Request for information   I refer to your information re...
Kia ora Lynn   Please find attached Environment Canterbury’s response to your Official Information Request.   Ngâ mihi Kerryn Tangney Plea...
Dear Tony Below each aspect of your request if the breakdown of the data sources, tasks involved and the amount of time for each task. 1) Can I pleas...
Tree Felling in Rangiora
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Rangi Faith on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Rangi   Please find attached our response to your LGOIMA request.   Kind regards Lillian Sewell Please note I work Mondays Wednesdays...
Rolleston Pines Sewerage Treatment Plant
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to lskennedy on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear LS Kennedy   Please find attached a pdf version of the information as requested.   Kind regards Lillian   From: Lillian Sewell Sent...
Good morning, Please send it to our main office as listed below. 200 Tuam Street Christchurch Central Christchurch ATTN: Sorcha Crooker. Kind regard...
Dear Gavin   REQUEST FOR INFORMATION   Your request for information was received on 13 May 2015.  Under the Local Government Official Informati...
Under the Official Information Act I would like you to supply me with the groundwater nitrate concentrations at all wells that have been assessed by...
Accidents at new Bus Interchange
Request to Canterbury Regional Council by Blake Bedford-Palmer. Annotated by Cody C on .
Long overdue.
Might be time for a follow-up email?

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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