(page 15)
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Dear Wendy
Please find attached a reply to your OIA request regarding sweeteners in
1080 baits.
Yours sincerely
Battle for our Bird...
Fertility testing of Kea
Clarification sent to Department of Conservation by Neville Reilly on .
The Department asked to specify on how long .My answer was 5years would be sufficient .Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Neville Reilly
Dear Naomi,
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Request
made on 4 September, 2017 regarding the effect of 1080 on bees. ...
Radio tagged Kiwi Known to be alive at Mt Bruce
Response by Department of Conservation to Clyde Graf on .
Long overdue.
Will do, cheers
Alan Moran
Government Services Advisor (Government Services)
Policy and Visitors Group
Department of Conservation–Te Papa Atawhai
Hi Alan
Please find attached a copy of a letter with attachment regarding your OIA
request to the Department dated 1 September 2017.
Hi Alan
Please find attached the response to your OIA request for a breakdown of
the fire control expenditure for the 2016/17 year.
Dear Mr Trask
Please find attached the response to your OIA request of 18 January 2017.
Kind regards
Mervyn English
Deputy Director...
MAKARORA 1080 operation 2015
Response by Department of Conservation to Ray Thompson on .
Dear Mr Thompson
Please find attached a letter in response to your OIA request.
Kind regards
Joanne McClelland
PA / Ka...
Total number of pigs killed on the Auckland Island in the last 5 years and current estimate of those remaining?
Response by Department of Conservation to tawhaowhao on .
Dear Andy
Please find attached a response to your emailed question to the Minister
of Conservation dated 3/8/2017 about Auckland Island pig erad...
Dear Cody C - Care of FYI website
On behalf of Jeff Stewart, Manager - Ministerials and Business Support, Office the Director-General (ODG), Ministry...
Questions regarding 1080 Operations over Te Moehau, Coromandel Peninsula in 2013.
Response by Department of Conservation to S C McKee on .
Partially successful.
Good morning
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act requests of 17 May.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to:
David S...
Full details of Study (or reasons why unavailable)
Response by Department of Conservation to Ursula Edgington on .
Good afternoon, please find correspondence in reply to your Official
Information Request dated 19 April 2017.
for Allan Ross
Fire Control Expenditure 2015/16
Response by Department of Conservation to Alan Thompson on .
Dear Alan
On behalf of the Director-General of the Department of Conservation, I confirm receipt of your request for official information. Your request...
Ripapa Island Historic Reserve
Response by Department of Conservation to Cody C on .
Partially successful.
Please find attached the Department’s response to your OIA request on
Ripapa Island
Thanks for your inquiry
Kind regards
Andy Thomps...
Loch Katrine Huts
Response by Department of Conservation to Brendan Smith on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora
Please find attached the Department of Conservation's reply to the
Official Information request regarding the Loch Katrine Huts.
What is the current confirmed number of live wild or captive Kiwi at Pukaha Mount Bruce
Response by Department of Conservation to Nick Newbery on .
Morena Mr Newbery, Mr Stewart
On behalf of the Acting Director of Operations Lower North Island, Jay
Eden, please find attached the department’s...
Makarora,Matukituki, information required.
Response by Department of Conservation to Ray Thompson on .
Good afternoon
Please find attached a reply to your OIA request dated 17 November.
Battle for our Birds Team
On behalf of t...
What are the most common 10 plants in NZ?
Response by Department of Conservation to Estella W on .
Good afternoon Estella
Please find attached response to your Official Information Act request of
Yours sincerely
Joy Austin...
Guided Walk Concession Fee locations at rate of $16.00 per person per day + GST
Response by Department of Conservation to Terry Blumhardt on .
Partially successful.
Hello Terry,
Please find attached the response to your recent request under the
Official Information Act.
Kind regards,
Rachel Twome...
Time taken to die for Ruru from 1080 poison, and records of numbers etc.
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Please find attached the reply to your OIA request regarding Ruru deaths.
Yours sincerely
Battle for our Birds Team
On behalf of the...
Enderby Rabbits Conservation
Response by Department of Conservation to Gary Stephenson on .
Dear Gary
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
regarding Enderby Island Rabbits.
Kind regards
Percentage of monitored kiwi moved out of drop zones prior to 1080 drops
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Please find attached the reply to your OIA request.
Yours sincerely
Battle for our Birds Team
On behalf of the Director-General...
All details relating to cash withdrawals over $99 made by DOC staff.
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Tēnā koe
Please see our attached response to your email below.
Sandré du Plessis
Personal Assistant to Christeen Macken...
Symptoms of the Kea DOC has killed with 1080 poison
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Good afternooon Mr Bensemen,
Please find a reply to your Official Information Act request of the 17
October 2016. The website link noted in the...
Good afternoon Mr Bartlett,
Please find attached the reply to your Official Information Act request of
the 17 October 2016. The website link not...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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