Department of Corrections

A ministry

414 requests

(page 7)

Weekly shopping system
Request to Department of Corrections by Mr Dellow. Annotated by Jessica Lim on .
Thank you for this request Mr. Dellow. I think it would be helpful if the Department of Corrections added the cost of each item.
Searches of prisoners
Request to Department of Corrections by Kate McIntyre. Annotated by Mark Hanna on .
Awaiting classification.
I would recommend you ask the Department of Corrections to re-send this information in an accessible format, such as a spreadsheet for tabular data....
Frequency of call backs over last three years
Response by Department of Corrections to Elliot Ikilei on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections – C117925.   Kind regards,   Ministerial Services...
Good Morning Mr Lee Please find attached Corrections' response to your request for information. Kind regards Ministerial Services Department of Corr...
Transgender prisoners
Response by Department of Corrections to Iris Krzyzosiak on .
Good morning Please see attached correspondence from Corrections   Kind Regards,   Ministerial Services Department of Corrections Ara Pouta...
Updated Prison Management Details
Response by Department of Corrections to C Lane on .
Good afternoon,   Please find attached correspondence from Corrections.   Regards,   Ministerial Services Ara Poutama Aotearoa, Departmen...
Frequency of lockdowns over the previous 3 years
Response by Department of Corrections to Elliot Ikilei on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon,   Please see attached correspondence from Corrections.   Kind regards,   Ministerial Services Ara Poutama Aotearoa, Depar...
Prison phone service
Request to Department of Corrections by Kate McIntyre. Annotated by Mark Hanna on .
Unfortunately the Department of Corrections chose to use an inaccessible image-based PDF format for their response letter, which makes it impossible to...
Conviction History of Offenders
Response by Department of Corrections to Lance O'Riley on .
Good afternoon Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections. Kind regards Ministerial Services Department of Corrections,...
Remand Conviction Rates
Response by Department of Corrections to Lance O'Riley on .
Good morning,   Attached is correspondence from Corrections.   Kind regards, Ministerial Services Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Ao...
Incarceration for Marijuana
Response by Department of Corrections to Lance O'Riley on .
Good afternoon,   Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.   Many thanks,   Ministerial Services Department...
Good afternoon,   Please see attached Correspondence from Corrections.     Kind Regards,   Ministerial Services Department of Correctio...
Good afternoon   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.   Kind regards   Ministerial Services Department...
Summary of pregnancy and childbirth statistics
Response by Department of Corrections to Jessica Lim on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Lim   Please see attached Corrections’ response to your email of 7 April 2019.   Yours sincerely     Ministerial Services Natio...
Full information released on 08/11/2019
Items available for prisoner purchase
Response by Department of Corrections to BAW Russell on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections. Kind regards, Ministerial Services Department of Corrections,...
Canteen income and costs
Response by Department of Corrections to Ti Lamusse on .
Good afternoon Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections. Our apologies for the delay in providing a response. Kind rega...
Whanganui Prison Health Centre roster 2018/2019
Response by Department of Corrections to Misha on .
Hello,   Please find attached correspondence from Corrections   Kind Regards,   Ministerial Services Department of Corrections, Ara Pouta...
Te Reo Maori
Response by Department of Corrections to Alanah T on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections. The weblinks included in this respose are:
Prisoner Incentive Framework
Response by Department of Corrections to Kasey Nihill on .
Dear Kasey   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections – C105035.   Kind regards,   Ministerial Services De...
Good morning Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.   Kind regards,   Ministerial Services Department of C...
Corrections wing patron- OIA request
Response by Department of Corrections to john luke on .
Good afternoon,   Please find attached correspondence from Corrections.   Kind regards, Ministerial Services Department of Corrections, Ara...
Good morning,   Please see attached correspondence from Corrections.     Kind regards,   Ministerial Services Ara Poutama Aotearoa, Dep...
Good afternoon,   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.   Kind regards,   Ministerial Services Departme...
Hello,   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.   Kind regards,   Ministerial Services Department of Cor...

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