Crown Law Office

A public authority

55 requests

(page 2)

Request for trust deed
Request to Crown Law Office by Karissa Best. Annotated by Helios on .
Long overdue.
The court asked for evidence of the account. You should've showed your driver's lisence and used Chicago styles manual page 666 that shows the existenc...
Please find attached letter of today's date from Anthea South regarding your OIA request below. Kind regards Crown Law Te Tari Ture o te Karauna P...
Memory and Peter Ellis
Response by Crown Law Office to Ross Francis on .
Tçnâ koe Mr Francis   Please find attached a response to your request for information dated 14 November 2019 (below).   Ngâ mihi,   Charlo...
Good morning Please find the attached correspondence in relation to your request under the Official Information Act 1982. Kind regards, Samantha Per...
$ per hour
Response by Crown Law Office to Aruth John Smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Afternoon,   Please find the attached correspondence in regards to your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982.  ...
Peter Ellis Case
Response by Crown Law Office to Ross Francis on .
Good Morning,   Please find the attached correspondence in relation to your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982.  ...
Demographics of recent Queen's Counsel applications
Response by Crown Law Office to Ben on .
Good Afternoon, Please find the attached correspondence in relation to your Official Information Act request. Kind regards, Crown Law Te Tari Ture o...
Advice by Satyanand Anand to Crown Law
Response by Crown Law Office to Jason Brown on .
Information not held.
Good Morning, Please find the attached correspondence in response to your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982. Kind Reg...
Policies relating to the handling of OIA requests
Response by Crown Law Office to Ben on .
Partially successful.
Dear Sir The 8th page ends: Refusal: As this response is [in part] a refusal, I advise you of your right to seek a review of this decision by the Omb...
Summary of requests made under MACMA and Harare Scheme
Response by Crown Law Office to Purvi on .
Awaiting classification.
Mōrena,   Please find attached letter in response to your request.   Ngā mihi     Kifka Kingan Legal Secretary | Criminal Team Crown...
Peter Ellis Research
Response by Crown Law Office to Ross Francis on .
Good Afternoon   Please find the attached correspondence from Peter Gunn.     Kind regards,   Crown Law Te Tari Ture o te Karauna P O B...
Records Held re Peter Ellis Case
Response by Crown Law Office to Ross Francis on .
Dear Mr Francis Please find attached a response to your recent information request. Ngā mihi Peter Gunn Crown Counsel/Team Manager Crown Law Te...
Cost to prosecute
Follow up sent to Crown Law Office by Tonya Spicer on .
Long overdue.
I have not received a response yet to my request to disclose the cost to prosecute myself and my husband Paul Spicer twice. Once in May 2016 and aga...
Operations Achilles, Hippocamp and Overdue
Response by Crown Law Office to Graham Carter on .
Dear Graham Carter,   On behalf of Peter McCarthy, Chief Legal Adviser, please find attached response to your official information request origina...
Please find attached our letter in response to your email of 25 August 2016.   Jane Smith | Legal Secretary | Public Law Group Crown Law Te Tari...
Legal advice to Schools
Response by Crown Law Office to Liam on .
Dear Mr Stoneley   Your Official Information Act request – legal advice to schools   You requested a copy of the legal advice referred to in th...
Hi   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards         [1]Description: Description: Descripti...
Attorney-General Stay of Proceedings
Response by Crown Law Office to Joshua Grainger on .
On behalf of Charlotte Brook, please see attached letter.
Decision to appeal, or prosecute in the first place really:
Response by Crown Law Office to Katherine Raue on .
Partially successful.
  =============================================================== WARNING The information contained in this email message is intended for the ad...
My apologies – these figures are for the last financial year, not the last “12 months”.   From: Mark Lillico Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2013 9:39...
Protection for using legal recourse
Response by Crown Law Office to James Lochead on .
Dear Mr Lochead I refer to your email of 13 October 2013. The Solicitor-General and the Crown Law Office are legal advisers to the government and it...
Un-licensed private investigators
Response by Crown Law Office to James Lochead on .
Dear Mr Lochead,   Please refer response to your Official Information Act requests.   Regards,   Crown Law Office  
fire investigations... Arson
Response by Crown Law Office to James Lochead on .
Dear Mr Lochead, Please refer attached response to your OIA requests. Regards Crown Law Office
Dear Leigh Baillie, Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Officiall Information Act request of 1 July 2013 Regards Official and Parlia...
Guidelines for civil proceedings
Response by Crown Law Office to James Black on .
Dear Mr Black   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request.   Kind regards   Erica Devine Assistant Crow...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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