Christchurch City Council

A public authority

346 requests

(page 14)

Dear Bernie Thank you for informing us. I have forwarded your email to the Regulation and Democracy Team. If you have further enquiries please rep...
Subsequent to a letter from Peter Mitchell and receiving a copy of the Draft PMO working doccument from Building Services Tecknical Manager Patrick S...
Dear Lawrence Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it to the City Environment Group to respond to you. If you have further enquiries please...
SPCA Dog Docking
Response by Christchurch City Council to malcolm west on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr West Thank you for contacting the Christchurch City Council. Springfield is part of the: - Selwyn District Council Phone: (03) 347 2800 E-ma...
Sent on behalf of Chris Gilbert   Dear Jeff   Please find attached a reply to your telephone call with Shane Bruyns on 7 November 2012 requesting...
Correspondence regarding Woolston Park
Follow up sent to Christchurch City Council by Paul McMahon on .
Thanks for providing the information so promptly. Yours sincerely, Paul McMahon
I've added these bodies to the system.
Costings of CCDU Blueprint Anchor Projects
Response by Christchurch City Council to James Dann on .
Partially successful.
Sent on behalf of Chris Gilbert   Dear James   Please find attached a letter in response to your email dated 17 September 2012 requesting informat...
Release of new Flood Management Plan
Response by Christchurch City Council to Gareth Thompson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Thompson Thank you for your request below. We are hoping to release the new flood data within the next 2 weeks. Regards, On Behalf of Pet...
2010 Rating Valuations Request
Response by Christchurch City Council to J Coburn on .
Partially successful.
Attention: J Coburn Thank you for your email requesting the release of the 2010 property rating valuation roll/data held by the Christchurch City Coun...
Essential services to Red Zone after 30 April 2013
Response by Christchurch City Council to Lawrence Roberts on .
Partially successful.
Dear Lawrence Further to your request I have received the following comment from staff. We have not received any requests from CERA to date on what s...
Submission to OIA review
Response by Christchurch City Council to Gavin Millar on .
Partially successful.
Dear Gavin Please find attached a letter in response to your request for information. <<Gavin Millar - Request for Information.pdf>> Kind Regards...
Response by Christchurch City Council to Sam Fraser on .
Good Morning Samuel,   Please find attached a letter in response to your Request for Information - Staff Numbers / Amalgamation, made via email on 2...
Conflict of interest register
Response by Christchurch City Council to Alex Harris on .
Completing the register is voluntary, not compulsory. At the Christchurch City Council it has recently been agreed that all Councillors should declare...
Christchurch City Council CEO expenses
Request to Christchurch City Council by Alex Harris. Annotated by Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
They didn't answer the request fully - no receipts were included. Would be interesting to see what exactly was brought during some of those rather expe...
Good afternoon Joshua, Letter attached  <<_10452.pdf>>  <<Howe v Keown.pdf - Adobe Reader_att1_Howe v Keown.pdf>> Kind regards Jason Roberts...
Dear Mr Grainger   Please find attached a letter in response to your email dated 21 February 2012.   Kind regards Michelle Lisle Secretary Le...
CCC opening prayers
Response by Christchurch City Council to Alex Harris on .
Alex, Further to your request- The Christchurch City Council does not open its meetings with a prayer. Please see comment below from the Council Se...
LGOIMA Statistics
Response by Christchurch City Council to Joshua Grainger on .
Information not held.
Dear Joshua Please find attached a letter regarding your request. Kind regards Michele  <<Signed Letter to Joshua Grainger re LGOIMA Request 26...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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