Auckland Council

A top 10 most requested agency

659 requests

(page 11)

Tēnā koe Andrew, Thank you for your request for information. Please see attached our response. If you have any further queries please contact Elai...
Kia ora Andrew Please find attached a response to your request for information. We apologise for the delay. If you have any further queries, pleas...
Kia ora Andrew   Thank you for your email.   All attachments can be found online at the following link: [1]https://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil...
Kia ora Andrew Please find attached a response to your request for information. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact...
Ratepayer electoral rolls
Response by Auckland Council to Andrew Punnett on .
Kia ora Andrew,   I refer to your email below, requesting information about the ratepayer electoral rolls in Auckland.   I can advise that in...
Auckland Council Rates Rebates
Response by Auckland Council to Jai Ganesh on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Jai, We've received your request on behalf of official information. Please see attached our 10 year budget plan that's specific to your reque...
Tēnā koe Andrew   Thank you for your request for information.   Auckland council do not record the healthy home standards in our system.  ...
Kia ora Andrew,   Thank you for your email. I can confirm the team consider there was no correspondence on the remit of the survey. Your email belo...
Organisational structure
Response by Auckland Council to Ryan Potts on .
Tēnā koe Ryan Thank you for your request for information.  Please see attached our response. If you have any further queries please contact me on ...
Kia ora Andrew   Further to the request below, please see the breakdown by ward of the number on the ratepayer electoral roll compared to the numb...
Thanks for the data. It will come in really useful. Yours sincerely, Andrew Punnett
Activate Auckland
Response by Auckland Council to Oscar on .
Dear Oscar Thank you for your request for information regarding Activate Auckland support packages. If you have any further queries please contact me...
  Kia ora Andrew   Thank you for your request for information about submissions on the Unitary Plan.   Please find attached our customer res...
asset reports/ audits- Lloyd Elsmore Skatepark
Response by Auckland Council to East Skate Club on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora East Skate Club   Thank you for your request for information about Lloyd Elsmore Park.   Please find attached our customer response let...
Covid Infection Rate
Response by Auckland Council to Mark Mumby on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Mark   With the governments changes to the vaccination policy, Auckland Council has decided that vaccine passes are no longer required at...
Sanders Reserve Management Plan
Response by Auckland Council to Andrew Punnett on .
Kia ora Andrew   Thank you for your email below requesting a copy of the Sanders Reserve Management Plan. This plan is publicly available. You can...
Dear Mark Thank you for your request for information regarding the Native Plants at Sanders Reserve. Please find attached our response letter and it...
Kia ora Andrew Thank you for letting us know. Your request has been cancelled. Ngā mihi nui Angela Hare | Senior Privacy & Official Information Bu...
Kauri dieback track upgrades
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
    Kia ora Tom   Thank you for your request for information about Kauri dieback and track upgrades.   Please find attached our customer r...
Waitakere Ranges Cutty Grasss track upgrade funding
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Kia ora Tom     The Cutty Grass Track upgrade consists of an upgrade of the track to meet dry foot standards as part of the Kauri Die Back progr...
Kia ora Alex The total for 'Financial Year 2021' is $5,242,595. My apologies again. Ngā mihi nui Angela Hare | Senior Privacy & Official Informat...
Dear Mr Austen,   The cost of bin hire and disposal was $2,513.     Ngā mihi | Kind regards    Kauri Dieback Project Team Auckland Coun...
Response by Auckland Council to John finnegan on .
Good morning Mr Finnegan   On behalf of Evan James, please see the attached letter in response to your recent request for information.   Regar...
Dear William I hope you had or having a lovely Christmas and New Year's holiday.  Thank you for your request for information relating to correspond...
Auckland Council & Incident on Harbour Bridge: 30 May 2021
Response by Auckland Council to Matthew Hooton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Matthew I hope this email finds you well.  Thank you for your request for information regarding the incident on Auckland Harbour Bridge on Su...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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