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This person's 60 annotations (page 3)
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Australian Chief Scientist - Occasional Paper Series Issue 1: Geoengineering. Thursday, 05 April 2012...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Further acknowledgement and proof of its existence. Has been presented in various news articles.
FAA issues a flight advisory about electromagnetic r...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Further proof for those still not wanting to accept or acknowledge this technology (Cognitive Dissonance) It’s hidden in plain sight, it’s even taught...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Re: RS Grant’s annotation "conspiracy theory" phrase. To help you understand how unintelligent, ignorant, simple minded, subservient your statement is,...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by SPENCER JONES on .
HAARP, Weather Modification and Geoengineering all go hand-in-hand. They are all interwoven with one another, and the following reports, books, Project...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Continuation of my above annotation showing the patents relating to HAARP. The general public are unaware of HAARP and many other program/projects as t...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
There are many patents on weather modification. So why is it so hard for people to believe this or for Government Departments to answer openly and hone...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by SPENCER JONES on .
Long overdue.
Information not held.
1948 US2550324 Process for Controlling the Weather
1966 US3613992 Weather modif...