This person's 10 Official Information requests
Extra 500 Police - Marc Duff
Successful. page 75 shows 10,757 FTE constables as at 30th June 2023 which...
Tēnā koe Marc,
Please refer to the attached letter in response to your request.
Information Requests | Service Group
Marc Duff - New CEO Christchurch City Council appointment.
Response by Christchurch City Council to Marc Duff on .
Dear Marc,
I refer to your request below.
Council Response
Both Council staff and The Mayor and Councillors were involved in
Dawn Baxendale Resignation Reuest from Marc Duff
Response by Christchurch City Council to Marc Duff on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Marc,
I refer to your request below.
As you know the Council has previously refused to disclose this
At this point...
Marc Duff - CEO recruitment costs
Response by Christchurch City Council to Marc Duff on .
Dear Jim,
I refer to your request for:
In a previous request regarding the LGNZ Infrastructure Symposium 2024,
you provided information th...
Marc Duff question on Amyes Road
Response by Christchurch City Council to Marc Duff on .
Kia ora Marc,
On 3 July 2024, you requested the following information, under the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LG...
Extra 10 Police on the beat in Christchurch - Marc Duff
Response by New Zealand Police to Marc Duff on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 request below, received by Police on 23 June 2024.
Your reference number is IR-01...
Marc Duff on Christchurch call out times
Response by New Zealand Police to Marc Duff on .
Tēnā koe Marc
Please find attached the response relating to your Official Information
Act request, received by Police on 17 April 2024.
Rates increased proposed for Hornby/Hei Hei
Response by Christchurch City Council to Marc Duff on .
Dear Marc
I refer to your request for information on the average residential rates
increase proposed for the Hornby/Hei Hei area.
Please s...
Kia ora,
Thank you for your email.
We are handling your request under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGO...
This person's annotations
None made.