Edwin Hollier
Joined FYI in 2019

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This person's 7 Official Information requests
Building Consent Revenue
Response by Auckland Council to Edwin Hollier on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Edwin,
Can you please confirm that you received the attached response.
Kind Regards,
Grace Ray | Senior Privacy & LGOIMA Bus...
Dear Edwin
Thank you for your request for information regarding Section 56 (2)(c) of
the State Sector Act in relation to the appointment of the Gene...
Employment process for head of Treasury
Response by Public Service Commission to Edwin Hollier on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Hollier,
Please find attached SSC response to your OIA below.
Kind regards
SSC Enquiries
email: [1][email address]
Use of Aotea Square
Response by Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development Limited to Edwin Hollier on .
Tçnâ koe Edwin,
Thank you for your FYI request which we received on 4 July 2019, about the
use of Aotea Square.
Please see attache...
Defence property portfolio review
Follow up sent to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Edwin Hollier on .
Thanks very much.
Yours sincerely,
Edwin Hollier
Percentage of graduate intake holding economics degrees
Response by The Treasury to Edwin Hollier on .
Hi Edward,
No need to apologise. It's important people ask these questions.
Kind regards,
David Hammond
David Hammond (he/him) |...
Mention of David Hisco
Response by Reserve Bank of New Zealand to Edwin Hollier on .
Partially successful.
Dear Edwin Hollier,
Please find attached the response to your official information request.
Meenal Prasad
Meenal Prasad
This person's annotations
None made.