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Official Information requests made by this person
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This person's 9 annotations
Access to Facebooks takedown portal
Long overdue.
You need to go to the page on FYI for Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and scroll to the bottom and click View email address.
Then you ne...
Evidence of reinstatement as PM
Notice 2020-vr5201
"Her Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint:
The Right Honourable Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern
to be a mem...
Brian Tamaki vaccination status
You can't use the OIA to request the private medical records of another individual. Personal information is defined in the interpretation section, chec...
Total Wage Subsidy Amounts Received by Gambling, Tobacco, Religious Cult and the Sex Industry Businesses
All of that information is already publicly available.
PCR Testing and the Flu
Long overdue.
Chuck, your question is predicated on false information or at best a misunderstanding of the CDCs decision.
I'd love to see the ombudsman's reply. Please post it when you get it. The council answered both of your requests, the first one they provided you a l...
Hey Barbara, the A in LGOIMA stands for Act. If acts don't apply to you, how are you using an act of parliament to require the council to provide you w...
Studies and data that justify the implementation of the vaccine passport system.
Partially successful.
"Our findings are in line with findings from the randomized trial of the BNT162b2 vacci...
Covid saliva tests from home
Long overdue.
I think the problem is that you're not actually making an OIA request, you're asking the minister/his office for an opinion. An OIA request would be "...