Requests similar to 'Private occupancy of crown facilities'

Nga Taonga and the Avalon archive facility
Follow up sent to Department of Internal Affairs by K.I. Davis on .
Thank you for your prompt reply to my OIA request. From my reading of the documents, The License to Occupy, read in conjunction with the Memorandu...
Kia ora K.I. Davis   Thank you for your OIA request to the Department of Internal Affairs (included with this email)   The Department will pro...
Avalon facility
Request sent to Department of Internal Affairs by K.I. Davis on .
1. Nga Taonga Sound & Vision state in their 2016/2017 annual report that it is “our purpose-built archival facility at Avalon”. Can you please con...
Information in earlier OIA responses have raised a couple of points that I would like to clarify/flesh-out. I would like to request: 1. Please sup...
Dear Minister Barry; Thank you for the response to my OIA request and your expression of confidence in Nga Taonga. I would like to note that in the...
ZX Security
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Alex,   I apologise – it has taken slightly longer than anticipated to finalise the documents we are releasing to you.  We are curr...
Archival storage facility in Wigram
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to K.I. Davis on .
Dear K.I. Davis, Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 received by The Department of Internal Affairs on...
Conflicts of Interest
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Ross Francis on .
Good afternoon Ross Francis   Thank you for your 5 August 2018 request under the Official Information Act 1982. (included with this email)   T...
Kia ora Dave,   Please refer to the attached correspondence, which provides the Department’s response to your OIA request.     If you have any...
Citizenship application
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Kay on .
Waiting clarification.
Good morning Kay,   In your most recent request below, you ask for the ‘total number of applications already processed under citizenship by grant’...
Chief Technology Officer
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to David Farrar on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon David Farrar,   Please refer to the attached correspondence, which provides the Department’s response to your OIA request   If...
2019 Citizenship Ceremony Dates - West Auckland
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to LM on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear LM   The Department’s response to your information request is attached.   Regards   Jan Wannan | Advisor Official Correspondence SDO...
Can you please supply me with: 1. The 4th Quarter KPI report (Apr-May-Jun 2017) that has been received by the Ministry for Culture & Heritage fro...
POI Codes Attached To Identity
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Oscar on .
Tēnā koe Oscar,   Please note that this response was sent before close of business on 9 December 2021, as per the attached email. However it appea...
board and agency that DIA manage
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to john luke on .
Môrena John, I attach a copy of the email as it was sent from our inbox. You should be able to click on the link in this. I apologise for the oversigh...
120 Victoria Steet - Health and Safety
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Jonathan Davis on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Jonathan,   We have not received any response from you in regard to our correspondence below.  This is just a reminder to please cont...
Kia ora L Brown,   Please find attached the response to your request for information dated 5 August 2022.   Nga mihi, Tazmin   Tazmin Ga...
NZ Citizenship timeframe
Response by Auckland Council to Daniel on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Daniel,   I have just become aware that some correspondence from the Department was not posted against this request thread.  As...
Tçnâ koe Ryan   I’m contacting you to provide an update to your request.   Please note that your request was received on the 29^th of October 2...
Status of citizenship application
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Rakesh on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Rakesh   Our team is still waiting for a response from you regarding the matter below.   Please contact us back or provide a contact phone...
OIA2223-0555- follow up
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to john luke on .
Kia ora,   Please find attached the Department’s response to your request.   Ngā mihi,   Benjamin Riezebos (He/Him) / Advisor, Ministerial...
Good afternoon Zachariah   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request.   Kind regards     Alysha Stevens...
Community Trusts
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John,   I trust this message will find you well.   Please find attached Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs’ response...
Citizenship processing system and resulting delays
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Sebastian on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Sebastian,   The previous email indicated that we were extending the timeframe for response to your request. This was written in error, a...
Kia ora,   I’m sending this request again as it came back as undelivered.   Ngâ mihi   Linda   Linda Anderson ([1]she/her) |Advisor Off...