Requests similar to 'Library wage levels'
Good morning
Please find answers to your information request as follows:
- the number of people employed in your public library service....
Hello R Leveson,
The answers to your questions are provided below:
· The number of people employed in your public library? 15
· ...
Dear R Leveson
We attach our response to your request related to library wage levels.
Kind regards
Sarah Nichols | Governance Manager...
Dear R Leveson
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA), dated 27 June 201...
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached the official information request details, as requested in your e-mail dated 8 July 2018 regarding Library Staff Wa...
Dear R Leveson,
Thank you for your email, received on June 29th 2018. You requested the
following information, under the Local Government Offici...
Dear Mr Leveson
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Library
Wage levels – Response
1. Further to your...
Good morning
Thank you kindly for your email received today, Wednesday 8 August 2018 in regards to your request for information on Library Wage Levels...
Dear R Leveson
I refer to your official information request of 11 July 2018 [reference
COP002362] seeking information on library wage levels. ...
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response letter for your LGOIMA request for
information on Library wage levels.
Hi R Leveson
Please see below the answers to your questions. It is difficult to answer
your questions specifically as we have many customer del...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less tha...
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less tha...
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less tha...
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less tha...
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less tha...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...