Requests similar to 'Incident reports and correspondence for 17 October 2017, Whitianga'
Employment of security personnel
Response by Department of Conservation to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Wendy
Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 19 March.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to David Speirs,...
Lack of Emergency Response Plan for Storage of 1080 Ecotoxin
Response by Department of Conservation to S C McKee on .
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to David S...
Tracking record for 1080 baits used on Moehau in 2017
Response by Department of Conservation to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Wendy
Please find attached a response to your email of 13 February 2018.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to David Sp...
Incomplete tracking record for 1080 baits used in 2017 in Coromandel
Response by Department of Conservation to Wendy Pond on .
Good afternoon Wendy
Please find attached a response to your email of 8 April 2018.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to David Speirs...
Notices of Actual disharge for Moehau, Papakai, Otahu, Mataora 2017
Response by Department of Conservation to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Wendy
Please find attached a response to your two OIA requests of 22 May 2018.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant...
Questions regarding 1080 Operations over Te Moehau, Coromandel Peninsula in 2013.
Response by Department of Conservation to S C McKee on .
Partially successful.
Good morning
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act requests of 17 May.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to:
David S...
Status and progress of DOC/anti-1080 agreement re trapping of Kaitake Range, Egmont NP
Response by Department of Conservation to Sue Boyde on .
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to...
Hazardous Substance Inventory for 1080 stored in Whitianga, October 2017
Response by Department of Conservation to S C McKee on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to David S...
MAKARORA 1080 operation 2015
Response by Department of Conservation to Ray Thompson on .
Dear Mr Thompson
Please find attached a letter in response to your OIA request.
Kind regards
Joanne McClelland
PA / Ka...
Visitor numbers for The Pinnacles in the Coromandel
Response by Department of Conservation to t Austen on .
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant to D...
Enderby Rabbits Conservation
Response by Department of Conservation to Gary Stephenson on .
Dear Gary
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
regarding Enderby Island Rabbits.
Kind regards
What applications does DoC need to make for 1080 drops on Coromandel forests in 2017
Response by Department of Conservation to Wendy Pond on .
Good afternoon Wendy
Please find attached a response to your two Official Information Act
requests of 7 July and 19 July 2017.
Kind regard...
Number of Kakariki tested for 1080.
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Benseman, please find a reply to your 3 December 2018 OIA request.
Kind regards
Matt Barnett, Director Biodiversity Threats (Acting...
All details relating to cash withdrawals over $99 made by DOC staff.
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Tēnā koe
Please see our attached response to your email below.
Sandré du Plessis
Personal Assistant to Christeen Macken...
Moehau 1080 poisoning in 2021 - five questions
Response by Waikato District Health Board to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Good Afternoon
Please see attached response to the following requests;
· 13788; and
· 13848.
Please note due to the...
Dear Graham
Please find attached the reply to your OIA request regarding 1080.
Leigh Romanos
PA to Martin Kessick...
All communications relating to 1080 poison compensation
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon
Please find attached the reply to your request dated 6 October.
Leigh Romanos
PA to Martin Kessi...
Full details of Study (or reasons why unavailable)
Response by Department of Conservation to Ursula Edgington on .
Good afternoon, please find correspondence in reply to your Official
Information Request dated 19 April 2017.
for Allan Ross
Not offering the Coromandel community options for predator control in 2017
Response by Department of Conservation to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Wendy
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Penny Loomb
Personal Assistant...
Total number of pigs killed on the Auckland Island in the last 5 years and current estimate of those remaining?
Response by Department of Conservation to tawhaowhao on .
Dear Andy
Please see attached a letter in response to your OIA request.
Kind regards
Joanne McClelland
PA / Kaiawhina-...
Advice on making New Zealand predator-free
Response by Department of Conservation to Alex Harris on .
Good afternoon, please find correspondence attached in reply to your 26
July 2016 OIA request.
Kind regards
Sue Wallace
PA Kai...
Response by Department of Conservation to john luke on .
Good morning John,
Thank you for your email. I can confirm that we did receive your email of 27 August 2020.
Name badges for Conservation Board mem...
Documents pertaining to DOC"s consultation and consultation process before it's application to NZCT for the Queen Charlotte track to become a Great Ride
Response by Department of Conservation to Rod Burgoyne on .
Good afternoon Rod, the attached letter is in response to your OIA of 3
November 2015.
Yours sincerely
Helen Price
Helen Price
ALL of the New Zealand Department of Conservations bank statements.
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
I would like to let you know that the staff person working on this OIA had
a sudden death in the family. He was expected back this week, however this...
Communications between all Department of Conservation staff including the minister, and the NZ Police.
Response by Minister of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Please find attached a reply to your OIA request.
Leigh Romanos
PA to Martin Kessick
Director National Operati...