Requests similar to 'All Materials relating to MfE's Economic Impact Joint Venture Studies (EIJVS)'
Cost of climate change consultation
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Blythe on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Blythe
Please find attached our response to your OIA request date 31 July 2015.
Kind regards
David Hammond, Senio...
Sea level rise statistics
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Warwick Schaffer on .
Information not held.
Dear Warwick
The PCE has contacted me to say that they cannot respond to your request
on the FYI site as its still logged as a MfE request. Can...
Cabinet paper: Paris Climate Change Agreement April 2016
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Simon Johnson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Johnson
On behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, I am acknowledging your
email of 18 August 2016 in which you have requested, und...
The Climate Change (Eligible Industrial Activities) Amendment Regulations
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Simon Johnson on .
Dear Mr Johnson
On behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, I am acknowledging your
email of 18 August 2016 in which you have requested, und...
Potential long-term pathways to a low carbon economy for New Zealand
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Simon Johnson on .
Dear Mr Johnson
Thank for your email of 18 August 2016, requesting under the Official
Information Act 1982:
Will you please provide me wit...
Calculation of budgets in "Potential long-term pathways to a low carbon economy for New Zealand"
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Simon Johnson on .
Dear Mr Johnson
Please find attached a copy of a spreadsheet that shows working
Please be aware that:
1) This ana...
MoE - Any records mentioning scientists Ned Nikolov and/or Kari Zeller - Dec 2023 Follow Up
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Johnston on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Chris
Please find attached a response to your information request.
Ngā mihi
Chris Johnston
[FOI #25313 email]
Tēnā koe Chr...
Any records mentioning scientists Ned Nikolov and/or Kari Zeller
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Johnston on .
Kia ora Chris,
Please find attached a response to your further inquiry dated 8 December regarding the response provided to you by the Ministry for the...
Advice/research on public awareness, concerns regarding climate change
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Dr Terrence Loomis on .
Kia ora
Please find attached, our response to your below request.
Ngā mihi nui
Executive Relations team
Ministry for the Environmen...
Clean Water 2017: analysis of water quality monitoring sites making up the water quality categories expressed in lengths of rivers swimmable in Report ME 1293
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Simon Johnson on .
Dear Mr Johnson
Earlier this year you requested information from us regarding our Clean
Water consultation document.
At the time we referr...
Contigency plans for immenenat collapse of the biosphere
Response by Ministry for the Environment to robert mckenzie on .
Information not held.
Kia ora
Please find attached the response to your request of 26 June 2019.
Ngâ mihi
Executive Relations Team
Ministry for the Enviro...
Kia ora Tim
Official Information request relating to irrigation and water storage in New Zealand
I refer to your official information request dated 1...
The Environment/Climate Change Briefing to the Incoming Minister)
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Louis Wilks on .
Dear Louis
Please find attached our letter of response to your request below. Our apologies for not getting this sent out to you yesterday.
Yours sin...
Records mentioning scientist Patrick Frank
Follow up sent to Ministry for the Environment by Chris Johnston on .
Thanks for the reply with the requested information about Dr Patrick Frank. The OIA referenced his latest 2019 paper.
It appears that the Ministr...
Streamlined Planning Process - Proposed District Plan Change - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian,
Please find attached a response to your 21 February 2020 request for
official information.
Please note the Ministry for the...
New Zealand's intended contribution to the new global climate change agreement
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Simon Johnson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Johnson
On behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, I acknowledge receipt of
your email of 15 September 2015 requesting the followin...
Kia ora Cam,
On behalf of Hon Andrew Little, Minister of Health, thank you for your Official Information request of 8 July 2021 for:
A) Copies of all...
Doug Leeder's communications on Essential Freshwater
Response by Bay of Plenty Regional Council to Dom C on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Dom C,
In regards to your Official Information request of 20 December 2019 for:
Copies of all text, email and other written communications...
Kia ora Cam,
On behalf of Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall, Minister of Health, thank you for your Official Information request of 8 July 2021:
"Since 19 Octobe...
Chemical agents used in Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI)
Response by Ministry for the Environment to B. James on .
Dear B James
Please find attached our letter of response to your request below.
Executive Relations Team
Records mentioning scientists Dr Ronan Connolly and/or Michael Connolly and/or Christopher Monckton
Follow up sent to Ministry for the Environment by Chris Johnston on .
Thank you for the final attachment - yes they can all be read.
It has been a bit of a journey but thank you for completing it with me.
The purpo...
Climate Change Policy
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Tania Te Whenua on .
Long overdue.
Tçna koe Tania
Please find attached the response to questions 1 & 2 of your request.
Please note that if you wish to clarify questions 3-5...
Unredacted copy of Cabinet paper "A review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme"
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Simon Johnson on .
Kia ora Simon Johnson,
Thank you for your Official Information Act request received on
We will endeavour to respond to your request as...
Dear Tim
Our email below was unable to be delivered to you last week due to one of the attached documents being 'undeliverable'. It has now been amende...
Information relating to a Code of Practice for Landsape Assessment - 0772-01RFQ
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Leah Alexander on .
Awaiting classification.
Please find attached our response to your request of 18 April.
Kind regards
Executive Relations
Ministry for the Environment –...