Requests similar to 'Request for Information on the Use and Regulation of Chloramines by New Zealand Water Suppliers'
Drinking Water Safety Plans
Response by Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator to Matthew Jackson on .
Awaiting classification.
OIA Ref: CAS-01885-K4W4R8
Kia ora Matthew,
Please see attached our response to your information request of 21 November 2024.
Ngâ mihi,
Jessie Johns...
Maximum Acceptable Values (MAVs) submission respondents
Response by Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator to Mr Davies on .
Partially successful.
OIA Ref: CAS-01825-F2N7Q8
Kia ora Mr Davies
Please find attached our response (including attachments) to your information request of 1 December 2023....
Level of Atrazine in drinking water
Response by Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator to Athina Andonatou on .
OIA Ref: CAS-01737-M7Z3Q1
Kia ora Athina,
Please find attached our response to your OIA request of 20 June 2023.
Ngâ mihi
Menaka Angammana (...
Ruapehu district council failure of water services act
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Barry Murphy on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
OIA Ref: CAS-01778-T6K4R6
Tēnā koe Barry
Thank you for your email dated 25 August 2023, to the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) which was transfe...
2400% MAV increase for Azinphos-methyl in Drinking Water
Response by Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator to Mr Davies on .
OIA Ref: CAS-01877-F2Q7P8
Kia ora Mr Davies
Please find attached our response to your information request of 10 October 2024.
Ngâ mihi
Chemicals and metals in New Zealand water
Response by Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator to J Wilson on .
Awaiting classification.
OIA Ref: CAS-01826-K7Q8Q5
Kia ora J Wilson
Please find attached our response (including appendices) to your information request of 21 December 2023....
Residual disinfection exemption applications
Response by Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator to Cody C on .
Kia ora Cody,
Please find attached our response to your OIA request.
Ngâ mihi
Menaka Angammana (she/her) | Governance Advisor
Taumata Arowai...
Dear Cody,
I refer to your request for Please supply any drinking water safety
plan(s) approved by CDHB.
This was request was transferred...
Official Information Request Regarding Asbestos Cement Pipes in Auckland's Drinking Water Infrastructure
Response by Watercare Services Limited to Yasir Shaikh on .
Kia ora Yasir
Thank you for your notes. All noted.
As you may be aware, Watercare provides water and wastewater services in
the Auckland region. W...
Christchurch City drinking water safety plan
Response by Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator to Cody C on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Cody,
Reference your information request of 20 May 2022 requesting us to "supply the Christchurch City drinking water safety plan".
We do no...
Dear Cody,
I refer to your request for information below. Responses to your questions
are attached:
Please supply the drinking water safet...
Kia ora John,
Please see attached a letter from Hon. Kieran McAnulty, Minister for Local Government in response to your OIA request dated Friday 24th...
Kia ora Alan,
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Ngâ mihi,
Kate Redgrove
LGOIMA Advisor
Information Requests relating to the Prime Minister and her comments regarding policy and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to A Rohtmets on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora,
Thank you for your email of 15 January 2021, partly transferred to the Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) from the Department o...
Relationship with Resident of Auckland for Water Supply
Response by Ministry of Health to Chris Johnston on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Chris,
Please find attached your response to your official information request.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatū Hauora | Ministr...
Any water supply quality exceedance
Response by Christchurch City Council to Max Pepper on .
Dear Max,
Thank you for your email, received on 10 October 2022 . You requested the following information, under the Local Government Official Informa...
Fluoridation of drinking water: 2023/24 F/Y Budget calculations including revisions
Request sent to Ministry of Health by J Bruning on .
This is an urgent request under section 12(3) of the Official Information Act. I set out below the information I am seeking, and then I state my rea...
Three Waters. Payments to strategy and management consultancy firms
Request sent to Department of Internal Affairs by J Bruning on .
Please supply all costs/renumeration paid to strategy and management consultancy firms and staff for services rendered, including PWC/Deloitte/Bosto...
Kia ora Charles,
Official information request for information on capability of water
supplier network.
Please see attached Wellington Water’s resp...
Good Day
Please find attached the Waimakariri District Council’s response to your
official request for a copy of the Council’s most recent Drink...
PFA's in City Water
Response by Christchurch City Council to Andrew Mitchell on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Andrew,
On 24 July 2024, you requested the following information, under the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987...
International evidence concerning water quality
Response by Ministry of Health to Robin Benson on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Robin,
Please find attached a response to your request for official information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of...
..In addition to the tracking error, also note that the 29^th June is when
to expect a response Cody, not 1^st July 2022.
Apologies for these er...
Kia ora Luke,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request.
Apologies, this was finalised yesterday but I had some administrative
Kia ora Cody,
I refer to your LGOIMA request made on 4 September 2024. Feel free to
ignore my previous email from this morning as I note that we...