Requests similar to 'Tarras Airport - what's actually been decided?'
Tarras Airport - what's actually been decided?
Request sent to Christchurch City Holdings Ltd by Suze Keith on .
Awaiting classification.
(note letter has been sent previously on 12 March 2024 to the CEO and Chair)
We welcome the increased governance oversight that has occurred recent...
Tarras Airport - what's actually been decided? Second request
Request sent to Christchurch City Holdings Ltd by Suze Keith on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koutou Christchurch City Holdings,
Further to our information request on April 4, 2024, and your corresponding response on May 10, we are seekin...
Council oversight of large CIAL investment decisions
Reported for administrator attention.
Dear Leah
Thank you for your reply to my email dated 22 September.
As your council reply on 23 September indicated an "OIA process" to answering t...
Any correspondence from/to, or meetings with CIAL or any consultants working for them or from/to Central Government.
Response by The Treasury to duncan kenderdine on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Duncan,
Please see attached response to your Official Information Act request.
This response has been signed out via...
Analysis of transport modes
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Suze Keith on .
Kia ora Suze
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport L...
Presentation to Ignite Wānaka 27 July 2023
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Suze Keith on .
Kia ora Suze
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport L...
Tarras land purchases by CIAL
Response by Christchurch City Holdings Ltd to rob van der mark on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Cherry,
We are in receipt of your request (attached) and as per below. As per
CCHL’s email to you on 23 August 2023 we were unable to...
Professors’ science briefing to Christchurch City Council
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Philippa Fee on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms Fee
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...
NZ Airline Pilots Assn and CIAL
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Suze Keith on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Suze
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport L...
Emissions projections and thinking
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Alex Guichard on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Alex
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport L...
Tourism 2050 Blueprint
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Suze Keith on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Suze
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport L...
Meetings between CCC and CIAL about the new airport at Tarras
Response by Christchurch City Council to Nikki McKay on .
Dear Nikki,
I refer to your request for:
With regards to meetings held between CODC and CC (or its
agents/representatives) where anything...
OIA Requests and responses
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to David Hawkins on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Hawkins
Please find attached our response to your information request below.
Ngā mihi
CIAL Legal Team
E [Christchurch International Airport...
Central Otago Residents' Survey
Response by Central Otago District Council to Suze Keith on .
Dear Suze
Please find attached the response to your LGOIMA request Central Otago
Residents' Survey.
Kind regards
Madison Stanton...
Community engagement about Central Otago Airport
Long overdue.
Initial reply received from CIAL 10th October 2022.
10 October 2022
Nikki McKay
Tēnā koe Ms McKay,
Carbon Emissions
Partially successful.
Initial reply received via email (from CIAL) 10 October 2022
10 October 2022
Nikki McKay
Tēnā koe Ms McKay,
Briefing to CCC from CIAL regarding proposed airport at Tarras
Response by Christchurch City Council to David Hawkins on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear David,
I refer to your request for the following:
The date and time of the meeting(s) where this briefing has been given to
CCC, plus...
MBIE briefings and correspondence about Central Otago Airport
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Mary-Lou Roulston on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Ms Roulston
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Ai...
Search queries relating to Central Otago Airport project
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to James Kirk on .
Kia ora James
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...
Correspondence and meetings with Treasury re Tarras
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Bettina Meyer on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Bettina
We attach our response again which has now been split this into 2 parts to
make it easier to download.
We trust this will...
Carbon emissions at Christchurch Airport
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Wayne Bosley on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Wayne
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent requests
for information held by Christchurch International Airport...
correspondence on Tarras land purchases
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to cherry nield on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Cherry,
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
of 28 June 2023.
Ngā mihi
CIAL Legal Team...
Correspondence & meetings about Tarras Airport with Christchurch Airport
Response by The Treasury to Nikki McKay on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Nikki,
Thank you for your Official Information Act request to the Treasury.
Please find attached our respons...
Meetings with key organisations about the new airport
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Greg West on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr West
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airpor...
Christchurch Airport’s native forest investment
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Duncan Kenderdine on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Duncan
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...