Requests similar to 'Grade Distributions for S2 2022 S1 & 2 2023'

Biomed PgDip Elective grade distributions
Request sent to University of Auckland by Lum on .
Partially successful.
I am writing to request statistical data on student performance in a number of University of Auckland papers from Semester One and Two 2023. Can y...
Dear Mr Reed   I refer to your request of 7 July 2022. The information requested is attached, with the exception of the mark and grade data reques...
Grade distribution
Response by University of Auckland to Arthur on .
Dear Arthur,   I refer to your request of 20 November 2024.  The University’s response follows:   This request is in regard to statistical dat...
Dear A Patel,   I refer to your request of 13 July 2023. The grade information requested is attached, except for S1 2023 BIOSCI 348, which was not...
This request asks for statistical data on student performance for the following University of Auckland papers. Could the following statistics please...
Dietetic Grade Distributions 2023
Request sent to University of Auckland by Sanson Rae on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear University of Auckland I am writing to request statistical data on student performance in a number of University of Auckland papers from Semeste...
STAGE I - III UoA grade distributions.
Request sent to University of Auckland by Ziad Qas on .
This request asks for statistical data on student performance for the following University of Auckland papers. Could the following statistics please...
Biomed Grade Distributions
Request sent to University of Auckland by Peter Lee on .
I am writing to request statistical data on student performances in a number of University of Auckland papers under the Biomed First year. Can you...
Request for statistical data for Business 101
Response by University of Auckland to Mr Huang on .
Dear Mr Huang,   I refer to your request of 23 September 2021. The requested information is attached, except for the ethnicity breakdown of exam g...
Dear M Baumann,   I refer to your request of 14 December 2021. The information requested is attached.   Yours sincerely, Rebecca Ewert Gen...
BIOSCI / MEDSCI Grade Distributions
Request sent to University of Auckland by Paul on .
Long overdue.
This is a request under the Official Information Act for statistical data from each of the following courses in 2024. Please include: - The final...
2021 & 2022 Final Grade Distributions for MPH papers
Response by University of Auckland to Ellie Y. on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ellie,   I refer to your request of 3 February 2023. The information requested is attached, subject to the following:    1. POPLHLTH 790...
2024 Medicine Entry Information and Grade Distribution
Response by University of Auckland to Daniel White on .
Partially successful.
Dear Daniel,   I refer to your request of 11 March 2024. The University’s response follows.   “Please provide the following information for al...
I am writing to request grade distribution data for students taking the following MPH schedule papers in S2 2021 & S1 2022: S2 2021: POPLHLTH 708...
Dear Mr Reed,   I refer to your request of 11 January 2022. The information requested for 2021 BIOSCI courses is provided in the attached document...
I am requesting information on student performance in the following papers, for the year 2023. BIOSCI 765 BIOSCI 766 MEDSCI 706 MEDSCI 720 M...
I am requesting information on student performance in the following papers, for the year 2024. BIOSCI 736 BIOSCI 737 BIOSCI 741 BIOSCI 746...
Final grade distribution for 2021 papers
Request sent to University of Auckland by JR on .
I am writing to request statistical data on student performance in a number of University of Auckland papers. Can you please provide the final gra...
Grade distribution of stage 1/2 papers
Request sent to University of Auckland by Arthur on .
Awaiting classification.
This request is in regard to statistical data on student performance for the following University of Auckland papers. Could the following statistics...
Dear Mr Reed,   I refer to your request of 11 January 2022. The information requested for 2022 MEDSCI 311, MEDSCI 313, MEDSCI 315, MEDSCI 316, MED...
2022-23 final grade distribution for OLY1 papers
Request sent to University of Auckland by M Baumann on .
I am requesting information on student performance in the following papers. I am looking for information for MEDSCI 142 for 2022, and information fr...
2023 S1 Final Grade Distributions for MPH papers
Response by University of Auckland to Ellie Y. on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ellie,   I refer to your email of 1 August 2023. The information requested is attached, subject to the following:    1. The University do...
RRAS threshold GPA for interview
Response by University of Auckland to Ushil Patel on .
Dear Ushil Patel,   I refer to your request of 18 August 2020, referring to the University’s OIA response to another requester published at [1]ht...
2024 Core paper grade distribution
Request sent to University of Auckland by James Ng on .
I would like to request the following information regarding the grade distribution for the 3 core papers (BIOSCI 107, CHEM 110 and POPLHLTH 111) sat...
STAGE 1-2 papers grade distribution
Response by University of Auckland to Arthur on .
Dear Arthur,   I refer to your request of 13 April 2023. The information requested is attached, subject to the following:   o The University d...