Requests similar to 'Commercial rent'

Reform of the racing industry
Response by Winston Peters to George Morrison on .
Dear George Morrison, On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, your Official Information Act requests dated 5 June 2020 are acknowledged: Please provide m...
Response by Winston Peters to George Morrison on .
Dear George Morrison, On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, your Official Information Act requests dated 5 June 2020 are acknowledged: Please provide m...
Dear George Morrison Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request, received 7 July 2020.   Yours sincerely   Off...
Alleged PIJF influence buying
Response by Winston Peters to Kurt Mastrovich on .
Dear Kurt Mastrovich,   Please find a letter attached regarding your OIA request.   Kind regards, Private secretary.   Office of Rt Hon W...
Dear Regan Gibbons   Please find attached letter regarding your OIA requests to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.   Kind regards   Foreign...
Dear Regan Gibbons   Please find attached letter regarding your OIA requests to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.   Kind regards   Foreign...
Response by Winston Peters to Andrew Riddell on .
Partially successful.
Dear Andrew Riddell   Please find attached a letter regarding your OIA request of 29 February 2024.   Kind regards   Foreign Affairs Priva...
Processing of information request
Response by Winston Peters to Andrew Riddell on .
Dear Andrew Riddell, Thank you for your email of 27 June 2024 in which you requested the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA): "a...
All contact of Ministers with Cameron Slater
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to adam on .
Information not held.
Dear Adam,   Please find a letter attached regarding your OIA request.   Kind regards, Private Secretary.   Office of Rt Hon Winston Pete...
Dear Peter Brown,   I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act (OIA) request dated 19 September 2024, in which you requested the follo...
Treaty Principles In Legislation
Response by Winston Peters to Phillip Hart on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Phillip Hart,   Please find a letter attached regarding your OIA request dated 12 September 2024.   Kind regards, Private Secretary....
Initial Meetings with portfolio departments
Response by Winston Peters to T Murray on .
Partially successful.
Dear T Murray,   I acknowledge receipt of your official information request dated 14/12/2023.   We received your request on 14/12/2023. We wil...
Blackrock Meetings attended by Jacinda Ardern
Response by Winston Peters to Alan York on .
Information not held.
Dear Alan York,   Please find a letter attached regarding your OIA request of 14 May 2024.   Kind regards, Private Secretary.   Office of...
Evidence for/against the womens' spaces members bill
Response by Winston Peters to James Beavis on .
Information not held.
Dear James Beavis,   Please find a letter regarding your OIA request of 10 May 2024 attached.   Kind regards, Private Secretary.   Office...
MP prison visits
Response by Department of Corrections to BAW Russell on .
Kia ora, Please see the attached correspondence from Corrections. Regards, Ministerial Services Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Aotearoa a...
List of meetings with Spokespeople associated with Israel in New Zealand
Response by Winston Peters to Neil Scott on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear correspondent On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, thank you for your email. While the Deputy Prime Minister considers all correspondence to be...
Dear correspondent On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, thank you for your email. While the Deputy Prime Minister considers all correspondence to be...
Gulf Livestock 1 minister decision.
Response by Winston Peters to Hollie on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Hollie, On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, your Official Information Act request dated 16 September 2020 is acknowledged: Please provide all ad...
COVID-19 Modelling
Response by Winston Peters to Ryan Potts on .
Dear Ryan Potts   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act, received 1 April 2020.   Yours sincerely Office of Rt Ho...
Correspondence relating to Gaza
Response by Winston Peters to Ms. Anderson on .
  Dear Ms Anderson   Please find attached a letter regarding your OIA request of 3 February 2024.   Kind regards   Foreign Affairs Priva...
Killer Robots
Response by Winston Peters to Thomas Harvey on .
Partially successful.
Dear Thomas Harvey   Please find attached a letter regarding  your OIA request of 23 October 2024.   Kind regards     Foreign Affairs Pr...
NZ Racing Board Annual Report received and to be tabled
Response by Winston Peters to Brent Soal on .
  Dear Brent Soal,   On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister for State Owned Enterprise...
Dear correspondent   On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, thank you for your email.   While the Deputy Prime Minister considers all corresponden...
Advice on all-weather horse-racing track
Response by Winston Peters to Alex Harris on .
Dear correspondent On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, thank you for your email. While the Deputy Prime Minister considers all correspondence to be...
Payments to the Clinton Foundation
Response by Winston Peters to Tony Williams on .
Dear correspondent On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, thank you for your email. While the Deputy Prime Minister considers all correspondence to be...