Student Radio funding
James Dann made this Official Information request to NZ On Air
The request was successful.
From: James Dann
Dear NZ On Air,
Can you please provide a breakdown of how the "almost $700,000" is allocated within the 5 student radio network stations. Reference:
What sort of reporting do these stations have to provide to NZ on Air with regards to how the money is spent? Do they have to disclose their accounts to NZ on Air, or make an annual report? How do you ensure that the money that they are given is being spent on what it was allocated to do?
Yours faithfully,
James Dann
From: Hilaire Carmody
NZ On Air
Dear Mr Dann
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act, dated 1 February 2019.
Your request has been noted and will be responded to in the statutory timeframe.
Kind regards,
Hilaire Carmody
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive NZ On Air
Hilaire Carmody | Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive, Jane Wrightson
NZ On Air | Irirangi Te Motu
04 382 9524 | 04 802 8301 (ddi) | NZ On Air (Facebook) | @nzonair (Twitter)
PO Box 9744 | Wellington | New Zealand | 6141
NZ On Air | Connecting and reflecting our nation
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From: Hilaire Carmody
NZ On Air
Dear Mr Dann
Please find attached correspondence with regards to your official
information request below.
Kind Regards
Hilaire Carmody
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive
NZ On Air
Hilaire Carmody
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive, Jane Wrightson
NZ On Air | Irirangi Te Motu
DDI: 04 802 8301
[1] Follow us on [2]Facebook, [3]Twitter or
PO Box 9744 | Wellington | New Zealand 6141
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