BHSc UTAS GPA required

Greer Thomson made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

The request was successful.

From: Greer Thomson

Dear University of Auckland,

What is the required GPA over the whole course in order to gain admission in BHSc as a post graduate if another university, when applying under the UTAS category

Yours faithfully,
Miss Thomson

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From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland

Dear Miss Thomson


BHSc applicants who have completed a degree at another
university/institution must have a minimum GPA/GPE of 4.5 (9.0 scale)
across their last year of full-time study (120 points equivalent) to be
considered under the UTAS category for the 2019 intake.


If you need further information, please email [1][email address]


Yours sincerely


Rebecca Ewert

General Counsel

The University of Auckland


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