Stats on criminal convictions and sentences

Mr J Stewart made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice

The request was successful.

From: Mr J Stewart

Dear Ministry of Justice,

I'm looking for information around criminal convictions and sentences. Specifically the following:

In the last 7 years:

- Of people sentenced to prison, how many convictions of impriosnable offences did they have prior.

- Of people sentenced to prison, how many convictions did they have before being sentenced to prison for the first time.

- What were the offences people received their first term of imprisonment for.

- Of people sentenced to prison, how many had previous community based sentences which they breached prior to their first sentence of imprisonment.

- Of people sentenced to prison how many had previously had sentences involving some form of drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Yours faithfully,

Mr J. Stewart

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From: correspondence, official
Ministry of Justice

Good morning Mr Stewart,

Acknowledging receipt of your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982. You can expect a response to your request on or before 17 July 2018.

Kind regards,

Claire O'Connor
Advisor | Official Correspondence
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture

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From: Struwig, Johan
Ministry of Justice

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Dear Mr Stewart,


I am busy working on your request for information on criminal convictions
and sentencing.


However, before I finalise our response, can you please confirm if our
interpretation of your questions is correct.


1.            In the last seven years, of people sentenced to prison, how

 a. Previous convictions of imprisonable offenses did they have?
 b. Previous convictions did they have before being sentenced to prison
for the first time?
 c. Had previous community based sentences, which they breached, before
being imprisoned for the firsts time?

d.    Had previously had sentences involving some form of drug and alcohol
rehabilitation, before being imprisoned for the first time?


2.            In the last seven years what were the offences people
received their first sentence of imprisonment for?


Please let me know if you are satisfied with my interpretation of your
questions. If not, please edit the questions and email it back to me .



Yours sincerely


Johan Struwig

Advisor, Operations

Courts & Tribunals
Regional Service

Operations and
Service Delivery

DDI: +64 4 495
8463|Ext 68463

Justice Centre | 19
Aitken Street | DX
Box SX 10088

Wellington | New


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From: Mr J Stewart

Dear Struwig, Johan,

Yes that interpretation is correct.

Yours sincerely,

Mr J Stewart

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From: Goode, Julia
Ministry of Justice

Attachment image001.jpg
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Attachment 69194 J Stewart response.pdf
751K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon,


Please find your OIA response attached.


Kind regards,



[1] Julia Goode
Senior Media and
Communications Advisor |
External Relations
Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o
te Ture
P +64 4 918 8836 | Ext 58836 |
M 021 636 416
DX Box SX10088 | Wellington
[2][email address]
| [3]



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