A copy of all correspondence that successfully resulted in a parking fine being waived
W Edmonds made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council
The request was refused by Wellington City Council.
From: W Edmonds
Dear Wellington City Council,
Under the OIA I request the following:
1. A copy of all appeals you have received in relation to parking infringements where the outcome of the appeal was the successful remission of the infringement. I am limiting this request to all successful appeals during the 2017 calendar year.
2. Your policy regarding parking infringements. Particularly, what monetary value must a parking fine be before it is escalated and what are your policies for write offs under cost of enforcement.
Please redact all personal information from the copies of the appeal letters you have received. If my request is too broad, please contact me so I can refine the scope of my request.
I look forward to a response within the statutory timeframe.
Yours faithfully,
W Edmonds
From: BUS: IRO
Wellington City Council
Thank you for your email, sent to the Issues Resolution Office at Wellington City Council.
This email address is monitored throughout the day, and emails are actioned on a priority basis. Where required, you will be contacted in due course.
We appreciate your patience.
Wellington City Council Issues Resolution Office.
From: Ian Hunter
Wellington City Council
Dear Mr Edmonds,
Thank you for your email to the Council received via the FYI website on 14
September 2017 in which you requested information relating to parking
infringements issued by the Council. Your request was forwarded to the
Complaints and Information Assurance Team to compile and provide a
I will address your questions in the order of your email.
1) “A copy of all appeals you have received in relation to parking
infringements where the outcome of the appeal was the successful remission
of the infringement…”
Given the number of successful appeals received since January 2017, (6405)
and the fact that those appeals contain personal information, the Council
is unable to provide this information without substantial collation and
research. As such your request is refused under both section 7(2)(a) and
17(f) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
If you disagree with this decision, you can apply in writing to the
Ombudsman to have the decision investigated and reviewed under section 27
(3) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
However; I can provide monthly figures summarising the information you are
requesting in the table below.
2017 Appeal Cancellation Discretion Partial Standard Statutory Total Total
Declined - Defect Waiver Waive Waiver - Defence Waived Appeals
January 698 186 202 2 352 10 752 1450
February 658 151 133 6 339 8 637 1295
March 913 256 221 3 478 20 978 1891
April 629 274 228 11 399 31 943 1572
May 846 246 192 7 480 21 946 1792
June 671 244 144 3 330 25 746 1417
July 461 190 143 5 236 9 583 1044
August 707 249 165 8 378 20 820 1527
KEY: Appeal declined – These appeals weren’t successful and have been
Cancellation Defect – For example: a sign was missing or
broken yellow lines faded and need repainting.
Discretion waiver – This is where the Resolutions Officer
feels the customer has enough mitigating circumstances to warrant a
Partial waive – These are generally where an infringement has
been issued with a tow fee but due to circumstances the infringement or
tow fee has been waived.
Standard waiver – These follow the guidelines.
Statutory defence – For example: where a vehicle is issued
with an infringement notice but it was an emergency situation.
Please Note: Most of the above waivers required evidence to
support the waiver.
2) “Your policy regarding parking infringements. Particularly,
what monetary value must a parking fine be before it is escalated and what
are your policies for write offs under cost of enforcement?”
If I have understood your question correctly then, in order to clarify,
parking infringements are not escalated on monetary value, and they are
all treated in the same way
The process, irrespective of the value of the infringement, is:
o If no payment is made within 28 days a reminder notice is issued.
o Again, if no payment is made within 28 days a warning letter is
o If no payment is made within 14 days the debt is then sent to a debt
collection agency and/or the Department of Courts for collection.
Kind regards,
Ian Hunter
Assurance Advisor | Complaints and Information Assurance | Governance and
Assurance Directorate | Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8315 | M 021 227 8315 |
E [1][email address] | W [2]Wellington.govt.nz | [3]Facebook|
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If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that
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If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the
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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://wellington.govt.nz/
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From: W Edmonds
Dear Ian Hunter,
Thank you for your response. A further request:
Can I please have a copy of the last 50 successful appeals with all personal information redacted?
Yours sincerely,
W Edmonds
From: BUS: IRO
Wellington City Council
Hello Mr Edmonds,
Thank you for this further request.
However, I need to inform you that we are still unable to provide you with the information requested, as it would require substantial collation and further work to compile.
The information is not held in a format from which we can easily extract the last 50 successful appeals, and it would further take substantial officer time to redact the appeals after the extraction.
As such your request is refused under both section 7(2)(a) and 17(f) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
If you disagree with this decision, you can apply in writing to the Ombudsman to have the decision investigated and reviewed under section 27
(3) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Kind regards
Chris Brown | Assurance Advisor | Complaints & Information Assurance | Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8368
E [email address] | W Wellington.govt.nz | |
IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email may be confidential or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the recipient or recipients named in this message. Please note that if you are not the intended recipient you are not authorised to use, copy or distribute the email or any information contained in it. If you have received this email in error, please advise the sender immediately and destroy the original message and any attachments.
-----Original Message-----
From: W Edmonds [mailto:[FOI #6550 email]]
Sent: Friday, 6 October 2017 11:51 a.m.
To: Ian Hunter
Subject: Re: Request for information relating to parking infringements
Dear Ian Hunter,
Thank you for your response. A further request:
Can I please have a copy of the last 50 successful appeals with all personal information redacted?
Yours sincerely,
W Edmonds
-----Original Message-----
Dear Mr Edmonds,
Thank you for your email to the Council received via the FYI website on 14 September 2017 in which you requested information relating to parking infringements issued by the Council. Your request was forwarded to the Complaints and Information Assurance Team to compile and provide a response.
I will address your questions in the order of your email.
1) “A copy of all appeals you have received in relation to parking infringements where the outcome of the appeal was the successful remission of the infringement…”
Given the number of successful appeals received since January 2017, (6405) and the fact that those appeals contain personal information, the Council is unable to provide this information without substantial collation and research. As such your request is refused under both section 7(2)(a) and
17(f) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
If you disagree with this decision, you can apply in writing to the Ombudsman to have the decision investigated and reviewed under section 27
(3) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
However; I can provide monthly figures summarising the information you are requesting in the table below.
2017 Appeal Cancellation Discretion Partial Standard Statutory Total Total Declined - Defect Waiver Waive Waiver - Defence Waived Appeals Policy January 698 186 202 2 352 10 752 1450 February 658 151 133 6 339 8 637 1295 March 913 256 221 3 478 20 978 1891 April 629 274 228 11 399 31 943 1572 May 846 246 192 7 480 21 946 1792 June 671 244 144 3 330 25 746 1417 July 461 190 143 5 236 9 583 1044 August 707 249 165 8 378 20 820 1527
KEY: Appeal declined – These appeals weren’t successful and have been upheld.
Cancellation Defect – For example: a sign was missing or broken yellow lines faded and need repainting.
Discretion waiver – This is where the Resolutions Officer feels the customer has enough mitigating circumstances to warrant a waiver.
Partial waive – These are generally where an infringement has been issued with a tow fee but due to circumstances the infringement or tow fee has been waived.
Standard waiver – These follow the guidelines.
Statutory defence – For example: where a vehicle is issued with an infringement notice but it was an emergency situation.
Please Note: Most of the above waivers required evidence to support the waiver.
2) “Your policy regarding parking infringements. Particularly, what monetary value must a parking fine be before it is escalated and what are your policies for write offs under cost of enforcement?”
If I have understood your question correctly then, in order to clarify, parking infringements are not escalated on monetary value, and they are all treated in the same way
The process, irrespective of the value of the infringement, is:
o If no payment is made within 28 days a reminder notice is issued.
o Again, if no payment is made within 28 days a warning letter is issued.
o If no payment is made within 14 days the debt is then sent to a debt collection agency and/or the Department of Courts for collection.
Kind regards,
Ian Hunter
Assurance Advisor | Complaints and Information Assurance | Governance and Assurance Directorate | Wellington City Council P 04 803 8315 | M 021 227 8315 | E [1][email address] | W [2]Wellington.govt.nz | [3]Facebook| [4]Twitter The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only.
If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents.
If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://wellington.govt.nz/
3. https://www.facebook.com/wellingtoncityc...
4. http://twitter.com/wgtncc
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #6550 email]
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence