Legal document showing Arapuni as a Urban Village.

Barry Stevens made this Official Information request to South Waikato District Council

The request was successful.

From: Barry Stevens

Dear South Waikato District Council,
Could you please supply me with a copy of a legal Document showing date and year that the Village of Arapuni is legally registered as being Urban.

Yours faithfully,

Barry Stevens

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From: Sharon Robinson
South Waikato District Council

Afternoon Mr Stevens

With reference to previous email responses to you and your legal advisor
and discussions with staff and telephone message, please note the
following in reply to your most recent enquiry copied below for


-----Original Message-----

From: Barry Stevens
[[1]mailto:[FOI #4468 email]]

Sent: Thursday, 18 August 2016 9:54 p.m.


Subject: Official Information request - Legal document showing Arapuni as
a Urban Village.


Dear South Waikato District Council,

Could you please supply me with a copy of a legal Document showing date
and year that the Village of Arapuni is legally registered as being Urban.


Yours faithfully,


Barry Stevens


Staff have as a result of your above enquiry researched Council records
and advise the following:

Computerised records indicate that Arapuni was paying for urban rates such
as water, sewerage, stormwater and waste collection in 1997.  This type of
activity is used in the determination of such fees as dog registrations as
previously advised.

The South Waikato District Plan zoned Arapuni as 'Residential' in 1994. 
Prior to this the Matamata County Council District Scheme zoned Arapuni
'Settlement Zone'.


Sharon Robinson

Group Manager Regulatory

South Waikato District Council

Sharon Robinson | Group Manager - Regulatory | Executive Group
South Waikato District Council
Torphin Crescent (3420), Private Bag 7 (3444), Tokoroa
T: 07 885 0765 | F: 07 885 0718 | M: 027 207 3988 | W:

Our VISION: Healthy people thriving in a safe, vibrant and sustainable


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