Request for Official Information from ACC's intranet "The Sauce"

David Lawson made this Official Information request to Accident Compensation Corporation

The request was successful.

From: David Lawson

Dear Accident Compensation Corporation,

On 29 January 2016, Government Services responded to Lee M via FYI and provided the PDF titled Combined policies optimised.pdf (which contained 26.0M Download View as HTML) this PDF document can be found at the following web address;

I would like to be provided with a complete copy of the information that is contained within the PDF, but note as Lee M did, that the quality of the information provided to Lee M in this PDF is extremely poor quality, which was pointed out by Lee M to Government Services.

In response to Lee M, the Government Services staff member who supplied the PDF titled Combined policies optimised.pdf referred to above made the following comments to Lee M:-

Dear Lee M

It is unfortunate that you find the documents difficult to read. ACC's intranet policies contain hyperlinks and diagrams that are made to be viewed onscreen. To reproduce our policies off the intranet, we are required to print and then scan them and it appears that some of the readability is lost with this process.

I have tried to 'optimise' the policies in the attached document but I am unsure if this has improved matters.

If this is still not suitable, as mentioned in previous correspondence, you can email us your physical address offline to [email address] and we will post the hardcopy documents to you.

I hope this is satisfactory.

Kind regards
Government Services

I note that the source of the information provided to Lee M, for which I am requesting a clearer and unblemished readable copy in full of the information be provided to me under the OIA Act, was from the ACC Intranet system "the sauce".

I am unsure why the Government Services staff member supplied such a poor quality copy in PDF format to Lee M, of the information that I am now also seeking, when information can be provided from ACC's intranet "the sauce" to the quality that was supplied to me from Government Services in the following response to one of my earlier requests;

In total there are 55 pages contained within the Combined policies optimised.pdf that was supplied to Lee M on the 29 January 2016. It would be appreciated if you could provide me with a complete copy of the same "the sauce" 55 ACC intranet pages in the same order as provided to Lee M, however in doing so supply me with his information in a significantly more readable format with quality no less than the previous quality PDF imaging supplied to me from the sauce as evidenced in the Government Services prior response to an earlier and separate request of mine as mentioned earlier which can be found at:-

Since the information provided to Lee M was on 29 January 2016, is of such poor quality, it is hard for me to read and therefore make use of the information. If the information had of been supplied to Lee M on 29 January 2016 in a readable format, then I would not have had to have made this additional request and could have made use of the clearer information under the public interest test straight away. For this reason, and in addition to the fact that the information requested is already easily accessible to government services, I would appreciate and welcome Government Services applying Urgency to my request.

Under s16(2) of the Official Information Act, my preferred way of receiving a response is by email to the address from which ACC received the original request, not by post".

I thank you for your time and assistance and look forward to receiving within the next 5 working days under urgency, the information requested in PDF format.

Yours faithfully,

David Lawson
116a Lynwood Road,
New Lynn

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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment 0047792 RESPONSE.pdf
516K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Lawson


Please find attached our response to your information request of 30 March



Government Services





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From: David Lawson

Dear Government Services,

I note receipt of your response.

Having already been supplied with several other documents by acc or through other ACC claimants FYI responses from ACC, this documentation is the only information that I have seen of such poor quality derived from the sauce, being ACC's intranet website.

I am unable to make sense of the diagrams and most of the text, and return to you welcoming your reconsideration of providing to all Accident Compensation Claimants, including myself via FYI an unblemished copy of the information that I have requested, second to Lee M. Given that the information for which you have admitted is "less than ideal", and that various other information responses supplied by ACC from the intranet site the sauce are completely blemish free….in fact all other information I have seen apart from this document have been replicated extremely well and unblemished, and the fact that I would like to be able to use copies of this information in review hearing proceedings, I request under Urgency that the information that I requested in the manner that I originally requested it on 30 March 2016, as being blemish free, is made available to myself via the FYI website within the next 3 working days.

This information is extremely relevant and salient to those claimants that are reliant on being able to gain access to their personal, health and official information, and therefore I am left rather perplexed with the lack of respect that you have shown Lee M, ACC claimants proceeding to reviews and appeals, including myself.

Since I am reliant on this information being of an acceptable quality for viewing and printing, and you have made a decision to not have had saved an unblemished copy of this requested information one is left wondering further whether the quality of the information provide to Lee M was in fact intentionally degraded prior to releasing through the FYI website, given that all other information that I have seen from alternative OIA requests derived from the sauce, have been of exceptional quality.

Of course it may just be that the person whom provided the poor quality version of this information to Lee M does not have the same experience and skills that the person for whom downloaded and responded via FYI with this information

I respectfully request that the person whom responded directly to this request:

follow through with my original request under a 3 working day urgency provision, and notify me via the FYI website.

Yours sincerely,

David Lawson

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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Dear Mr Lawson


Thank you for your email of 30 April 2016 requesting again that ACC
provide you with an unblemished copy of the document Combined policies
optimised.pdf as provided in a response to Lee M on 19 January 2016.

For the reasons set out in our response of 29 April 2016, we decline to
post a further copy of the material on the FYI website in response to your
request. As previously stated, we are however willing to offer you the
opportunity to inspect the electronic version of the relevant policies at
an ACC branch.

Please contact us at [1][email address] in order for us
arrange for you to inspect the electronic material.

Questions or concerns

If you have any further questions, contact us by email at
[2][email address].

You have the right to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman
regarding our decision. You can call them on 0800 802 602, 9am to 5pm
weekdays, or write to: The Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box 10 152,
Wellington 6143.



Yours sincerely

Government Services




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2. mailto:[email address]

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From: David Lawson

Dear Government Services,

I refer to your correspondence dated 12 May 2016.

As I am in the position that I require ongoing access to the information that I have requested, I would appreciate you arranging to provide me unblemished printed A4 copies of the information that I have requested by way of forwarding the information to me at my home address of 116A Lynwood Road, New Lynn, Auckland or if it is easier for government services, I can arrange to have the information picked up from ACC's Auckland Branch at 18 Sales Street.

Since there is not a substantial amount of information involved and there has already been a significant delay in the provision of this information by ACC's Government Services which I require for ongoing use, including for use in pending review hearings, I respectfully request that my current request is actioned under urgency within the next 5 working days.

I note that that M Lee was provided with this option in ACC's response to them at for which I have copied in the complete email for your quick reference below;

Attachment Combined policies optimised.pdf
26.0M Download View as HTML

Dear Lee M

It is unfortunate that you find the documents difficult to read. ACC's intranet policies contain hyperlinks and diagrams that are made to be viewed onscreen. To reproduce our policies off the intranet, we are required to print and then scan them and it appears that some of the readability is lost with this process.

I have tried to 'optimise' the policies in the attached document but I am unsure if this has improved matters.

If this is still not suitable, as mentioned in previous correspondence, you can email us your physical address offline to [email address] and we will post the hardcopy documents to you.

I hope this is satisfactory.

Kind regards
Government Services

To ensure that the readability is of premium quality and so can be used for pending legal purposes, I request that new copies are printed prior to being forwarded to my home address by courier which I have included in my request today. In the event that the information cannot be couriered and my requirement for this information within the next 7 days, please arrange for the information to be readied for collection at the Auckland ACC Branch situated at 18 Sale Street Auckland.

Thank you for your time and assistance and I look forward to hearing back from you shortly.

Yours sincerely,

David Lawson

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From: David Lawson

Dear Government Services,

I am writing to follow up my request dated 12 May 2016, to have a copy of the information requested forwarded to my home address being;

116A Lynwood Road,
New Lynn

or alternatively made available for my collection from the Auckland City Sails Street ACC branch. It would be appreciated if you could update me as to the progress of my request of 12 May 2016 and when I can reasonably expect this information to be available for my use.

Yours sincerely,

David Lawson

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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment RESPONSE.pdf
387K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Lawson


Please find attached ACC’s response to your request dated 12 May 2016.


Yours sincerely



Government Services


"This message and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged
information. If you believe you have received this email in error, please
advise us immediately by return email or telephone and then delete this
email together with all attachments. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are not authorised to use or copy this message or any
attachments or disclose the contents to any other person."

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Things to do with this request

Accident Compensation Corporation only: