Is New Zealand a stock?
Lance D. Lavery made this Official Information request to The Treasury
The request was successful.
From: Lance D. Lavery
Dear The Treasury,
Under the legislated rule of society which is given the force of
Law and is commonly referred to as the "Official Information Act
1982". I, require The Treasury to provide the following information...
1. The corporate nature, legal standing and registration details of...
I look forward to The Treasury providing me with their prompt and legally required response.
Yours faithfully,
Lance-Desmond: Lavery
(p.s. this is my correct title in its written form)
From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
The Treasury
Link: [1]File-List
Hi Lance-Desmond
A response is attached regarding your Official Information Act Request.
B Bell
Bronwyn Bell - Ministerial Coordinator - Ministerial Advisory Service
The Treasury - Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa
Tel: +64 4 917 6951 [email address]
The information in this email is confidential to the Treasury, intended
only for the addressee(s), and may also be legally privileged. If you are
not an intended addressee:
a. please immediately delete this email and notify the Treasury by return
email or telephone (64 4 472 2733);
b. any use, dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited
and may be unlawful.
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D1371C.3BC12260
From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
The Treasury
Link: [1]File-List
Hi Lance-Desmond
A response is attached regarding your Official Information Act Request.
B Bell
Bronwyn Bell - Ministerial Coordinator - Ministerial Advisory Service
The Treasury - Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa
Tel: +64 4 917 6951 [email address]
The information in this email is confidential to the Treasury, intended
only for the addressee(s), and may also be legally privileged. If you are
not an intended addressee:
a. please immediately delete this email and notify the Treasury by return
email or telephone (64 4 472 2733);
b. any use, dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited
and may be unlawful.
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D13811.B4D89F70
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Lance D. Lavery left an annotation ()
I have sent an email to The Treasury in order to clarify my eligibility under the O.I.A 1982. Here is a copy of my email with personal address and date of birth details excluded...
Official Information Act Request.
to information
To whom it may concern.
These details are provided solely to confirm my eligibility under the Official Information Act s12(1). Do not use these details for any correspondence or clarification about the request. For the purposes of OIA s16(2) my preferred way of receiving information is by email reply to the address from which you received the request. If you send correspondence to my private address you will be asked to re-send it to the email address, where it may still be published.
Lance-Desmond: Lavery
New Zealand
Kind Regards
Lance-Desmond: Lavery.
- ALL Crown agents are hereby required to ACT according to their sworn Oaths at ALL times and also uphold and understand the Common LAW - ANY implied aurhority over the person LANCE LAVERY is hereby revoked - Without Prejudice - All Rights Reserved -
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