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Mitigating the David Seymour biosecurity threat

Ali Ahmed made this Official Information request to Ministry for Primary Industries

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Ali Ahmed to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Ali Ahmed

Dear Ministry for Primary Industries,

According to recent reporting, the so-called 'School Lunch Collective' that David Seymour has contracted to supply students in a deprived socio-economic condition with 'meals' filled with flies and other vermin, is now importing those 'meals' from Australia. While the insects supplied to students by Seymour's collaborators have so far been native, or invasive species already common in NZ, there are many species of pests common in Australia like the Queensland fruit fly and the various species of Carpophilus beetle that could potentially cause severe damage to our ecosystem and agricultural industry if introduced here.

As such, what precautions are being taken by MPI to ensure that the insects in the 'meals' imported by Seymour's contractors at the 'School Lunch Collective'/Compass from Australia are not from invasive species that have not yet been introduced to New Zealand, and that where they are they are at least dead? Specifically, what requirements should be applied about inspection of 'meals' to assess which pests are present, and their refrigeration, and are they being enforced by MPI personnel, or is this being left up to Compass and their subcontractors, who have a documented record of not complying with law and contract conditions?

Ali Ahmed

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From: Official Information Act
Ministry for Primary Industries

Kia ora Ali,

Thank you for your official information request received on 15 March 2025.

Your request below will be considered, and a decision provided in accordance with the requirements of the Official Information Act 1982.

If you have any questions regarding this request, please email [email address]

Ngâ mihi,

Official Information Act Team
Government Services | Public Affairs
Ministry for Primary Industries – Manatû Ahu Matua
Charles Fergusson Building, 38-42 Bowen Street | PO Box 2526 | Wellington 6140 | New Zealand
Web: www.mpi.govt.nz

-----Original Message-----
From: Ali Ahmed <[FOI #30427 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 15 March 2025 11:57 am
To: Official Information Act <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Mitigating the David Seymour biosecurity threat

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Dear Ministry for Primary Industries,

According to recent reporting, the so-called 'School Lunch Collective' that David Seymour has contracted to supply students in a deprived socio-economic condition with 'meals' filled with flies and other vermin, is now importing those 'meals' from Australia. While the insects supplied to students by Seymour's collaborators have so far been native, or invasive species already common in NZ, there are many species of pests common in Australia like the Queensland fruit fly and the various species of Carpophilus beetle that could potentially cause severe damage to our ecosystem and agricultural industry if introduced here.

As such, what precautions are being taken by MPI to ensure that the insects in the 'meals' imported by Seymour's contractors at the 'School Lunch Collective'/Compass from Australia are not from invasive species that have not yet been introduced to New Zealand, and that where they are they are at least dead? Specifically, what requirements should be applied about inspection of 'meals' to assess which pests are present, and their refrigeration, and are they being enforced by MPI personnel, or is this being left up to Compass and their subcontractors, who have a documented record of not complying with law and contract conditions?

Ali Ahmed


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ali Ahmed please sign in and let everyone know.

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