Request for Clarification on Digital and Data Team Structure and Salaries
Mitchell Greenwood made this Official Information request to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Mitchell Greenwood to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Mitchell Greenwood
Dear Melissa,
Thank you for your response to my previous Official Information Act (OIA) request regarding NZTE’s Digital and Data structure (28 October). As a citizen with an interest in ensuring efficient use of public resources, I have a few follow-up questions to better understand the rationale behind the current team structure and associated expenditures.
*General Manager (GM) Role Clarification*
-- Could you please provide a copy or summary of the digital strategy developed or overseen by the General Manager (GM)? This would help in understanding the scope and strategic direction of this role.
*Leadership Team Compensation and Structure*
According to information provided (Salary Band request dated 14 January 2025 by Luke John, OIA), four senior leadership positions (GM, CTO, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, and Director Digital Products) collectively earn approximately $1,200,000 annually, overseeing a team of around 58 FTE staff.
-- Over the past three months, could you confirm how frequently these senior leaders have held team meetings and agendas and summaries of meeting purposes and outcomes.
-- Given NZTE's primary role as a facilitator of connections rather than a provider of complex digital products, could you clarify what specific complex digital services or products justify this level of senior leadership compensation?
* Clarification on CTO Direct Reports*
There appears to be a discrepancy between the CTO job description (10-13 direct reports, team of up to 55) and the current organisational chart (3 direct reports, team of approximately 40, with some noted duplicates).
-- Please provide the job descriptions for the Chief Data and Analytics Officer and the Director Digital Products.
* Impact of Invest NZ Separation*: Given the anticipated separation of Invest NZ from NZTE, reductions in the digital team would seem likely.
-- Please provide details of the work NZTE has been doing for the Investment Team. A high level summary is sufficient.
-- With regards to your current (and future?!) manager to employee ratio numbers, are you referencing industry best practice and if so please share the guidelines or benchmarks that were followed.
*Multiple Leadership Positions Justification*: Many comparable government agencies manage larger and more complex digital operations with fewer senior leadership positions.
-- Could you explain why NZTE requires multiple senior leadership roles to manage its digital operations, rather than a single Chief Information or Digital Officer overseeing these functions?
Thank you very much for your attention to these questions. I appreciate your efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in the management of public resources and look forward to your detailed response.
Kind regards,
From: Ministerials
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Kia ora Mitchell,
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 request (the Act) to NZTE, received 10 March 2025 requesting:
Thank you for your response to my previous Official Information Act (OIA) request regarding NZTE’s Digital and Data structure (28 October). As a citizen with an interest in ensuring efficient use of public resources, I have a few follow-up questions to better understand the rationale behind the current team structure and associated expenditures.
*General Manager (GM) Role Clarification*
-- Could you please provide a copy or summary of the digital strategy developed or overseen by the General Manager (GM)? This would help in understanding the scope and strategic direction of this role.
*Leadership Team Compensation and Structure* According to information provided (Salary Band request dated 14 January 2025 by Luke John, OIA), four senior leadership positions (GM, CTO, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, and Director Digital Products) collectively earn approximately $1,200,000 annually, overseeing a team of around 58 FTE staff.
-- Over the past three months, could you confirm how frequently these senior leaders have held team meetings and agendas and summaries of meeting purposes and outcomes.
-- Given NZTE's primary role as a facilitator of connections rather than a provider of complex digital products, could you clarify what specific complex digital services or products justify this level of senior leadership compensation?
* Clarification on CTO Direct Reports*
There appears to be a discrepancy between the CTO job description (10-13 direct reports, team of up to 55) and the current organisational chart (3 direct reports, team of approximately 40, with some noted duplicates).
-- Please provide the job descriptions for the Chief Data and Analytics Officer and the Director Digital Products.
* Impact of Invest NZ Separation*: Given the anticipated separation of Invest NZ from NZTE, reductions in the digital team would seem likely.
-- Please provide details of the work NZTE has been doing for the Investment Team. A high level summary is sufficient.
-- With regards to your current (and future?!) manager to employee ratio numbers, are you referencing industry best practice and if so please share the guidelines or benchmarks that were followed.
*Multiple Leadership Positions Justification*: Many comparable government agencies manage larger and more complex digital operations with fewer senior leadership positions.
-- Could you explain why NZTE requires multiple senior leadership roles to manage its digital operations, rather than a single Chief Information or Digital Officer overseeing these functions?
In accordance with the Act, NZTE will make a decision on your request as soon as reasonably practicable and within 20 working days of 10 March 2025. The latest date for a decision on your request is 7 April 2025.
Kind regards
-----Original Message-----
From: Mitchell Greenwood <[FOI #30355 email]>
Sent: Sunday, 9 March 2025 7:48 pm
To: Ministerials <[NZTE request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Request for Clarification on Digital and Data Team Structure and Salaries
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Dear Melissa,
Thank you for your response to my previous Official Information Act (OIA) request regarding NZTE’s Digital and Data structure (28 October). As a citizen with an interest in ensuring efficient use of public resources, I have a few follow-up questions to better understand the rationale behind the current team structure and associated expenditures.
*General Manager (GM) Role Clarification*
-- Could you please provide a copy or summary of the digital strategy developed or overseen by the General Manager (GM)? This would help in understanding the scope and strategic direction of this role.
*Leadership Team Compensation and Structure* According to information provided (Salary Band request dated 14 January 2025 by Luke John, OIA), four senior leadership positions (GM, CTO, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, and Director Digital Products) collectively earn approximately $1,200,000 annually, overseeing a team of around 58 FTE staff.
-- Over the past three months, could you confirm how frequently these senior leaders have held team meetings and agendas and summaries of meeting purposes and outcomes.
-- Given NZTE's primary role as a facilitator of connections rather than a provider of complex digital products, could you clarify what specific complex digital services or products justify this level of senior leadership compensation?
* Clarification on CTO Direct Reports*
There appears to be a discrepancy between the CTO job description (10-13 direct reports, team of up to 55) and the current organisational chart (3 direct reports, team of approximately 40, with some noted duplicates).
-- Please provide the job descriptions for the Chief Data and Analytics Officer and the Director Digital Products.
* Impact of Invest NZ Separation*: Given the anticipated separation of Invest NZ from NZTE, reductions in the digital team would seem likely.
-- Please provide details of the work NZTE has been doing for the Investment Team. A high level summary is sufficient.
-- With regards to your current (and future?!) manager to employee ratio numbers, are you referencing industry best practice and if so please share the guidelines or benchmarks that were followed.
*Multiple Leadership Positions Justification*: Many comparable government agencies manage larger and more complex digital operations with fewer senior leadership positions.
-- Could you explain why NZTE requires multiple senior leadership roles to manage its digital operations, rather than a single Chief Information or Digital Officer overseeing these functions?
Thank you very much for your attention to these questions. I appreciate your efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in the management of public resources and look forward to your detailed response.
Kind regards,
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