Development Contributions Ocean Grove/Tomahawk

Pauline made this Official Information request to Dunedin City Council

Currently waiting for a response from Dunedin City Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Pauline

Dear Dunedin City Council,
Can you please provide:
1. Sub-division Development Contribution amounts paid to DCC by:
4Amigos - Sunset Terrace
Willowridge Development - Ocean Heights
2. The monies from these two sub-division Development Contributions spent within Ocean Grove/Tomahawk for any expenditure as a direct result of these sub-divisions. Note, not already planned expenditure.
My interest in this relates to understanding the future proofing DCC has done for the additional 68 homes within these sub-divisions, which is approximately a 1/3 increase in the community. For example has any specific additional monies been allocated for the future development of reserves/playgrounds.

Yours faithfully,


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Things to do with this request

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