We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Tracy Clark please sign in and let everyone know.

Harrison-Hunt claim of Treaty Partnership with CCC - information please.

Tracy Clark made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Council

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Tracy Clark to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Tracy Clark

Dear Christchurch City Council,

In a recent media release about CCC celebrating 175th anniversary of Christchurch it stated:

"Despite the poll, Harrison-Hunt said the city council and Ngāi Tahu being treaty partners meant the anniversary should require rūnanga support to proceed rather than just general public opinion.";

1. Could the CCC release all information about the treaty partnership between itself and Ngai Tahu. - I take it this means the 'Treaty of Waitangi' and the partnership forged between the CCC and Ngai Tahu circa 1840 - however if the CCC have become treaty partners since then, I would be interested in all documentation that justifies that position by Councilor Harrison-Hunt.

2. Could the CCC release all information about how it now requires Runanga support to justify events in the city rather than working for the people of Christchurch who are the ratepayers and pay them?

Yours faithfully,

Tracy Clark

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From: Official Information
Christchurch City Council

Attachment Te Hononga Council Papatipu Runanga Committee Terms of Reference.pdf
469K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Tracy,

We appreciate you taking the time to contact us.  Before answering your
questions, we need to clarify a point.  The quote you referenced is not
part of a media release.  It was included in an article by an external
media outlet.  Councillor Harrison-Hunt is permitted to express his
opinion as a democratically elected Councillor.  However, it does not mean
that it will always align with those of Christchurch City Council.  The
partnership between Christchurch City Council and Papatipu Rûnanga are
clearly illustrated in the Te Hononga Council – Papatipu Rûnanga Committee
Terms of Reference.

In answer to your questions:

Question.1 Councillor Harrison-Hunt’s reference to partnership with Ngâi
Tahu does refer to the Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  However, it would not have
been possible for Christchurch City Council to forge a partnership with
Ngâi Tahu at that time, as it was not established until 1862. 
Christchurch City Council formed the Te Hononga Council – Papatipu Rûnanga
Committee in 2015.  See the attached Terms of Reference to learn more
about the committee.  All the agendas and minutes for the meetings are
also accessible on our website at

We have no internal documents or policy to justify the position expressed
by Councillor Harrison-Hunt.  


Question 2. Christchurch City Council does not require the support from
Papatipu Rûnanga for all events in the city.  We only work in partnership
in areas of mutual interest, such as:

o Protecting and enhancing water quality.
o Protecting Mâori Reserve Land.
o Safeguarding the interests of future generations. 

Further detail can be found in the attached document.

We hope that this answer provides you with a clearer understanding about
Christchurch City Council’s partnership with Papatipu Rûnanga.

You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[2]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.


Ngâ mihi,


Sean Rainey
Manager Official Information and Privacy Officer
Official Information Team

Te Ratonga Ture me te Manapori - Legal & Democratic Services

Christchurch City Council




-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy Clark <[3][FOI #30156 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 20 February 2025 2:03 pm
To: Official Information <[4][email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Harrison-Hunt claim of Treaty
Partnership with CCC - information please.

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Dear Christchurch City Council,

In a recent media release about CCC celebrating 175th anniversary of
Christchurch it stated:

"Despite the poll, Harrison-Hunt said the city council and Ngâi Tahu being
treaty partners meant the anniversary should require rûnanga support to
proceed rather than just general public opinion.";

1. Could the CCC release all information about the treaty partnership
between itself and Ngai Tahu. - I take it this means the 'Treaty of
Waitangi' and the partnership forged between the CCC and Ngai Tahu circa
1840 - however if the CCC have become treaty partners since then, I would
be interested in all documentation that justifies that position by
Councilor Harrison-Hunt.

2. Could the CCC release all information about how it now requires Runanga
support to justify events in the city rather than working for the people
of Christchurch who are the ratepayers and pay them?

Yours faithfully,

Tracy Clark


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From: Tracy Clark

Dear Official Information,

Although Councillor Harrison-Hunt is permitted to express his opinion - he is clearly uninformed about Christchurch and his position in the CCC means that making statements that are clearly bringing the CCC into disrepute. It may be necessary to make sure that Councillor Harrison-Hunt is better schooled in the interaction between Christchurch and its people and history then he is.

Your statement "Christchurch City Council does not require the support from
Papatipu Rûnanga for all events in the city." - maybe you should inform Councillor Harrison-Hunt before he makes ludicrous statements in the press.

Yours sincerely,

Tracy Clark

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Tracy Clark please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

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