All communications including legal advice/internal communications: Whangarei Pistol Club Abatement

Bob Jones made this Official Information request to Whangarei District Council

Currently waiting for a response from Whangarei District Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Bob Jones

Dear Whangarei District Council,

I am writing to request all information around the abatement notice issued to Whangarei Pistol Club on the 3/12/2024.

This should cover all communications internally/externally and including legal advice the council sought

Furthermore this should cover all information that was discovered during the investigation leading upto the abatement notice being issued and any full disclosure of any other subsequent investigations and information spurred by the abatement notice up until the date of this OIA request

Yours faithfully,

Bob Jones

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Whangarei District Council

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Tēnā koe,

Thank you for contacting us. Your request has been logged under the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible and in any case no
later than within 20 working days.  

You can also call us freephone 0800 932 463. Please quote Request No.
OIA251543 if you require any further information.

If you would like to notify us about anything further regarding this
matter, you can reply to this email.

Ngā mihi,

Whangarei District Council



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Things to do with this request

Whangarei District Council only: