We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ronald Frey please sign in and let everyone know.

RMO Office/NRA Staffing, Budget, and Locum Bureau Responsibilities in Auckland Region

Ronald Frey made this Official Information request to Health New Zealand

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Ronald Frey to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Ronald Frey

Dear Health New Zealand,

I am submitting an Official Information request for information regarding the Resident Medical Officer (RMO) offices and the Northern Regional Alliance (NRA) in the greater Auckland region.

A. RMO Office/NRA Staffing, Structure, and Budget
1. Staffing Breakdown:
- The total number of staff employed in RMO offices/NRA across the greater Auckland region.
- A breakdown of staff roles, including position titles, job descriptions, and whether these roles are full-time, part-time, or contracted.
- The minimum and preferred qualifications required for each role, including any mandatory training or experience.

2. Budget and Funding:
- The total annual budget allocated to the RMO office/NRA, including a detailed breakdown of expenditure by category (e.g., salaries, operational costs, administration, recruitment, and external contracts).
- Any funding received from external sources, including Te Whatu Ora, DHBs, or private entities.
- A breakdown of how funds are allocated across different hospitals within the Auckland region.

3. Staff Training and Employment Conditions:
- Are RMO office/NRA staff required to undergo training on NZRDA SECA and STONZ SECA agreements?
- If so, what training is provided, how often, and who delivers it?
- Are RMO office staff members part of any collective employment agreements, or are they employed under individual contracts?
- How much annual leave is typically taken by RMO office staff per year?
- What financial compensation, allowances, or other benefits are provided to RMO office staff for:
- - Overtime work
- - Additional responsibilities
- - Managing urgent or unplanned workforce shortages

B. Relationship Between RMO Office/NRA and Locum Bureau
4. Division of Responsibilities:
- Where does the responsibility of the locum bureau begin, and where does the responsibility of the RMO office/NRA end?
- Are there any formal agreements, policies, or memoranda of understanding that outline the division of responsibilities?
- What specific functions are performed by each (e.g., shift allocation, vacancy tracking, financial approvals, payroll processing)?

5. Shift Allocation and Commission:
- Does the locum bureau receive any commission, bonuses, or other financial incentives for filling vacant shifts?
- If so, how is this structured (e.g., per shift, percentage-based, performance-based)?
- What criteria are used to determine whether a shift is advertised through the locum bureau or managed internally by the RMO office/NRA?

6. Transparency and Fair Access to Shifts:
- What steps are taken to ensure fair access to locum shifts for RMOs?
- Are there any priority systems or ranking mechanisms for allocating shifts?
- Are there audit processes in place to ensure locum shifts are allocated fairly and equitably?
- How does the RMO office/NRA track unfilled shifts, and what actions are taken when a shift remains vacant?

C. Senior Management Intelligence & Decision-Making
7. Data Collection and Reporting:
- What data and reports does the RMO office/NRA collect on RMO staffing, rostering, vacancies, and workforce conditions?
- How frequently is this data reported to senior management, and in what format?
- What key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to assess RMO staffing and shift coverage?
- Are historical trends and patterns in RMO workforce shortages analysed and used for workforce planning?

8. Accuracy of Workforce Intelligence:
- What mechanisms are in place to ensure that the intelligence provided to senior management accurately reflects conditions on the ground?
- Are there regular audits or cross-checks between RMO workforce reports and actual shift coverage data?
- How does the RMO office/NRA collect feedback from RMOs on the accuracy of workforce reports?

C. Complaints and Dispute Resolution
9. Handling of Complaints:
- What is the process for handling complaints related to:
- - RMO staffing and workforce shortages
- - Shift allocations and rostering disputes
- - RMO office/NRA decision-making processes
- How many formal complaints have been received in the last three years regarding:
- - Shift allocations
- - Locum shift availability
- - RMO workforce conditions

10. Resolution Process:
- What is the average timeframe for resolving complaints related to workforce planning and shift allocation?
- What escalation pathways exist for RMOs if they are dissatisfied with the handling of a complaint?
- What steps are taken to address systemic issues identified through complaints?

E. Leave, Compensation, and Workforce Trends
11. Leave and Absences:
- How much annual leave, sick leave, and unpaid leave has been taken by RMO office/NRA staff in the past three years?
- Has there been an increase or decrease in annual leave uptake over this period?

12. Workforce Stability and Staff Turnover:
- What has been the turnover rate for RMO office/NRA staff in the past three years?
- Are exit interviews conducted for departing staff, and if so, what are the common reasons cited for leaving?

13. Impact of Staffing Shortages:
- How does the RMO office/NRA handle situations where key administrative roles are vacant?
- Have there been instances where staff shortages within the RMO office/NRA have impacted shift allocations or rostering decisions?

I would appreciate receiving this information in an accessible and structured format. If any part of this request requires clarification or is likely to be refused under the OIA, please let me know as soon as possible so I can refine my request accordingly.

I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Ronald Frey

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From: hnzOIA

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65K Download

Tēnā koe, 


Thank you for contacting Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora. This is an automatic
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nature of your request you may not receive a response for up to 20 working
days.  We will try to respond to your query as quickly as possible.



Ngā mihi


Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora

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Visible links
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From: hnzOIA

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Attachment Appendix One OIA HNZ00078686 RMO Offices and NRA February 2025 28Feb2025.pdf
210K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Ronald

Sincere apologies for the delay in our response to your request for
official information, received on 7 February for: 

 ”Information regarding the Resident Medical Officer (RMO) offices and the
Northern Regional Alliance (NRA) in the greater Auckland region. 

A. RMO Office/NRA Staffing, Structure, and Budget
1. Staffing Breakdown:
- The total number of staff employed in RMO offices/NRA across the greater
Auckland region.
- A breakdown of staff roles, including position titles, job descriptions,
and whether these roles are full-time, part-time, or contracted.
- The minimum and preferred qualifications required for each role,
including any mandatory training or experience.

2. Budget and Funding:
- The total annual budget allocated to the RMO office/NRA, including a
detailed breakdown of expenditure by category (e.g., salaries, operational
costs, administration, recruitment, and external contracts).
- Any funding received from external sources, including Te Whatu Ora,
DHBs, or private entities.
- A breakdown of how funds are allocated across different hospitals within
the Auckland region.

3. Staff Training and Employment Conditions:
- Are RMO office/NRA staff required to undergo training on NZRDA SECA and
STONZ SECA agreements?
- If so, what training is provided, how often, and who delivers it?
- Are RMO office staff members part of any collective employment
agreements, or are they employed under individual contracts?
- How much annual leave is typically taken by RMO office staff per year?
- What financial compensation, allowances, or other benefits are provided
to RMO office staff for:
- - Overtime work
- - Additional responsibilities
- - Managing urgent or unplanned workforce shortages

B. Relationship Between RMO Office/NRA and Locum Bureau
4. Division of Responsibilities:
- Where does the responsibility of the locum bureau begin, and where does
the responsibility of the RMO office/NRA end?
- Are there any formal agreements, policies, or memoranda of understanding
that outline the division of responsibilities?
- What specific functions are performed by each (e.g., shift allocation,
vacancy tracking, financial approvals, payroll processing)?

5. Shift Allocation and Commission:
- Does the locum bureau receive any commission, bonuses, or other
financial incentives for filling vacant shifts?
- If so, how is this structured (e.g., per shift, percentage-based,
- What criteria are used to determine whether a shift is advertised
through the locum bureau or managed internally by the RMO office/NRA?

6. Transparency and Fair Access to Shifts:
- What steps are taken to ensure fair access to locum shifts for RMOs?
- Are there any priority systems or ranking mechanisms for allocating
- Are there audit processes in place to ensure locum shifts are allocated
fairly and equitably?
- How does the RMO office/NRA track unfilled shifts, and what actions are
taken when a shift remains vacant?

C. Senior Management Intelligence & Decision-Making
7. Data Collection and Reporting:
- What data and reports does the RMO office/NRA collect on RMO staffing,
rostering, vacancies, and workforce conditions?
- How frequently is this data reported to senior management, and in what
- What key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to assess RMO staffing
and shift coverage?
- Are historical trends and patterns in RMO workforce shortages analysed
and used for workforce planning?

8. Accuracy of Workforce Intelligence:
- What mechanisms are in place to ensure that the intelligence provided to
senior management accurately reflects conditions on the ground?
- Are there regular audits or cross-checks between RMO workforce reports
and actual shift coverage data?
- How does the RMO office/NRA collect feedback from RMOs on the accuracy
of workforce reports?

C. Complaints and Dispute Resolution
9. Handling of Complaints:
- What is the process for handling complaints related to:
- - RMO staffing and workforce shortages
- - Shift allocations and rostering disputes
- - RMO office/NRA decision-making processes
- How many formal complaints have been received in the last three years
- - Shift allocations
- - Locum shift availability
- - RMO workforce conditions

10. Resolution Process:
- What is the average timeframe for resolving complaints related to
workforce planning and shift allocation?
- What escalation pathways exist for RMOs if they are dissatisfied with
the handling of a complaint?
- What steps are taken to address systemic issues identified through

E. Leave, Compensation, and Workforce Trends
11. Leave and Absences:
- How much annual leave, sick leave, and unpaid leave has been taken by
RMO office/NRA staff in the past three years?
- Has there been an increase or decrease in annual leave uptake over this

12. Workforce Stability and Staff Turnover:
- What has been the turnover rate for RMO office/NRA staff in the past
three years?
- Are exit interviews conducted for departing staff, and if so, what are
the common reasons cited for leaving?

13. Impact of Staffing Shortages:
- How does the RMO office/NRA handle situations where key administrative
roles are vacant?
- Have there been instances where staff shortages within the RMO
office/NRA have impacted shift allocations or rostering decisions?"


We have been actively working on providing this information, but it has
become clear that we can’t proceed without refinement. In order to assist
us to provide you with the information requested, could you please clarify
the information you are seeking? 


We understand the OIA questions to be written in a manner that may allude
to services not delivered by Health NZ, but a contracted third party. We
have provided information on how these services are structured to
understand if the scope of OIA could be narrowed attached as Appendix One.

Would you also be willing to refine the timeframe for the request to 1
July 2022 to present? 


We appreciate you are under no obligation to amend your request, but
requests that require substantial collation may be refused under section
18(f) of the OIA. We want to work with you to avoid this and ensure we are
able to provide a response that best meets your needs.


As such, we would appreciate it if you reviewed your previous requests in
light of the information we have provided in Appendix One. 

Please let us know:

o If you want to refine your request, and 
o which of your previous requests, or parts therein, you would still
like information on.

We look forward to receiving your response. 

Ngā mihi


Senior Advisor (OIA) Government Services 

Office of the Chief Executive
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora



show quoted sections

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From: Ronald Frey

Dear Morgan,

I am agreeable to refining the timeframe for my request to data from 1 July 2022 to present.

For each of my original questions, could you please clarify what specifically is unclear and why you require further clarification? I would appreciate it if you could outline what you currently understand each question to mean in your own words. This will help me better understand where adjustments or refinements may be necessary.

I would be grateful if you could provide a clear justification and explanation as to why my request may be refused under section 18(f) of the OIA due to substantial collation. Understanding the specific challenges you anticipate will help me adjust my request accordingly to ensure it remains manageable.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,
Ronald Frey

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ronald Frey please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Health New Zealand only: